Treysin Kenji - Hot Seat

Hakari how the fuck could you be this shameless?!

This little bastard really had the nerve to put the Lunar Prince in a coma and then tell his father that he would personally lead that charge in finding the culprit?! This dude has no respect for anybody I swear. I looked to my right and saw that father had finally calmed down from almost laughing himself to death, I shook my head and turned my attention back to the squabble.

"Oh? I've heard a lot about the Asuran Prince, it seems that he will be the leader of this generation? Irani, how is he?" Rastia asked with a smile that I couldn't understand the meaning of.

"He's...great he's amazing in all categories but he is not the only one we should be talking about should we?" Irani replied with a slight blush on her face that seemed to be caught by only the empress and me, my mind wandered and came to a conclusion that I outright refused.

He's not that bold right...he can't be

Rastia smiled and looked towards me, "I've seen your nephew before Treysin, while it hasn't been in person I have to admit that I like what I see. Mizuki and Irani have told me many great things about him. Care to let him visit me after this meeting?" she asked with eyes that showed obvious lust.

"Hakari is not and will not be one of your toys Rastia so you can drop your plans," I said with a dark gaze.

It was well known that Rastia treats most men like toys, even her husband while powerful is putty in her hands when it comes to the bedroom. She doesn't have a harem as her husband does but that doesn't prevent those fools from throwing themselves at her doorstep not knowing the truly horrible fate that awaits them.

She smiled and blushed heavily as she said, "Ara Ara, I don't think of your nephew in that way at all, in fact, I see him as husband material. If it weren't for the age difference between us and my dignity as the empress I would've already proposed marriage. We both know that black dragons are just as good at dual cultivation as solar dragons, do you think that he can handle this empress?"

I sat there completely shocked as did everyone else in the room. We honestly couldn't believe the boldness of this woman, it has to be stated that Hakari is fourteen, calling Rastia his ancestor in terms of age is not incorrect and she has the nerve to say that she has eyes on him and as her husband no less!!!!!

Rastia having her eyes on young talents is normal, she usually takes them and uses them to vent her lust before throwing them away...well that's for the people who usually survive. Most people either see their cultivation harvested or that along with their life essence and all that is left is an empty husk. So that fact she had eyes on Hakari is unsettling at best but I wasn't worried, there was no malicious intent, all I saw was curiosity and...anticipation.

"Hakari has been meaning to have an audience with you Rastia and if the rules and regulations go as I have guessed you two can have a meeting very soon," Father said with a smile on his face

This simp is so fucking blinded!!! She wants to bed your grandson for fucks sake, have some fucking dignity!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, that's that, nothing more I can do here. Godspeed Hakari, you're going to need it, if there is anyone that I would not sleep with due to pure fear then it's this woman. Just don't disgrace our name and race and tap out like a bitch and you'll be fine.

"Oh, now what have I missed? Everyone looks like they have seen a sex tape of Leonel. Surely it can't be that bad right? Were the whore's moans legit at least?" Said a charming voice that sent the whole room into a frenzy of laughter, even Zamir couldn't keep a stoic expression any longer

"YOU!!!!!!!!" howled Leonel again but that was all he could do. He got bitched by Rastia and sat down afterward like a good dog, let alone the man who just walked in who was far stronger than Rastia, but no one other than me and father knew that.

The man who walked in was handsome, with pale skin, black hair, and violet eyes. He had smooth eyebrows and a sharp jawline, he was dressed in a two-piece red suit with gold designs on it.

Kordri Thyesses, emperor of the Shadow Hydra clan walked in with a smile on his face as he walked past Rastia, who was seated across the table from Irani and sat on the seat to my left.

"Where's the vid? Did Leonel destroy it that quickly?" Kordri asked with such confusion that would make one think he was serious about the question.

Irani, struggling to hold her laughter finally said, "There was no sex tape Kordri. We were just shocked by Rastia's boldness again."

"Hmm? What could she have possibly said now that would have you all in shock? Only thing I could possibly think of is either her wanting to bring one of the Seven Blessed from Heaven into her bed or her finally confessing her love for Leonel. If it's the former then it should be Kellian."

"What makes you say Kellian?" Irani asked, intrigued by his guess and she wasn't the only one as I was the same, the rest of the people in the room were no different.

Kordri shrugged as if what he was about to say was common knowledge and said, "SImple. For one as much of a lustful freak Rastia is she is still graceful and elegant as ever, she would never lower herself to even touch that useless pile of shit Zantar, even if she was on death's doorstep."

He continued on, completely ignoring the killing intent that Zamir was now flooding the room with, "Two, while Hakari would most likely be her go-to choice and maybe Lian if he wasn't available but since he is I can continue with my reasoning, he is too evasive and hard to find. It's not like he is even trying to be slick, that's just how he naturally is, and add that to the mysterious vibe he always brings it's no clue why the bitches all get wet for him. Even Rastia wasn't spared, which is why her daughert is already on academy ground already keeping an eye out for him...isn't that right?" he finished off with a smile, putting Rastia in the hot seat.