Treysin Kenji - Trials II

"Come again?" I asked as I had no idea about any of this happening.

I frowned as I took in the news the empress had just given us. The academy was airtight, it was damn near impossible to learn any info from our end unless you had a spy or the student you are related to was just that good. The fact that Hakari was given a little mission by the empress and didn't tell me anything about it is worrying.

Seeing our plight, Mizuki ended our worries by saying, "It was nothing. All I did was make Hakari susceptible to challenges for the first week of school, unlike the rest of the seven whose challenges will start next week, In reality, it was my challenge but I told Irani to say it was hers so he wouldn't gain any suspicions and if he was able to win all his challenges by the time the first week of school ended then he would be her disciple."

I gave her a 'are you serious' look as Hakari for sure found out that she was involved. If one saw Irani then they would immediately know that she is related to the empress, the resemblance is just that uncanny. There was something else going on behind the scenes, I just had no idea what was going on and something tells me that if I ask Hakari for answers then I'm just going to get a smile and a bullshit answer.

"You sure that was all? There is no ulterior motive for you having eyes on my nephew?" I asked

The Night Empress gave me a deep look as her aura flared and pulsed with such grace and elegance, I almost had the urge to kneel and kiss her feet.

"I'm an empress Treysin and I'm married at that, why would I throw away my dignity and reputation just for a boy who is young enough to be my descendant." She said in a stern and cold tone.

I smiled and nodded my head and said, "My fault, I was drawing to conclusions too fast."

Mizuki smiled as her aura claimed down, but I still had my suspicions. Hakari is always up to something, I hope he didn't get in bed with her, and if he did...well, I can't say or do anything but best believe I'll be more proud than a motherfucker, at least those nine years weren't spent in vain.

I took my seat next to my father as we waited for the rest to show up. There were nine sponsors, three for each of the top 3 factions of the Academy. The rest of the smaller factions are just parts of the big three but they keep their names but with this meeting that will all change. I saw familiar faces like Leonel De Auras, Zamir Valerian, and Irani, who were representing the royals for this meeting.

A stunning golden-haired beauty walked into the conference room drawing all the attention, she had blonde hair that went down to her butt and golden eyes that burned like the sun. She had a voluptuous and curvaceous body that would drive men insane and the black dress she wore that tightened around her body and showed off her long white legs wasn't helping either, even my father had to take deep breaths and chant his arcane mantra to calm himself down. Leonel on the other hand trembled in both anger and fear, which was the dominant feeling I didn't know but I smiled nonetheless as I knew that this would be entertaining.

God I wish Hakari was here, his toxic ass mouth would've made this amazing, although I would have to watch out for the woman who just walked in, she might jump over the table and eat him alive.

"Rastia Solis, Empress of the Solar Dragon Clan, welcome I trust you have been well?" Mizuki asked with a smile on her face.

She nodded her head with a smile of her own, "I've been fine. Although, I wasn't able to harvest the cultivation of the beggar that tried to lay his hands on my daughter. But I heard that he was turned into charcoal recently so I couldn't be happier." she said in a sensual voice that seemed to awaken my nerves.

"BITCH!!!!!!!!" Leonel howled as he stood up from his seat and his aura flared, about to jump over the table and attack Rastia.

Rastia folded her arms across her chest unknowingly pulling up those balloons that almost made me reach out my hands in an attempt to grab them she sneered in contempt and said, "Go on then, what the fuck are you going to do? Bitch you are the weakest one here as you are the only one still in the Realm of Dao. Shut the fuck up and sit down before you embarrass yourself and make what little face you have left sweep the floor."

Leonel cleaned his fist so hard I heard the void cracking as I saw his knuckles turn pale. He gritted his teeth so hard that his gums started to bleed, she was right though, what could Leonel do? Out of all the royal clans, the Lunar Dragons were the weakest, the only reason why no one dared to make a move on them is because of the Nightingale family who has Leonel under their thrall. The funny thing is that he doesn't even know it and still thinks that he has that family under his control.

If it wasn't for Riff stepping in and convincing Rastia she would've humiliated Lykan, harvested his cultivation, and executed him. I don't know what price Leonel had to pay for his help but I know for sure that it wasn't light

But honestly, that family is far too scary, that girl Yennifer had no idea how strong her family is. Zamir grabbed Leonel's arm and finally calmed him down and made him swallow his nonexistent pride, "Calm down, now is not the time. You can resolve this after the rules and regulations have been established."

The aura of Leonel calmed down as he slowly took his seat. He then snorted and revealed, "Hmph, the one who maimed my son will be begging for death when I have him at my feet and Lykan is making a speedy recovery and showing improvements in his health. I don't have to wait long the Asuran Prince himself is leading the investigation into the incident, the culprit will be found in no time."

My father and I had to hold our breaths and close our eyes as they were tearing up due to us holding in our laughter from the foolishness of this guy and the actions of my nephew.

This fucker is too shameless!!!!