Episode 13

(The episode opens with Adam holding a flyer for a hot spring)

Yurem (angry): You are suggesting you all go to a hot spring alone

Adam: Yeah, it's a perfect chance for some bonding

Lana (angry): You get enough of that already

Luke (sparkles): But, we've never gone to a hot spring

Don: I kinda want to go

Grey: Me too

(Den nodded)

Yurem (surprised): Seriously!

Jay: Sorry, Yurem your friend is gone, the hot spring got him

Luke: Cross over the light and enter in the dark with us

Yurem (looks at Lana): What do we do?

Lana: The only we can, we have to go with them

Yurem (surprised): Huh?

(The screen switches to them all at the shrine)

The boys: Yeah!

Yurem: Everybody stay together, no running away

Adam: Say, Yurem I don't think this play has mixed baths

Jay: Which means you'll be with us and Lana will be all alone

Lana (pulls Yurem by her): Oh no, you are not pulling him into your trap

Luke: We won't steal him, we just want to get to know him better

Adam: Yeah

Grey: Guys, if we waste time in them, we won't have anytime to have our fun

Don: He's right

Adam: Then, let's go (winks at aYurem) we'll mess with you another time.

(They run to the shrine)

Lana and Yurem: Hold it!

(The screen switches to the boys heading to the hot spring)

Luke: It's weird, I didn't see the owners anywhere

Yurem: Which I hate because the mixed bath really wasn't installed

Adam (red eyes): Which means we have you all to ourselves

Grey: Guys, (shielding Yurem) remember nothing too far

Don: Don't look at me, I'm just going to relax

Den: Same

Adam: How is too far?

Yurem: I can answer that, No S.E.X.

Adam: As if, unless you want

Yurem: That too, the teasing foul

Adam: Awww…no fair

Grey: We have to go by his rules

Adam: Fine, then take off the towel

Yurem: I guess that's only fair (takes off the towel)

Adam: Impressive

Yurem (tries to cover himself): No looking

Jay: To think

Yurem (backs up): No getting closer

Luke: I have no words

Don and Den (sunglasses): We see nothing

Adam: Where did you get the sunglasses from?

(Don and Aden point to a stand with sunglasses)

Grey (with glasses): Peculiar, that wasn't there before

Yurem: Yeah

(Fog starts to appear)

Lana: I hope everything is going well, Yurem can't handle Adam that well

(Lana sees the fog)

Lana: What is going on? Where is this fog coming from?

(The screen switches to Yurem, Adam, Jay, Luke, Den, Gray, and Don swimming in the hot bath)

Den: Don, strategy three

Don: Got it

(Small portals appear around Don and Den)

(Yurem is grabbed a hand)

Grey: Yurem! Yurem! (Dives down and sees a tail) (whistles)

(Don and Den wrap ropes around Yurem)

Yurem: I officially consider you my friends

Don: Great, where's Adam?

Adam: Show yourself

A voice: Why should we?

Adam: You hunt boys, don't you?

(The mermen appears)

Grey: Yurem, if you are safe whistle

(Yurem whistles)

Grey: Thank goodness

Yurem: Can you see where you are?

Grey: I can't be that far, since we are in the hot spring

A mermen: If you think so, we should clear the fog

(The fog is cleared)

(Don and Den in the ocean)

Don: Uh oh, where's Yurem?

(Yurem is next to Adam in the ocean)

Adam: Thank goodness you are safe, Grey will be happy

Yurem: Why is it just you?

Adam: That's kind of rude

Yurem: Sorry, I'm glad I'm not alone

Adam: me too, I love company

(Grey is alone in the ocean)

Grey: Well, this isn't going to go well

(Luke and Jay are together in an ocean)

Luke: Okay, what is going on?

Jay: Seems we have been split up again

Luke: Typical

Jay: Wait, what about Lana?

(The screen shows Lana all alone)

Lana: Hello, Jay, Luke, Grey, Yurem, Adam, Don, Den, anybody

A voice: Sorry, you are all alone, princess

Lana (scared): Who said that?

A voice: A friend

Lana: What did you do with them?

A voice: They're just having fun in our maze

Lana: Could you bring them back?

A voice: Or you can join them?

(Lana is sucked in by a whirlpool)

(Lana landed in the water by Grey)

(Lana is drowning)

(Grey swims down, gets Alana, and brings her back to the surface)

Lana (hugs Grey): Thank you

Grey (smiles): You are welcome, I'm just glad, you are alive

Lana: Where are we?

Grey: I think a pocket dimension, it looks like an ocean, but we are just in a hot spring

Lana: Do you think all of them are safe?

Grey: Absolutely, they probably want to split us up to catch us off guard, but don't worry I am here so you won't be alone

(Lana shakes as she sees a giant shadow)

(The screen shows Adam and Yurem)

Yurem: So, do you think they will pick us out one by one?

Adam: They may, but don't worry I'm here to protect you, I owe Grey

Yurem: You really care about him?

Adam: I know I joke and tease, but I really do care about him

Yurem: Say, what made you know that?

Adam: I knew him for a while, he is cute whenever he comes up with plans,

Yurem: Wait, please do not mention him being a good kisser or anything like that

Adam: I wasn't, (smirks) but I am surprised you would guess that

Yurem (blushes): It was just a guess, it doesn't mean anything

Adam: Heard you before ask him what's it like to kiss a guy, you still want to know

Yurem (blushes) (backs up): I was just kidding

Adam (swims forward): It's okay, no need to be nervous, it's only a kiss

Yurem (blushes) (swimming away): Listen, maybe when we aren't alone

Adam (swims forward): It won't be that bad, one peck I promise

Yurem (blushes) (stops): One peck

Adam (swims forward): One peck, I swear

Yurem (blushes): Fine, just don't tell Grey and then, you will leave me alone

Adam (face to face with Yurem): Yes

Yurem (blushes): Just make it quick

(Adam French kissed Yurem)

Yurem (shocked) (covers his mouth): You French kissed me

Adam: You never said that I couldn't

Yurem (shocked): You didn't think you would, I was wrong to think that

Adam: Relax, it's a small kiss

Yurem (shocked): Fine, now you keep your promise

Adam: Cross my heart, no more kissing

Yurem: Thank you

Adam: So, what do you think?

Yurem (blushes): It wasn't so bad

Adam (smirks): out of ten

Yurem: F…five.

Adam: I expected higher, but I can take what I can get.

(Yurem sees a giant shadow and shivers)

Adam: You look like you saw a ghost

(Yurem turns Adam around to see a giant mermen)

Adam: I didn't see that coming

(The screen shows Don and Den fighting against the giant mermen)

(Grey protecting Lana)

(Luke and Jay throwing rocks at The giant mermen)

Adam (protecting Yurem): What do you want?

The merman: Just wanting to inspect who is in our territory

Yurem (hiding behind Adam): Territory, but we were in a hot spring, I didn't think merpeople be somewhere so hot

The merman: We like anywhere that has water especially when it has guests like you

Adam: I'm flattered, but Yurem here isn't interested in that

The merman: Then, I guess I should put him with his friend

(Yurem disappeared)

Adam (worried): Yurem!

(The screen shows Yurem falling out of the sky and Grey catches him)

Yurem: Thank you, I got caught off guard

Grey: No problem

Lana (holds out her arms): Yurem! I am glad, you are safe

Yurem (backs up): I am glad to see you safe too

Lana: Why are you backing up?

Yurem: No reason

(Lana catches Yurem and kiss him on the lips)

Lana: You kissed someone else

Yurem (blushes): How could you tell?

Lana: That's pretty obvious

Grey: Don't tell me, Adam

Lana (red eyes): How far

Yurem (scared): Just my lips that all

Lana (red eyes): Regular or French

Yurem (scared): uhh

Lana (red eyes): He's a dead man

Yurem: Grey, I need help

Grey: Fine (whistles)

(Ozran appears)

Ozran: What's up? (Looks around) oh, the mermen's trap, need help out or something else

Yurem: Can you please erase the memory of Adam and I kissing from Lana's memory?

Ozran: And I get

Grey: I'll pay, what's it?

Ozran: You pay it later (winks)

Lana: I am so glad

(Lana, Yurem, and Grey appear in the normal hot spring)

Grey: Seems we are back to where we were before

Yurem: Thank heavens (jumps out of the hot spring)

Lana (jumps out of the hot spring): I agree

Grey: Ozran, what about the others?

Ozran (voices echo): I got them

(Don and Den appear in the hot spring)

Don: That was was a giant

Den: There is no way, we could've beaten him

(Adam appears in the hot spring)

Adam: Man, he had strong kissing skills

(Jay and Luke appeared)

Jay: We're back

Luke: Why become so giant?

Jay: To seem intimidating

(Everybody gets out of the hot springs)

Grey: It just proves my theory, wherever we go the paranormal follows

Jay (annoyed): Great, so now what?

Luke: Simple, we get the heck out

Lana: I agree

Yurem: Same

(The screen shows them all riding in the car)

Lana: I knew coming here was a bad idea

Yurem: Hmm

Grey: Well, now I can add mermen to a list of paranormal creatures

Den: You have a list?

Grey: Yeah, ever since we faced those demons

Adam: Interesting

(Episode ends with them talking in the car)