Interrogation II

"Yes." Tanya responded plainly as if she wasn't in a dangerous situation, "Humor me." she added on with a sneer.

Jesper and the others had shocked looks on their faces in response to Tanyas' answer. Jesper was the first to recover and once he fully realized the answer he laughed mockingly, "You know Tanya, I have to admit it, you're actually bolder than I thought."

Jesper backed away and looked at Tanyas' body up and down, "How about you become my woman? I promise to treat you well." Jesper offered, staring at her with such lust that even I had to reevaluate if this guy was a simp or not.

Tanya bellowed with a laugh full of malice as she looked at Jesper in disdain, "I already have a man Jesper. Besides, do you really think that you could defeat me one on one? Don't be delusional let alone just you, even if the three of you came together you wouldn't be able to lay a finger on me."

"Well, I tried. Maybe after you are pinned under me and are moaning and groaning like the little slut you are while I breed you should be enough to know your place." Jesper shrugged and sighed in disappointment as if he was feeling pity for Tanya being delusional.

I shook my head and facepalmed. I couldn't even find it in me to laugh at Jesper's foolishness, that would just be too cruel. There is a reason why I didn't just straight up kill Tanya and that was because it was damn near impossible to kill her. Tanyas' attainments in the Dao of Blood were monstrous, it was guaranteed that she would become a Blood Monarch in the future.

The Dao of Blood is one of the strongest Daos to comprehend. It is said that when one reaches the pinnacle that they would become unkillable, I had no idea what layer she was at but I was sure that she was at a higher layer in the Dao of Blood than I was in Space and Time. The man that was holding down Alister ran towards Tanya, space shattered just on his takeoff alone and a second later he was in front of Tanya lunging his dagger at her throat.

Tanya had no way to dodge but I knew that even if she could she wouldn't as she didn't even need to dodge, once the tip of the obsidian dagger was about to pierce her throat it stopped. The man's eyes were open in shock as he realized that he couldn't move, it was like he was frozen in time but I knew what the real reason was, it was because of his blood.

Tanya sneered as she raised her hands and stroked the man's chin, "You feel that? That is your own blood turning against you submitting to its true master. It is by my will that you are not allowed to move and are now left here, a powerless beggar pleading for your worthless life."

Tanya has this force field that is able to control the blood of all people who walk into its range. The only way to counter it is by having a higher cultivation than her or having a higher comprehension in the Dao of Blood. Both in my case were impossible, she is at the peak of Heavenly Transformation and only half a step away from the Realm of Dao so the only way I could prevent that from happening was by being in the Realm of Dao as well but I don't have to worry about any of this as of now. Who knows, we might even be able to acquaintances after all of this.


Tanya snapped her fingers and the man's entire body became covered in blood as all of his internal organs, including his heart, were just destroyed by that snap. He should be dead but due to being in Tanyas' blood domain, he is still alive, although barely. Jesper at this point realized that he had fucked up but he still was not worried, in fact, he was excited.

But that quickly turned into fear as Tanya snapped her fingers again and the man whose organs imploded on themselves healed fully. It was as if nothing ever happened to him and was in peak condition, but as I looked more closely I could see the complete fear he had in his eyes. I don't blame him, cultivators are prideful and they feel emotions much more than regular humans. Imagine someone who could give you immeasurable pain and leave on death's door just for them to snap their fingers and bring you back to normal like nothing happened and you can't do anything about it. That type of power would drive an ignorant cultivator insane.

"I admit that your power is immense Tanya but we still outnumber you. You're not the only person who has been hiding their strength." Jesper revealed as a chaotic aura erupted from his body that shattered the whole room. Laws, Space, the ground and the entire area was completely destroyed as everything turned to disaray.

"The Dao of Chaos!" Tanya screamed in surprise.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes Tanya, it is the Dao of Chaos and since I've reached the peak of the sixth layer as soon as I'm done here and make you my whore I'll break through to the Realm of Dao and go right up to Dao Sublimination. You are not my match, did you really think that you could just walk up in here and fluant your shitty domain and think that I would grovel and beg like a bitch?! Know your place, which you will soon see after you are done being filled up by me." Jesper proclaimed with a venmous laugh as he scanned Tanya's body, licking his lips like a vile beast.

Tanya face showed no fear, in fact it showed amusement and pity as she smiled and looked in my direction, "Well Jesper I have to say I'm surprised and impressed. I really am, if everything went according to plan you would've succeeded even if I brought help nothing would change. Unfortunatley for you the help that I brought is something that will leave you is despair."

Jesper laughed in mockery, believing that it was Tanya spewing bullshit to deloude herself of the fate that he had in store for her, "What help?! Who could possibly be enough help to save you from the situation? There are only two people who could possibly save you right now. One is not even on the floor let alone the area and the other one would never help you due to your hatred for him so tell me princess...who will save you?"

"So doesn't that mean that your luck is just really shit or do you think that your measley power make you the highest under the heavens?" I asked in contempt as me and Lian appeared beside Tanya. We then looked at Jesper and enjoyed the look on his face as it looked like he drank a gallon of horse semen.