
"Let's go" he shouted as he ran through the backyard

"Hey, what's happening?' Mike called on to him, but Jason didn't look back. He knew they would not hurt others but him. They were coming for him.

"What's happening?" Alicia asked while running along. She was a trained hunter and knew when there was danger. She knew there was one at that moment but didn't know what it was.

"They are called infernos. Very dangerous," Jason answered, jumping over the fence. He helped Alicia up and ran across the street while hiding. He turned around and could sense them after him. How could infernos be at the party? And there were many of them. What did they want with him? They ran to his house and hid inside the house.

The house was fortified with special enchantment in his mother's place.

The infernos or supernaturals would not enter. And he would not go out as well unless his mom allowed it.

"Why are they after you?" Alicia looked at Jason and asked. She was full of doubt. Being a trained hunter, she knew a thing or two about infernos. From the look of things, they want him alive

"I don't know. They have been following me the last few weeks." Jason said, looking outside the window from the living room. He was nervous. His mom said it would be safe in his house with the reinforcement by the supernatural powers

"There were standing outside his house looking from outside. They tried to come inside but were thrown away by an invisible wall.

At the party, many people were thrown away in an attempt to get to Jason. Some people were not so lucky when the inferno burnt them alive. It was so chaotic, with everyone running for their lives. By the time the hunters got there, the infernos were long gone. After the rescue was done, Jason, Max, and Alicia were nowhere to be found. It raised suspicion on Mackenzie's face.

The kids were taken to the hospital while the dead to the morgue. Following the tracks and testimonies of those that saw the inferno, the hunters made their way toward the Mackenzie house.

At Jason's house, the inferno tried everything possible to get into the house but to no avail. The hunters got to the house, but the infernos were charged. They went directly for them. They went all out, fighting them to the death. It was like it was now or never.

"Hello, Frank. It has been years. Do you remember me?"

"Hello, Willis. It's been years," Frank said, looking at the huge man before him. He remembered, of course, the blunder. He did not kill him. That guy was a traitor. At least he believed it. He made a terrible mistake and created a grudge that would never end.

"I am only here for the boy, nothing else," Willis said, which stunned Frank and the rest.

"Why the boy?" Frank was skeptical about it. He felt the boy was special and something about him made him feel uneasy. With the infernos coming for him, then things are not simple.

"You really don't know. Do you" Willis looked at Frank and laughed hysterically.

"Please enlighten me." He was further curious. Inside the house, Jason and Alicia were watching everything from the window. It was like a movie playing right in front of them.

Jason could hear them talking and was scared for a while. Afraid the inferno will sell him out to the hunters. That would be the worst. The same went for the Mackenzie couple.

"Well, I guess I will have to keep that to myself. If we can't have him today, then we will have to come back for him later," Willis said before he and his group disappeared from where they stood. Frank and the crew looked gloomy with them disappearing.

"Is there something you guys would wish to tell me about your son?" Frank turned to look at Jayer and Miriam and asked. He had suspected the kid. There was something about him that kept him on edge.

"What are you talking about? You have seen him severally, and he is nothing special. He only turned 18 a few weeks ago?" Jayer said angrily

"I don't know. You better not be hiding something from me. You will not like it when you betray the organization." Frank said and waved his hands for the men to drop their guns and go back. Alicia and Jason walked out of the house at that moment.

"Dad," Alicia walked to Patrick at that time and hugged him. Jason was the one shocked. He didn't know Alicia was related to the hunter family. It never crossed his mind at all. Besides, you can't blame him. He had never really asked about her family. All he had was a crush from the first day he saw her driving into town.

He sighed, thinking of the possibility that he may not be with her again

"Why are you here? Patrick asked, looking at his daughter. Even Frank was interested to know why Alicia was there. He stopped on his track and looked at them.

"Well, Jason asked me out on a date and what happened next made us run for our lives here," Alicia answered her dad truthfully.

"Is that so?" Patrick asked, displeased, looking at Jason

"Yes," Jason could feel anger coming from Patrick. He answered provocatively to the man," I like her and would like to date her," Jason went ahead and said in front of all those people. His parents were stunned. In fact, Jayer was elated looking at his son look. It was a provocative look. Jason seemed to be sating. I like her. What can you do about it?

Frank stood at the side and looked at them. He smiled sinisterly at them. He approached them and parted Patrick on the shoulder.

"No" Patrick shouted, the refusal which stunned Frank and Alicia. Jason just smiled, looking at his reaction; the same went for Jayer and Miriam. They all smiled and giggled at the reaction. Their son was teasing Patrick. Frank looked at Jason, then at Alicia, and smiled.