Are You Trying To Kill Me?

It wasn't even long after Zi Mei entered the kitchen was the main door opened and a young man stepped into the living room. The house keeper and a few guards scuttled in behind him with his luggage in their hands.

Yan Shu's attention left the cell phone in his hand and looked in their direction. He was so surprised that he immediately called out, "Ah Jing, you're home."

He placed the phone back on the table and looked at his wristwatch. "I was just about to call the driver to pick you up." Then, he gave Yan Jing a doubtful look. "It's not even ten thirty yet. Why are you so early?"

"My flight was brought forward by one hour," Yan Jing replied, walking to take a seat on the sofa.

When the house keeper saw this, he immediately led the guards to put his luggage in his room, thereby giving them privacy.

But the father and son didn't really have much to talk about.

Yan Jing looked around the room and his brows furrowed. One could see from the expression on his handsome face that he was worried about something.

Why were his parents staying at Sis Wan's place?

But, he didn't ask.

He merely looked at his father with a calm gaze and asked, "Where is mom?"

Yan Shu had already reverted his attention back to the TV and he merely pointed to the direction of the kitchen, obviously not intending to bother with him.

"Then, I'll go to her first." Yan Jing replied and walked into the kitchen.

He saw his mother standing by the cabinet making a mug of tea. She leaned on the wooden cabinet casually, turning the tea with a teaspoon.

She was putting on a midi simple pleated gown but from the fabric, Yan Jing knew it was expensive and most likely, a limited edition.

Where did she get money to buy such clothes?

She looked very relaxed and experienced… not like a guest at all.

A sudden thought made him narrow his eyes but he didn't immediately voice out his suspicions.

While he was still in thought, Zi Mei suddenly turned, noticing his presence and smiled widely when she saw that it was him.

"Ah Jing. My son…"

The suspicion in Yan Jing's eyes immediately disappeared when he saw the love and affection in her eyes.

His lips curled and he approached her with his arms wide open, encircling her in a hug. "I'm home, Mom."

"How are you? How was your journey?" Zi Mei asked, pulling herself away from the hug and looked him over with an apprehensive gaze that showed she was worried that he was hurt. "Hope there was no problem at school?"

Yan Jing shook his head. "No."

Then, he held her by the waist and looked at the tea mug. The tea flakes was already beginning to dissolve and the fragrance was spreading.

"This is good tea." Yan Jing commented, sniffing the fragrance lightly. "Where did you get it?"

Zi Mei smiled obviously happy to share her rewards with him. Her voice was even laced with excitement that was absent when she was telling her husband.

"You don't know, your mother is very impressive. Those snobbish women at the teahouse like to look down on people. But they didn't expect me to be good at playing Mahjong. I deliberately pretended not to know how and got them to bet with me. So, this is one of my rewards from the bet."

She said, pointing at the tea. "Isn't your mother very impressive?"

Yan Jing smiled and replied, "Yes, you are very impressive."

But inwardly, he felt as though his heart was being pricked by countless needles.

The thought that this woman who loved him so much might be part of a deception made him feel endless sorrow. He immensely hoped that his suspicions were wrong.

The duo left the kitchen with him carrying the tray of sugar and milk behind her. He placed the tray on the table and looked at his father. "Dad, how's Sis Wan? You didn't give me the full details of her illness."

Yan Shu was about to drink the tea when he asked and his grip on the teacup shook, causing the cup to almost shatter. The tea even splattered onto his hand, scalding it lightly.

But, he wasn't concentrated on the pain and he looked at Yan Jing darkly. He spat, "Are you trying to kill me?"

His gaze was so dark and vicious that Yan Jing couldn't help but take a step back from shock. His hand shook and it was clear that he was visibly affected.

After all no matter how mature the young man seemed, he was still only 17.

Zi Mei instantly panicked when she saw how he looked at her son. She instantly stood in front of Yan Jing, shielding him from his father's line of sight and tried to calm him down.

She immediately grabbed a tissue and cleaned the tea stains on Yan Shu's sleeves. "Don't be angry. He's just been insensible."

Yan Shu snorted at her words but he didn't say a word and immediately retracted his gaze.

He wasn't really mad. But, he wanted Yan Jing to drop the matter and stop asking about Tang Wan. It was also a way of avoiding his question.

Yan Jing had also recovered from his initial shock. He could see through his father's ploy and the sinking feeling in the bottom of his stomach deepened.

But, he didn't say anymore. He turned to Zi Mei and asked, "Mom, what's there for lunch. I'm hungry. I didn't even eat breakfast."

Zi Mei instantly stood upright as she berated him. "You didn't eat breakfast? Why? Yan Jing, are you trying to injure your stomach?"

"Mom, don't worry. I was just not hungry." He replied before beaming. "Moreover, my mom is such a good cook. I have to keep enough space in my stomach to eat a lot."

Zi Mei's lips instantly raised at his words but she pretended not to care. "Don't try to sweet talk your way out of this." But, she was already walking to the kitchen to prepare his food.

Yan Jing also grabbed his backpack which he had placed on the floor when he arrived and made his way up the stairs to his room.

While Yan Shu was left looking at the duo with a frown. He felt as though his wife loved his son even more than him. But, he wasn't really concerned.

As long as Yan Jing stopped mentioning that wretched girl of the Tang family, everything else was fine.