His sandals clapped along the long stone passageway, the columns towering above and melding into huge roofs, the bright clouds blocked by the monumental arches looming above Mahon as he travelled into the city. The hillsides rolling with houses, the distance scattered with homes and temples. Before him was a huge courtyard. The field held in a mist of dust and sand as the particles exploded from hundreds of steps. The glinting swords shimmering with dazzling expertise even in the clouded weather. The ominous weather hung over the city, each cloud stacked on each other, a constricting light flooding through the sky, the towering white interrupted by menacing grey, the black springing through from cracks and overlapping like a threat.
"A storm is coming," a huge man, his large stomach hanging over a small loincloth, his hairy bulge shining in the overcast day. His massive arms hung by his side, a small sword dragging by his leg. His neck covered in a bush of hair, all curling and twisting around each other. Spiralling to his long swirled hair that pushed down his head. His bright eyes clouded, an obvious pain shone through his mask.
"I doubt it, the air isn't heavy enough," Mahon stood tall in front of the man, his spine shivering at the regal brutality of the man. "My name is Achilles, I'm here to find a deserter."
"Oh yes! The Unkillable, I was wondering who could stroll through our city so confidently. The man's name is Tymoteusz, a fearsome warrior but also very superstitious, he ran away from his duties. Bring me his head or his body alive, whichever you think is just."
"How much?"
"Well, you're not chatty, most would love the opportunity to speak to the king of Sparta!"
"You're Menelaus? I expected someone bigger."
"Well so did I, The unkillable Achilles is some mere shrimp."
Mahon simply lifted his sword, the blade swinging into his arm and slicing through, the intricate blade drifting through like there was only air. Mahon then took a flask from his belt, the red liquid pouring down his throat, then holding the arm to his shoulder it reattached.
Menelaus looked stunned for a second, then let out a hearty chuckle, his chest bursting in and out.
"Bahahahah, I don't know if you're insane or I. But I will believe the Unkillable claim for now. Now please kill the deserter, I will give you 1,000 drachma for him, he is a general and as such we cannot have the soldiers getting ideas."
Mahon turned and started to walk, his sandals giving a rhythmic beat as he left the city.