Nine Years

That day marked the end of the peaceful and hiding period as after my evolution a great change occurred within me. I was colder and more calculating than before but I was also still playful and shameless.

There were no more days of me leisurely enjoying life in my room, but days filled with hellish training with the members of Hei and me training my Chaotic Katana of Order. Every day I would spar with the top members of Hei until I was barely able to stand.

My parents visited me during those 9 years of course, with my mother worrying over my condition and saying that I was training too hard but I knew that I could not take it easy, knowing my opp would not.

Aside from making leaps and strides in my katana training, I broke into Arcana Condensation. A realm where we would connect to the heavens and give us the ability to steal arcana. Arcana Condensation had nine stages, unlike body tempering where it only ends when one fully tempers their body. In this realm, we would steal the arcana and store it in our dantian.

My breakthrough set a new record-shattering the previous one set by my brother Rizen who left 2 years ago, for what I don't know but all he said was "You'll find out in two years."

Though I set a new record I found nothing surprising about it. Though the same could not be said about my grandfather, he was fuming when he found out and immediately prepared a cultivation bath to strengthen my foundation despite how many times he was told it was unnecessary by my parents and Treysin. He only realized what they meant when he found out that my foundation was by far the strongest he had ever seen.

I don't know what happened in these last two years but the Kenji family's vibe and activities changed immensely and I was no expectation. During these nine years by Treysin's side, my name began to be known by all within the federation as the Kenji family Asuran Prince.

I was now standing in Treysin's office, completely shocked about the news I just got dropped on my head but I was also let down...let down in every way.

"So you're telling me all this time we were planning was just to get a foothold in a damn academy?" I asked completely unable to believe what I'd seen from the data shard that Treysin had given me telling me all about Essentia Academy and all the attendants and what I was to do there.

Bruh why are they sending me to school to deal with these bums? The last thing I want to deal with is politics the only silver lining in this is that at least I get to learn more but then again, did I even need to go to school for that?

"Come on don't look at me like that," Treysin replied with a shit-eating grin that I wanted to smack off his face. "Besides are you that upset that you're being sent to school? I thought you would like the fresh air and new scenery, plus you get to meet new people."

"I'm mad that you guys even had the thought of sending me to school to begin with as I see no reason in even going and what is this bullshit mission you've given me? Create a faction and become one of the rulers of the academy!? Can't Rizen do this shit, from what I've gathered he has been in the academy for 2 years already and is one of the main leaders of the faction Tactical Pressure or TP?"

"Rizen is in a different batch of students at the academy due to age but more importantly cultivation. He is at the nascent soul realm remember?"

"Oh yeah, that's right," I said remember the monster that was my brother he was at the peak of his generation, nineteen years old, and at the nascent soul realm, an unprecedented genius.

I wonder how he is already at that stage and doesn't have full control of the faction yet. It seems like I was right, this academy is a lion's den and the power struggles and conspiracies will run amok in this place.

"Besides you will be part of the batch that everyone has their eyes on. The generation that is supposed to surpass the last and also all the royal scions and top geniuses from the other clans will be on their way as well. I even got reports that the Dark Phoenix Princess and the top genius from that clan are also attending."

"And the same can be said for all the other clans, the only difference is the numbers they send. But I know that this is not the only mission you have given me so what is it that you really want me to do?" I said with an expecting look on my face while I sighed inwardly. Treysin was still testing even after all these years by his side there was always a hidden agenda behind these missions that he would expect me to find.

"Still as perceptive as ever I see." He replied, amused by my question he stood up from his desk and started with a stern glare "Zantar Valerian, kill him."

A cold chuckle escaped my lips at the mention of the name "The Demon Qilin Clans top genius, uncle I know you want to create a civil war between House Valerian and the Royals but why send me to do it, although I am a master assassin thanks to the Hei I'm sure we have plenty of men more qualified for the job."

Zantar is the top genius of the demon qilins and one of the leading figures of the young generation and the young master of the Valerian family, the most powerful family of the demon qilins other than the royals, he was arrogant and a lustful idiot. there was a story about him fucking some qilin dukes daughter while he forced her fiance to watch, the pussy died from heartbreak.

"We do, but with this, we can say it was just a dispute between the younger generation and avoid investigation from the royals and this is a benefit for the whole family. With this Kirean can score some point with the empress."

"He's still simping for her huh," I said without even looking at Treysin to know that he nodded. Grandfather has been feigning for the empress for I don't know how long. He calls her the Night Demoness and says the emperor doesn't know what to do with that and he is a waste of seed and a pussy whipped fool. His shamelessness and hypocrisy will always make me laugh.

"Yeah, but I don't blame him. You'll see for yourself since she's supposed to be making a speech for all the new entrants to the academy, it is a new school year after all. But cheer up, you've learned all you can from the Hei anyway and passed with flying colors, even Azir was scared shitless of your talent." He laughed and stood up

I stood as well and tossed him the data shard "Whatever I'll get it done. Have those scrotum lickers crafted me a new katana yet? That hobbit fuck Vincent refused to make me a new one."

"The fuck am I, your secretary?" He spat.

"Well since you're not a woman and not bouncing on my cock screaming my name, no you're not," I replied with a smirk

Treysin trembled and took a deep breath and said "You're lucky you're leaving today and you're my nephew, little bastard. I want Zantar dead or crippled by the end of your first year, preferably crippled."

"You want Duke Valerian to lose his shit from grief so that he will make a stupid retaliation against the royals?"

"Exactly. I would rather deal with Zamir broken rather than angry. You should go the speech should start in an hour. Take my AV it's parked outside."

A/N: AV-Aerodyne Vehicle (Cyberpunk 2077 players should know what I mean and if not just think of a flying car)

I nodded my head and exited Treysin's study and went to my room to get changed.

After dressing myself in a sleek black ninja suit that reminded me of Takemura from cyberpunk 2077 I left my room for the courtyard to board the AV."

"I'm getting bored of this shit. I need to move out."