Essentia Academy

Stepping into the AV and taking a seat I watched as the door closed and the neon lights brightened the interior.

"Please set your destination." The AI of the AV relayed.

"Essentia Academy," I replied

Feeling the increasing altitude I laid my head back in the seat to get comfortable and finally relax while thinking of the mission Trey assigned to me.

Forming a faction should be simple due to my reputation, while I might get into conflict with those of my class and some of the upperclassmen, in the cultivation world where is there ever no conflict? I have some people in mind based on the info I saw but it's always best to see for myself. What I do need to think about is the primary mission that I have to complete at the academy.

Zantar is sixteen this year and is at the seventh stage of Arcana Condensation while I'm at the fifth stage. While I am below him by 2 stages thanks to my foundations and my race I'm unbeatable in my realm and while I'm not a match for a Core Formation cultivator yet, surviving won't be a problem.

But to be honest I have been more focused on my elements and dao more specifically. While darkness and fire are the main elements of Black Dragons I decided to make my foundational daos space and time. Selecting your foundational dao is important as according to Treysin and my father they are essential to your progress in the second stage of cultivation known as the Realm of Dao. They didn't give me the realms in that stage with them saying that I didn't need to know but they did say that I should choose my dao wisely and to gain as much comprehension into them as possible.

Looking out the window at the beautiful night sky of the city of Mordem, the capital of the federation I could not help but be mesmerized by the metropolis of a city. Megabuildings and skyscrapers that would put the Burj Khalifa to shame were in abundance here and there was an armada of AVs all going in the same direction towards the large area in the eastern end of the city, Essentia Academy.

I looked in the mirror to stare at the serious-looking reflection of myself and couldn't help but smile at what I have become. Looking at the dark skin devilishly handsome demon that had slit scarlet eyes that gave off the glow of the abyss, sharp ears like elves but not as long and more like a perfect length, and jet-black hair tied into a neat ponytail and black ninja suit I knew I was prepared for what was to come.

"I should get some rest as these will most likely be my last minutes of peacefulness for a long time," I said as I closed my eyes to get some last minutes of sleep.




"You have reached your destination." Relayed the AI as I woke up from my sleep.

"It's time huh," I said as I begrudgingly shook my head and stood up to get out of the AV.

The doors opened revealing to me a futuristic academy and landscape that gave me mass effect vibes with the aesthetic of the building and the AVs flying everywhere, I just stood there and took the environment in.

After taking enough time sightseeing I finally started walking toward the entrance and going past the automatic doors I went towards the front desk and stopped in front of the attractive receptionist. She had a nice face, green hair, and eyes, along with a modest breast and ass. She was not the most beautiful but attractive enough to catch the eye of a man. She also had an innocent aura around her but that was most likely a front. I don't know what but she gives me a vibe that she is one huge thot that is willing to give up that slop to anybody and I mean anybody...even the janitors that have no cultivation.

"Good evening sir, please identify yourself so we can complete your registration into the academy." She said with a professional smile on her face but in reality, she was probably trying to find a way to catch me alone so she can get on her knees and suck in between.

The academy had these scanners that could sense a person's Arcana. Since every cultivator had a specific type of aura along with a specific type of arcana once you recorded it into the system it would be able to identify you as that was how you were able to access things like your dorm, restricted areas, and things of that nature.

As I was about to raise my hand to send a flick of my Arcana to get this all over when a sudden voice interrupted me. "No need for that Hakari, you have been registered a while ago, please follow me to the V.I.P area. Her Majesty the Emperess is about to begin orientation."

I turned my head only to be surprised to see the face of the muscular giant that was staring at me. He was about six foot four, had white slicked back hair and icy blue eyes, and pale skin. and had a blue suit and tie along with a white vest. He looked average but not dead average, he could still pull. He cleaned up pretty well and looked very professional if I had to be honest but I never expected him to be here.

"Lorent? What are you doing here?" I asked looking at the guard captain of the Royal Family. Lorent being here meant that the Royals were already here, which made sense since he just said that the empress was about to begin orientation but that still doesn't explain why Lorent himself came to receive me.

"I was sent here to escort all members of Class X of the first years to the auditorium. Haha, don't worry you are actually one of the earliest to arrive, Her Majesty wanted to get a good look at the academy hence her and the royal's early appearance." He explained making things make sense to me.

"Hakari Kenji, the Asuran Prince?!" exclaimed the slutty receptionist whose presence I forgot a while ago causing me and Lorent to give her a stern look before she shut her mouth that was responsible for the death of hundreds of kids and looked down in embarrassment.

"Lead the way Lorent." I gracefully said as I followed him through the academy on the way to the auditorium.

"So who is there exactly?" I asked Lorent as we stopped in front of an elevator as he injected his arcana to open it.

"The second prince and the first and third princesses respectively. The crown prince is here as well but he went to explore a while ago, he should be here shortly." He explained confusing me, the crown prince should be a second-year student so why is he showing up here?

"The crown prince is here to guide the empress on her tour of the academy, they should either be done or be back by now." He replied and walked into the elevator.

I shrugged my shoulders and said no more as I followed him inside as well.