Abyssal Ascendancy l

Before I could even react to the news of the reward being given to me if I won the challenge, space twisted and before I realized it, we were back on the fourth floor where the rest of Class X was just returning to the meeting point.

"You serious? You know the value of Blood Fruits, although I don't know who you are really I'm sure getting one should be easy for you." I questioned but I had my reasons as blood fruits were critical.

Blood Fruits were what one needed to even begin body cultivation in the first place. At face value, most people say that doing both arcana and body cultivation takes far too much time and is a waste of resources. While they are right about the first con to a certain extent as it depends on the person and other circumstances they are completely incorrect about the second con. Doing both is not a waste of resources in any way.

In body cultivation, other than the Blood Fruit, the most important thing would be the body arte that you practice. There are some that require an astronomical amount of resources to progress in it while some require just energy, there are also some if which they were revealed, that universal war was guaranteed.

Since I'm in a high-ass dimension and the civilization I'm in is tier five and the empire where Genisis resides is in God knows what tier, I'm sure those types of body artes exist, not that I need them but it's still good to know.

But that doesn't hide the fact the Blood Fruits were kept under extremely high guard from the public by the royals and superfamilies of every clan. Mine wasn't any expectation, shit, Rizen had to scheme for four years just to steal one and that was when he was about to leave for the academy, he doesn't dare go home now.

"Of course I'm serious, also this will be a huge advantage to the winner since you all won't see another blood fruit for a while." Ms.Su said with a smile as the crowd was slowly gathering.

I narrowed my eyes at the words she said. For a while? I'm sure most of these people have never seen a blood fruit in person, those things are rare as fuck. I was only able to see it because Rizen showed me just before he left.

I looked at the crowd before deciding to communicate with her telepathically, 'For a while? Other than the seven and possibly Ru Feng and Lykan, these people have at most heard of Blood Fruits. Since you say for a while I'm guessing that a field trip or some special event is being prepared very soon in the future and blood fruits will be rewarded. Of course, by that time the powerhouses would have already got their hand in the academy and would start to sponsor the various factions so accepting the blood fruit from them would be the same as signing a contract. Did I get everything right?"

Ms.Su showed no emotion but I could see she was trying her hardest to suppress her shock. Her response wasn't needed, while I knew that the powerhouses would get involved I didn't think it would be this soon. Seems like me and Ru Feng being at that auction made them put their plans in overdrive. I need to speak with Treysin, the plans are gonna have to change.

"Alright, now that you guys have chosen your codex we are now going to have a tournament so you guys can get used to circles and gain proficiency in them. The winner will be rewarded a blood fruit, giving them an unparalleled advantage in body cultivation compared to the rest." Ms.Su announced.

Everyone pretty much had the same reaction as me, too dumbfounded to even say anything, the only difference being that they were in that state for a longer period than I was and they were able to respond to the news, unlike I who was cut off due to teleportation.

Feeling the greed-filled glances coming my way I sighed inwardly. With the bounty on my head sitting this out was impossible so there was no point in trying, but I could completely destroy my opponent to let them know that challenging me was akin to courting death. I won't kill them though, a thorough ass beating should be enough for them to back off.

"You guys can choose your first opponent, but I should warn you all to choose wisely. Of course, no killing or crippling will be allowed and if you do so you will be severely punished no matter your background." Ms.Su warned

She waved her hands and we were all sent to a battle arena, it was outdoors as we could feel the fresh air and the sun beaming down on us.

Before I could even take in the scenery I heard a loud and arrogant voice, "I challenge Hakari Kenji!"

I turned and saw Lykan already on the stage with a look of contempt but also worry. This was telling me that he was convinced to still battle me even though he has heard about me, I looked a few feet behind him and saw Duan Ru Feng in his corner of spectators. I wasn't surprised, to be honest, Ru Feng had all the time possible with the crown prince while I was on the seventh floor, Ru Feng was playing both of us as he gets to see Lykan get fucked up and gets to see how strong I am. After all, he hasn't seen me fight yet I'm the top genius while he is a firm second, of course he would want to see what's up, a pity his plans will end in failure.

I stepped up on the platform and waited for the battle to start. I already said using my daos was out of the picture so I could only use my elements of darkness, fire, and lightning for this battle and that was completely fine. I should also thank Ru Feng, I was always going to have to put this fool Lykan in his place as that would make him easier to control during my plans with the Solar Dragons, but that is for later, right now I must deal with this.