
Looking at the five books that were floating around me I took a sharp breath and looked at the titles of these books.

Purgatory Codex

Nine Firmanets Codex

Astral Codex

Necro Codex

Chrno Codex

To sum it up these codexes, shouldn't be here, especially the first three. Purgatory Codex was the top codex that demons from the nines use for their demonic circles. This was only the case for demons as devils have their own unique one based on who the person was, the royal demons and devils have the Royal Infernal Codex and as for the King of the nines...well the depend if the person is a Demon, Devil or...Fallen.

Seeing this codex here actually made me more scared than happy as this answered so many questions that I have had in my mind and...the answers were terrifying, to say the least. For one this confirmed that Demons and Devils were in Genesis, for what, I had no idea but I really wasn't as worried at first. It wouldn't be my first time dealing with beings like those and I even outsmarted the Kings of Hell on many occasions so I wasn't as scared as most in my position would be, but the deeper I thought about it the faster I was to completely lose my shit.

I always knew that I was in a high-tier world but I have always wondered what dimension I am in. The era was different and the world was too advanced, in my past life I started from the fourth heaven but I died in the thirty-third, from what I have heard there is a total of ninety-nine heavens and when you break above that you start reaching the true peak. It is there where you meet the true gods and all the mythological beings in their original forms, the seven archangels, Lucifer, Zeus, Lillith, Adam, and Eve, apparently, they are all in a dimension far above the ninety-ninth heaven.

I was in a world in a completely different era and the advancements they made were so far advanced that it made those 'peak' technological civilizations look like they were still in prehistoric times and based on the leveling scales of the various heavens that I learned in the past, I could tell that I was somewhere between the seventieth and seventy-fifth heaven.

I honestly don't know if I should have cursed Kazier or praised him. My best guess was that I was originally supposed to start in a lower heaven but since I decided to wish for a peak abyssal bloodline he decided to send me to a higher one. In reality, it didn't really matter since the abyss exists in every dimension but the fact he sent me to one that is so high raises the stake against me a lot.

Me choosing to be an abyssal demon really came in clutch since I will be dealing with higher beings now. This is especially since while every heaven is different, the higher the heavens, the more Fallen. It goes without saying that Fallen Angels were the true rulers of Hell, they just couldn't be bothered so demons and devils came in to run things, it was all a game to the Fallens but for some reason, they seem to appear more often in the higher heavens, the same goes for famous demons and devils from biblical times. There was even a time when in a dimension I was in, all the Kings of Hell were Fallens.

Honestly becoming a Fallen was going to be my first choice. They are far too op as they get the best of heaven and hell, reminds me of Darth Reaven from the old timeline of star wars. It was only when Kazier told me what the abyssal runes meant that I decided that being an abyssal demon was the best way to go. While being a high human was not bad I needed an edge, and my current situation supports that.

A/N: real star wars fans should know who he is and if not google him

To make things even worse I heard from Treysin is that Genesis is a tier 4 civilization but that just made me more scared since compared to galactical empires we would not rank high, I don't even think Genesis would be part of the inner circle of whatever galactical empire I currently reside in. I honestly hope I wasn't in some Devils scheme but whoever picks this is probably gonna be fucked in the future.

After sending a silent prayer to the poor fool who would eventually pick this I looked towards the rest. Astral Codex mainly had soul attacks but that didn't mean it had other terrifying things, to be honest, it was probably the strongest one here. The Necro and Chronic codex have a plethora of undead and time circles respectively, if my comprehension in the Dao of Time hadn't already reached the Realm of Dao I probably would have picked this but it is useless now.

The Nine Firmaments Codex, which was what I decided to choose was the most deadly. It would help the user gain such an intricate understanding of circles that at the peak one would be able to instantly find the weak point of any circle and break it, even if it was perfectly cast. This was something that most powerhouses used so it wasn't a rare codex but it was very hard to get your hands on it.

Personally, none of these choices even mattered as I was only doing this to keep up an appearance. I had access to all these codexes already thanks to my abyssal heritage but I would be using the abyssal codex, I would just make my abyssal arcana whatever arcana it was from the original so nobody would be suspicious about the arcana that was used. The power output would be far higher since the energy source is abyssal arcana but since I'm an emblem user suspicions shouldn't be drawn.

I was also excited to test the new abyssal battle arte I was given when I awakened my emblem. I haven't seen it yet so I don't know what it does but other than the artes name, I know that it is meant to show how abyssal demons battle with emblems.

After choosing my arte I walked back to the front of the teleportation formation where I saw Ms.Su with her arms crossed waiting for me.

"What did you chose?" She asked

"Nine Firmaments." I responded

She smiled as if she knew that was what I would pick and said "Alright let's go. Time is almost up." she said as we stepped onto the formation.

Before the formation took us away I smiled as asked her in a amused and confident voice "Yo, Ms.Su, what reward are you going to give me after the spar, since we both know I'll win. In fact I honestly wonder why you are even making me participate? Wouldn't that just kill the mood?"

She responded while giving me a mocking smile "Boy, what makes you so sure if you'll win, that arrogance will be the end of you one day. Also, who said I'm making you participate? You can sit out and watch if you want to but with that bounty on your head we both know that is impossible. But since you want to know so bad, I don't mind telling you. The winner will be rewarded a blood fruit."