Chapter Eleven: Romance Within Our Workplace

Eveline's POV

I slept quite well in Axel's car. For whatever reason, I felt more calm and relaxed and my surroundings tranquil. It was as if all the noise in the world paused just so that I could have a good rest. However for the real reason as to why I rested better in the car? I am unsure.

Coincidentally, I became conscious just before Axel had parked his car and shook my shoulder slightly to wake me up. We were in the carpark just below Draven's Corporation.

Due to my sleeping posture, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. To ease the pain, I twist my head and stretched my arms while taking in a big breath. That felt much better.

Axel had already gotten out of the car once he discovered my body was awake. He looked impatient as I took my own sweet time to slip out of the car. And when I finally did, he wasted no time quickly locking his vehicle. A slight buzz emitted his car keys, signaling that the vehicle was locked.

"Let's go," Axel tucked his hands into his pockets and strolled towards the lift at the center of the carpark.

The surroundings were eerie and reeked of the presence of superstitious creatures. The lights above flickered, turning on and off vigorously, sending chills down my spine. I shivered and rushed towards Axel, trailing behind him like a lost puppy.

We stopped in front of the lift and I waited as Axel pressed one of the buttons shown on the panel. We both stood in awkward silence as we waited for the lift doors to open. My eyes darted above, not willing to look forward and at Axel's back in fear that I might end up paralyzed while my eyes traced his backbones. Finally, my eyes had settled down on a dark green colored trash can that was situated in front of a pillar that supported the carpark. I kept staring and staring at the trash can as if it was the most interesting I had ever seen. However honestly, if you asked me to choose between Axel's perfect backbones or that rusty trash can, I can instantly answer you with an "Axel's back any day." I understand, I should stop this behavior.

I shifted my body and allowed my daring eyes to take a sneak peek at Axel's face. What a magnificent face he had. Too bad his nearly-dead personality did not match up with his appearance. It's like what others always say "Never judge a book by its cover."

Each lift door slid to its designated side, revealing a space inside. Axel and I stepped in, turning our bodies such that we were facing the lift doors. I clutched my purse tightly, fiddling with the purse chain by twisting the flat string between my thumb and index number while keeping my eyes fixated on the floor.

The lift reached level five, where my desk is. The doors opened and I could see the hustling and bustling of the workplace as every employee frantically scurried around in an attempt to finish the multiple tasks they had on their hands. Typical behavior to be seen here considering the amount of workload assigned to each individual.

I was about to make my way towards my desk when Axel grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, attracting the attention of almost every employee that was present. Surprise and shock were visible on every single individual's face, it was like a disease that spread to those who were around. Their reactions were expected, I mean, who would have thought that they would be able to see the day when the cold CEO Mr. Draven Axel himself would willingly touch a woman, the very gender he seemed to be prejudiced against. People gathered around to watch the grand act of this decade fold before them while trying to see the woman who had finally gotten their heartless boss to break out of his shell. To be frank, I would join the crowd if I was not this very girl that is in the center of attention.

Axel, on the other hand, did not seem to be affected in any way by the large crowd. It was as if the crowd did not exist in his eyes! He turned to me and said, loud enough for others to hear, "From today onwards, you will be working for me. That means you will move all of your things to your new designated desk, which will be located near the mine. This is so that I can monitor your movements and also to keep your pesky ex away from you. Who knows what he will do to you when I'm not around? Understand my love? Good, now get packing." He spoke with such a gentle and soft voice, which is very unlike him while caressing my cheeks with utmost care and precaution. A small smile flashed before my eyes before the male leaned in to give me a small peck on my forehead before retreating, a smirk of victory on his face, before walking away from both me and the crowd.

The crowd was extremely quiet as everyone processed what they had seen before erupting into utter chaos. Personal questions were asked in an instant as my coworkers all got closer, which was not helping me with my lack of personal space, as they demanded they attain the answers they oh-so desired. I thought that I might suffocate to death being suppressed by living humans.

"Excuse me, everyone! Sorry, but can all of you please step back and let me explain?" That damn CEO, leaving me to deal with all the gossip and rumors that will surface due to what he had done. Thankfully, my coworkers all stepped back, giving me personal space. I took a deep breath and began to give them an explanation.

"Mr. Draven and I are..." My voice trailed off as I find myself in a situation where I am unsure how to respond. Although technically Axel and I are engaged, I doubt I should reveal too much. A simple answer should suffice. "We're dating," I affirmed my answer by nodding in agreement.

However, that seemed to cause the crowd to become even more nosy. They began bombarding me with questions as to how we began dating and whether he was all that cold like what the rumors said. It seemed like none of them would let me off the hook until I fulfilled their curiosity.

The best I could do was reassure them that their inquiries would be answered and that I needed to quickly pack up before Axel, I mean Mr. Draven, gets upset.

Reluctantly, they left. I heaved a sigh of relief before making my way towards my former desk, eyeing the messy piles of workload left lying around lazily, quite reluctant to clean them up.

"I should go get a cardboard box to reduce the time spent on transporting everything there." I wondered aloud, dreading the thought of having to walk from my desk to the elevator, up to the top floor, and walk another long distance before reaching my desk, and then repeat.

Just as I was about to go down to the lobby and request a cardboard box, I was met with someone whom I never wanted to see anymore.

"I heard that you're dating now, huh? Guess you moved on pretty quickly. I'm starting to question if you ever loved me." There we go, a toxic comment made by yours truly, David Sonnett.

I glared at him, squinting my eyes a little. I shot back the same look of disgust he had on his face when he told me that we were done.

There he stood, looking smug and seemingly contented with how things turned out. Truthfully, at that moment, I felt that he never cared about me during our times together.

"I'm hurt." He remarked, sarcastically.

I flushed a quick smile and edged him on.

"Glad to know that. Stay that way forever would you?"