A Cruel Husband

Yavanna stirred beneath the heavy covers and turned her head to the right.

"Oh, she's awake. Tell his majesty and the physician."

Her head turned weakly the other way.

The last thing she could recall was walking through the castle, trying to find the king. She'd wanted to speak to him about learning to speak Noth. And… she'd just wanted to see him. Her memories from the night before were skewed. He had been in her room, alone with her. She squeezed her eyes shut when the reasons became distant and vague. She remembered him cleaning a wound, but that was in her dream, wasn't it?

Her consciousness surfaced more when she heard one of her maids say, "She's waking up, your majesty."

She turned her head again and breathed out a breath. It felt as though her body had been sleeping for ages. She forced her eyes open and blinked tiredly at the figures by her bedside. Slowly, they came into focus; the king, her two maids and her two ladies in waiting, along with Jessica all stood there in the dim morning light.

"Your highness. Good morning, your highness." She looked to Christa who had stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Good-" She coughed and her hands moved to her throat. She'd been coughing the day before and fallen.

"Here you are." Vivian handed her a glass of water and she raised it to her lips, but hesitated.

"Lorraine." She rasped, "Could-could… water."

The woman glanced at Vivian—who looked shocked—but nodded and went to retrieve what she'd requested.As soon as the goblet was brought to her she downed it and asked for another.

"Of course, your highness."

The king said nothing and only stared at her quietly. She drank her water at a slower pace, her fingers clutching the smooth, cold stone. Placing it down on the nightstand she levelled her eyes on the king. "May I be alone with his majesty?"

All of the women muttered a yes and left the room. She continued staring at the king, who stared back, unflinching. She eventually gained the courage to speak, "What's going on here?"

He crossed his arms, "You were poisoned."

She breathed in a deep breath which caught in her throat. She coughed and grabbed her goblet. Soothing her throat, she said, "Why?"

He stared at her and she fought desperately not to look away. But his blue gaze was piercing and made her breathing increase in nervousness.

"I have many enemies, and I suppose they thought having you poisoned would provoke me in some manner." She saw his chiselled jaw clench.

She was tempted to ask if it did, but she had much more pressing questions. "Why were you in my room last night?"

His eyes narrowed, "I think… there's been a misunderstanding." She opened her mouth to object but he cut her off. "You collapsed three days ago. Today is the morning of the third day."

Her lips parted open. She was at a loss for words. "How…" She bit her entire lower lip in thought, "How… how did I survive?"

He rolled his eyes and she blocked out the spark of hurt. She should expect it. He did not care for her.

"You were found outside my quarters, near death, and brought to my bedroom. The physician discovered the root of your having collapsed, and administered an antidote,"

"What was the poison?" She asked, knowing he wasn't finished speaking. But she couldn't ignore her now growing fear of poison.

"It's derived from a firebell flower. It's native to Nothad and fairly easy to create."

She nodded, "Would I have died?" She was relieved her voice was free of a tremor. He regarded her and she began to stare at places other than his eyes; his soft blond hair, his smooth shaven face with kingly cheekbones and jaw.

"Yes. You would have died were you not found in time." Her eyes snapped back up to his and she looked at her legs beneath the blanket.

"Why were you in my room that night?" She asked firmly with her brows set.

"I came to see you about our wedding consummation." She hardened her gaze. She didn't remember anything about that. She would've remembered if he mentioned such a thing.

She cleared her throat, "What about it?"

She saw his jaw click again, "I will not be bothering you with it."

She gasped with her mouth open wide, "And why not?"

He scoffed and looked away, "Because I do not wish to."

She scowled and straightened herself in her bed, "Why not?" He scoffed again and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Am I not suited to be your wife? Who is to bear your heirs?" She licked her lips before daring to say, "Am I not attractive to you?"

His cold gaze locked onto hers and she froze as he stood from his seat and walked to where she sat. He caged her in his arms and her mind swirled with how familiar it felt.

"I do not find you a fitting partner, nor will I ever. You will never lay a finger on me, and I never want to feel your body beneath mine." He spat and she shrank back. Her brain still registering the harsh words.

"And if you ever think contrary to this, then I will give you over to my brother; he'll pin you down, tie you down and rut you until you cannot stand, bleed you till you're nothing but a husk." She gasped, her eyes tearing from his ferocity.

"Nothing about you is beautiful, and nothing ever will be. Your body does not please me, your eyes are dead and your skin is filthy. Did you really think this body could please me? Your breasts are far too small to be a pleasure for any man." He paused and she swallowed in her closing throat. How could he say such things?

"I've had far more pleasing women beneath me many times. So, no. I do not find you attractive."

Her lip trembled and her eyes stung. Her hand flew to her mouth to unsuccessfully conceal her sobs. He moved away and she brought her knees up to her chest. Her throat was already sore and now it throbbed in agony with every sob. Her tears soaked the blanket and wetted her lashes.

"Oh, highness, what's wrong?" She glanced up from her knees and saw Edith at her side. The older woman placed a placating hand on her back and Yavanna's sobs calmed slightly.

"There, there…" She cooed, "It's alright." If only she knew, Yavanna thought tearfully. Her husband thought her ugly, hideous. Her eyes eventually drained of tears Edith brought her a letter. "This is from your mother."

"It's already been opened." Yavanna noted as she took it.

"Yes, his majesty opened it, your highness."

A wave of anger rushed through her. Who was this man? Was this how she was to be treated for the remainder of her life? Although she supposed it to be better than whatever life he said she would live with his brother. The memory of the voice in the dark was still fresh in her memory.

She breathed in a breath shaking from anger and began reading.