A Cold Wife

Yavanna's eyes trailed down the lines of print and the lines on her forehead only increased. They relaxed slightly when she read that Viland's seasonal festival was underway and her younger sisters were helping to organize it. Yavanna had always handled the festivals herself, with her brother, Maxwell's help.

But her confusion and annoyance returned when she read her mother's words on the consummation of her marriage. She suggested that Yavanna seduce the king and appear more appealing to him.

Bitterness appeared in her mind, 'He'll never find me attractive, mother. No need to worry about me catching his attention.' She sniffed. His words had wounded her and she doubted the scars would ever heal.

When she'd finished the letter she set it down on the green and gold blankets. Her mother had not even mentioned her dreams. She wanted to hug her knees again, but refrained. Yes, her parents still felt no remorse for the fact that they had practically sold her life away. She wouldn't be so dramatic as to say that her happiness had been stolen from her.

Although it did feel further away from her.

But she was sure she could find happiness in Nothad. Not in her children that would never be born. That possibility had been stolen from her. She sighed and shook her head; she could be strong. It was only adapting to another set of new experiences.

She was about to stand when Edith stopped her, "I'm sorry, your highness. The physician is on his way, he's asked that you stay in bed until he says you are fit to stand."

Yavanna nodded in understanding and picked up the letter again. She needed to write her mother back and ask about her dreams. She wasn't sure how the poison had ended up within her body. She didn't trust Vivian; she felt cold whenever she was around her. And the woman was mysterious.

She closed her eyes for a moment as she tried to recall everything she'd ingested before collapsing. She'd drunk the draught from the physician, then the water—twice—from Vivian. A small part of her mind wished to feel sorry for Yavanna's unexplained rejection. But, then there was the lingering notion that Vivian could've poisoned her.

Why did life have to be so complicated? She asked silently. Wishing she could find an answer.

"Life is a trial for those who don't yet have the gifts to see it through."

Her eyelids flew open and she looked at the foot of her bed. That strange creature was standing there again. Its head tilted and hers mimicked the action. It tilted the other direction and Yavanna blinked out of her stupor.

She blinked rapidly at the realization her eyes were aching slightly—a different ache from the tears.

"Your highness, the physician is here." Edith patted her shoulder gently and Yavanna looked up. Her eyes immediately narrowed upon seeing an unfamiliar face. No… this was the physician's assistant.

He spoke, but in Noth, and she couldn't understand it. She smiled apologetically.

He nodded to her arm and she raised her brows. He looked to Edith and said something in his native, harsh language.

"Oh, I'm sorry your highness." She muttered something in Noth to the assistant, before saying, "He wishes to check your heart and breathing."

Yavanna nodded and the young man sat down and began his examination.

"What happened to the physician?" She asked looking up at Edith while the assistant held her wrist.

"He's been beheaded. It was discovered that the drought he gave you was poisoned."

Yavanna's eyes widened. She couldn't imagine that old man poisoning her. Why? She wasn't even queen yet and people were already attempting to end her.

She was tempted to laugh at how horrible her prospects were looking. But, maybe she had saved Mirella from this existence, maybe her sister could live happily in another life. Different from the one Yavanna was living now.

The assistant, now a physician, asked her something and Edith translated it, "He asked if you could take some deep breaths."

Yavanna inhaled deeply and felt how weak her lungs were, she exhaled almost immediately, being unable to hold it.

The new physician glanced at Edith and said something in Noth, she nodded and replied in kind.

After he left Edith said, "You may stand and walk, but you mustn't do anything strenuous."

Yavanna nodded, "Very well."

The day passed with no word from the king. She didn't know why she felt she should hear from him. He wouldn't apologize; he wasn't that kind of man. He was a king, a king of Nothad no less. 'Whatever that meant.' She thought dryly and brushed off her headache again.

She didn't feel lively. She felt cold. Not just from the environment of Nothad but because of her new life. Her life in Viland had been sunny and filled with smiles. Her life in Nothad had so far been filled with confusion and hurt.

After syed finished a letter to her mother—she ended it curtly. She still did not understand why her mother had looked over her troubling dreams.

She sighed and rested her head back on the headboard. She went through some of the wedding gifts and selected some books to read while she rested,

That night she slept with the same dreams torturing her and with the same pain shooting up her leg. She couldn't breathe because of her veil and she began panicking while in sleep.

When she awoke to a morning that looked the same as the last her tired expression remained the same. The images of what occurred the day before resounded through her and her sadness increased. But no, she could adapt to this as she could anything else. Her husband thought her hideous? Then she would prove him wrong; she would show him she didn't need beauty.

He could be her cruel husband, and she would be his cold wife. Estranged, yes. But hopefully they could rule a kingdom together.