Episode 12

(The episode opens with Adam, Don, Den, Jay, Luke, and Grey eating popcorn, while Lana and Yurem talking)

Lana: So, for the last years we were hanging around in secret

Yurem: Until graduation, since we wouldn't be in the same college

Grey: So, are you still in love or are you not?

Yurem: I thought that was obvious

Lana: Of course, we still love each other

Yurem: You know, I realize that didn't you read about guys being polysexual

Lana: I did, it was cute, but kinda sexy

Adam: Can I get the name?

Lana: Secret society of men

Adam: Grey!

Grey (types on his phone) (glasses on): I'm on it

Lana: You're the smart one

Grey: I am known for that

Luke (puts his arm around Grey): Yup

Den: We each have something

Don: Special

Den and Don: About ourselves

Grey: Jay's a fast reader

(Jay waves)

Grey: Luke is a fast learner

(Luke smiles)

Grey: Don and Den are good at judo

(Don and Den are in a karate position)

Grey: And Adam is the leader, kind, and a bit of a tease

(Adam has a smirk)

Grey: And there's one more

(Don whistles)

(Ozran appeared)

Ozran (looks at Don): Right on time

Don: I'll be back

Lana: Wait, is he here

Don: No

Ozran: I'm taking him to my realm, have fun

(Ozran and Don disappeared)

Lana: So, how odd do your days be

Grey: Found it, Jay

Jay (takes the phone): Got (scrolls through the phone)

Adam: Our says have pretty odd, but before I say do you pg or r-rating

(Lana looks at Yurem)

Yurem: I got r-rated, so you choose what you want.

Lana: R

Luke: Okay, Adam Explain

Adam: Let's see each of us have had to deal with supernatural creatures and they tried to well have an intimate relationship with us

Lana: Hey, I said r-rated

Adam: Sorry, I wanted to test you, they wanted to fuck us and the first time we didn't like it because it was force, but the others it wasn't so we were okay with it

Lana: You sicken me

Adam: Thank you, I was waiting for that

Lana: How long before all of you felt that way

The boys: All out life since we knew him

Luke: But, he isn't just lustful, he's kind

Grey (glasses): And a good leader

Jay: I like playing card games with him

Den: Watching tv with him is okay

Adam: Thank you, anything else you want to know?

Lana: Why act like this?

Adam: Because it's fun, plus teasing them makes life worth living

Lana: Who do you tease the most?

Adam: Hmm…Den and Don, they are just so easy

Lana: Okay, this is my fujoshi side talking did you fall for them all at once or one at a time?

Adam: All at once

(Luke, Jay, Grey, and Den blushes)

Adam: You all are a packed deal including Don that isn't here right now

(The screen shows Don blushing, while walking with Ozran)

Don (thought): He's saying something embarrassing again

(The screen switches back to the boys, Yurem, and Lana)

Yurem: Will you stay together like this?

Grey (glasses): it seems likely, but nobody can predict the future we all could move on

(Jay gives the phone to Adam)

(Adam starts reading)

Luke: Any other questions

Lana: Say who would most likely drop out of the group first?

Den: I feel that would be either me or Don.

Lana (writes in a notebook): Okay

Yurem: Which one of your birthdays come first?

Luke: That would Adam's

Yurem: Who's the most mature?

Grey (glasses): That would be me

Lana: Immature?

Adam: Guilty as charged

(Episode ends with Yurem asking more questions)