
Chapter-26: Fall of Police.


Case of a Robbery


Chapter-26: Fall of Police.


Everybody, hurry up 10 o'clock we have to move.


Vick asked, "May …where is drone ….?"

"In the sky." She replied.

…after some time, "everyone ready…?"

"yes Sir."

"Take your cars and ready to move."


He asked Connor, "go and bring 4 of them."

He took 3 more officers and take them out from lower floor. 4 of them are wearing orange dress and black shoes. Hands were tied.

4 of them pushed inside container because James was staring at Vick.


They are about to move.

Vick said, "Tim, Fred, Tania, Emma 4 of you will drive in front. Behind you 4 officers came from headquarter will be there."

They replied, "OK."


"Behind truck."

"Oliver, Ellie, Austin, Blaze with 4 officers more."

They replied, "OK."


"Lisa and May, you both will be same car and May you should have your all equipment's and gun also."

Everyone …listen… "is GPS o your pocked?"

All replied, "yes Sir."

Vick, "Good…"

"Then let's move."


Lisa and May move first behind them… 4 officers of Police Station take their car and behind them SUV is there having 4 officers more. Truck was following them.

Truck was followed by SUV with 4 officers and a 4 more officers of Police Station.

Rest officers in Police Station have to look after.

Drone in the sky having eye on all of them.


All vehicles were moving in straight line.

After sometime of driving… patrolling units take cover from both side of the vehicle.


Ben who was little bit away from Police Station was looking them. He send message to Rose, "start the plan."

After reading the message Rose said, "Move…"

His members who are waiting on main road and in Village. Rose call all of them and said, "plan active."

All members get alert and wait for them.


All Police officers having Woki-Toki connect to each other and everyone was listening each other talk.

Police siren was all over the main road.


After crossing city area… patrolling units stop their car and all other car move ahead.

They take left turn and main road which is connect to highway starts.


Vick was following everyone on his bike.

Roads were having car passing through them and may was looking on her laptop screen.

After some time 2 black car came from different side and drive their car behind Police, maintaining distance.


They said, "Rose… they are in front of me… that officer is riding his bike behind everyone."

Rose, "You remember what you have to do?"

Then conversation stop.


Camero car which is in front.

May asked Lisa, "what kind of robbers they are? … so much backup and they use bombs also."

Lisa, "who…knows."


After sometime.

May notice something.

May, "Vick… I think 2 black SUV is following us."


Everyone gets alert and about to look behind.

Vick said, "NO… don't look back…otherwise they will notice that we notice them."

"Keep moving and wait for their attack."

"Be prepared officers."


Those members inside black SUV asked, "rose … village is about to come…we are attacking them."

Rose said, "go...ahead."


Those 8 members drive their SUV fast and cross every Police car…

"Calm down officers… relax." Said by Vick.

He gave command his bike, "activate command mode."


Inside black SUV.

All members were ready and wait for the time.

500 meters away from village.

Those 2 black SUV start slowdown their car speed. Window glass slide down…

Vick notice that they are about to attack.

"Zoe…blow horn."


She presses truck horn… "HONK"

"Attack officers…"


Those members start throwing small bombs on car. Those bomb blast on the body of the car.



Vick also start shooting on their cars.

But those 2 cars start driving zig-zag. They also throw bombs on the path of Police cars which is driving behind.

Officers also having shock disk with them. They throw on their car but that shock does not affect them.

They were shooting on the car…one of the officers said, "thank god… we are in bullet proof car."


All Police officers about to enter village road but 3 more SUV coming from front side.

May shout, "more 3 cars from front."

3 Police car in front take a side ahead.

Vick shout, "Zoe… increase speed and blow those cars."

She increases speed and drive truck straight to those cars.


Inside those cars get scared after looking truck was coming straight ahead towards them. They turn their cars.

May was carrying smoke bomb also. She starts throwing them on those cars… due to which they get little time.



 Somehow, they entered village.

Lisa said, "all officers stop your cars because so much fire work is going on… we can't move ahead. First we have to handle them."


All officers stop their car, where they find a shade.

Those black SUV came and stop a side… little bit away from them.

They were shooting and Police were taking shade.


After sometime they stop firing.

"Sir… they stop firing."


They throw a smoke bomb.

"Shit… Sir…smoke bomb."

Vick, "May… thermal image."

She activated thermal camera of drone and she can clearly see everything.

She said, "everyone… there are 20 people…

5 people 12 o'clock,

2 people 3 o'clock,

2 people 9 o'clock and rest for backup."

Vick entered inside smoke carrying shock disk.

He threw those disk on ground and start finding people. Some disk is still with him.

All officers spread inside that smoke.


May was giving instructions to each officer.

"Vick…in front of you…2 people."

"Lisa…4 people on your left."

"Connor…there is 1 person crawling on the ground towards… trail."


After this… all of them shoot them with their gun. Due to that bullet they all get unconscious.

All officers drag their body near truck and hide them.


Vick throw smoke bombs because smoke was disappearing. May also threw smoke bombs…

Vick said, "listen… they don't have thermal camera… May guide us we will put them all down."


Without making noise… all officers were moving forward.

"Officers… be careful… they have guns and we want them alive."

May said, "Officers from headquarter…7 people coming towards you…shoot."




All 7 were down.


A bike sound starts coming…

Vick ordered, "everyone fall back."


It was Ben.

He drops a box type fan…

Fan start rotating and smoke gets flew away.

He was wearing fully black armor. His whole body was covered with metal. He walks straight to officers.

He attacks those officers wearing black dress because they are coming for help. He was beating one by one. Officers were shooting on him but no effect.


Vick said, "black officers come with me and rest take a turn and shoot rest members hiding behind black cars."

Ben was moving towards… May… she was sitting inside car.


Natasha shout…. "BEN... OVER HERE."

He walks towards back of trail. He already beat 4 black officers.


Officers take a round and reached behind rest 6 members.

Lisa, "Vick… we are behind their car…I think rest members sitting inside car."

Vick, "when we attack on Ben… they will come out and shoot them."


Vick stand and said, "hey… searching for someone."

Seeing Vick standing in front of him Ben loses control and attack on him.


Black officers were also waiting for 6 members.

Ben was beating him badly but Vick also try to hit him but no effect. Looking at Ben, how he was beating him.

Officers of Police Station fired up and they all launched themselves… on Ben.


Vick was bleeding from his mouth.

Looking officers attacking Ben…rest 6 members came out from the car… aim their guns and about to shoot but officers behind them shoot all of them down.


Ben was covered from everywhere. All officers aim their gun at him. But Ben start attacking all of them.

He was hitting on face, on stomach, on leg.

Vick also get up and attack on his leg.

But not effect much.


All officers attack on him but could not stop him…

Some officers get injured by him also.

Finally… May also get angry and came out from the car. She took her gun on hand and aim at him. She keeps shooting… but no effect.

She shoots her all bullets on him but cannot Affect.


But in this shooting V notice something.

He ran and hit him on his leg from behind due to which Ben bent down.

Vick again hit him on his back and press his head from behind. An open space appeared…he shoots on his neck.

Ben pick him up and throw him on a car. He landed on front glass of car. After this he get unconscious.


May took long breath and said, "Finally… he is down."

 Everyone taking breath.


6 car start coming from front of village.

All car windows drop down and different man come out from window with gun and start shooting on them.


All officers jump a side and for saving themselves.

Three officers shoot down by them and get injured. Bullet shoot on their leg and hand.

Vick said, "try to shoot them down."


From 2 positions they were shooting. They all stop their cars away from Police. They came out from car and again shoot on their Police car and destroyed their 2 Police car.

Rose looking was there.

Bodies were falling everywhere.


May was hiding behind Camero. She was alone and too close form them. 

Kelly said, "Rose…look Camero and that bike… he is still here."

Rose ordered his members, "throw bombs towards cars."

All members start throwing small bombs towards them. For saving themselves from that bomb, officers were changing position.


Vick stand in front of them and shout loudly… "STOP… I am here."

He stands straight in front of everyone.

Rose was staring at him.

Rest members aim their guns at him.