The more the Vam hunters ran the more Cyrus blocked their way. Not only that, he continued to whistle and also sang each time he ambushed them.
The Vam hunters also stabbed him multiple times with their swords and Edith with his axe but he didn't burn nor was he hurt in the smallest way. Instead, his healing was fast and his strength remained not affected.
"Why isn't he dead yet?" One of the Vam hunters shouted with fear obvious in his voice. .
That was also the end of him because Cyrus heard him and picked him out of the others and bit on his neck. However, for the reason that Cyrus toyed with them and enjoyed hunting them, he let the captured one go as he halted chasing them.
Cyrus wanted to see what the others would do at the knowledge that he had bitten one of them and also let him escape to run along with them. It could not have been better said that he was amazed by what the Vam hunters did.
Since Mono knew he was bitten, he rendered himself as a means that the rest might be able to escape.
"Go! I will hold him off." He said as he stopped all of a sudden.
The rest of the Vam hunters as their oath meant that they will not become one of those who eat blood for food, allowed him to be so that they can escape. After all, he has been bitten and it would only be a matter of time before his reaction will happen.
Being aware of this, Mono did not wait any more seconds before he ran back to Cyrus. He hoped that he would battle with him and when his reaction had finally taken place, he would then be able to combat with him Vampire to Vampire, speed to speed and fang to fang.
But that was not the case. What indeed happened from there was that his reaction happened before he could get to Cyrus and Cyrus had only watched him from a little distance whistling as he already knew what would happen from that moment.
Suddenly, Mono was taken off balance from his feet which made him fall to the ground. This was not a reason that he was pushed. This was more of the reason that his reaction was happening and indeed filled with pain and agony which caused him writhing of his body.
Not all "turned" filled the pain when they had their reaction. Mostly, many do not fill the pain when they are having their reaction. But for the Vam hunters, if any of them are unlucky enough to become a Vampire, there will be extreme contortions within their body which indeed caused them pain.
His prevailing scream was suddenly conquered by silence and his nails hardened into claws, his eyes turned raven and his sharp teeth grew thinner above other teeth.
Immediately, attacking Cyrus was no longer a priority. He was being controlled by the scent of blood he could perceive from a far distance and his objective quickly became to prey upon his hunter friends.
In the direction the Vam hunters had run, he sprinted at maximum speed and in a few seconds, he was able to double-cross their way.
But the Vam hunters had not been surprised. They knew already once a human turned, he became hungry for blood and lost his consciousness and his knowledge. It is then their responsibility to help him remain dead as they have sworn the oath.
The closer he came to the hunters, the more they were ready to shred him from head to toe. But what happened now became a thing of more surprise because as he sprinted to them, he crumbled and burned from within.
That has never happened before in their history. They have to be the ones to kill the vampire before the vampire will burn to ashes.
[More whistling sound approaches]
"I must confess, I thought he would consume all of you but what happened to him?" Cyrus mocked.
It was not so that Cyrus had the explanation of what happened to the turned hunter but he has not been concerned. After he was dead, the others remained his priority.
His motive from then on was to prey upon another of the remaining Vam hunters so the infected one will be able to consume the others while he will watch it happen.
At this moment Cyrus was already standing in their way again looking unstressed, and clean and not a bead of sweat was on him.
When Cyrus sprinted at the maximum speed that he could not be seen because his speed made him blur for any eyes to capture, his speed had been rendered useless because at this moment he was stopped by an unseen stoppage which held him against his will.
The more he tried to pass through he could not as he wondered what was happening. He sprinted in another direction and yet the same thing had happened to him. He still could not move past the point he was.
Even the Vam hunters were unable to explain what had happened at this moment. But they had not thought much about it. It was a good time for them to be able to escape in another way.
"No one moves!" A voice said out of the woods and in darkness.
The Vam hunters including Cyrus all heard the female voice which interrupted but they could not see who was talking until she had revealed herself from the darkness and the rest who also revealed themselves with her.
These were a group of women who were in a red robe with a hood. They appeared to be confident even before the Monster vampire who stood gallantly in the way and they came out in the protection of the Vam hunters against Cyrus whom they forged their fingers in spells.
They were a group of five women. They were also not old but young and beautiful women but their magnificence cannot be admired since their faces were harder than the rocks.
Their mouths continued to thunder in spells as they walked to the front of the Vam hunters as a way to secure the Vam hunters into their shed and battle only with the Vampire they restricted in stoppage.
Even Cryus had not known who they were. He has not met any of those in his lifetime. He had not even thought that they existed. This was what made him remain in his position and kept staring at the women. He had even stopped trying to pass through the stoppage.
"Evanesco" [Vanishing spell] The women chorused at once and they all disappeared from the woods and from the border of the North including the Vam hunters except Cyrus who sprinted back to Cora.