Beauty Trap

"Yes. You can date her. If you like her, what's the point of stopping you." Frank looked at his son and said. He had a meaningful smile, making Patrick wonder if the old man was scheming.

Jason smiled when the grandpa okayed it. But his parents were not happy. They knew the old man, and he must've been planning something. The way he was looking at Jason was suspicious.

"Good night, Alicia," Jason said while the hunters walked away

"What were you thinking?" Miriam scolded her son," you know that old man is not a good person. He must have planned something to allow you to date his granddaughter. You have to be careful," Miriam said but smiled after thinking for a while. Jason was confused. She was just scolding him a second ago. Why was she smiling?

"That was cool. The look on Patrick's face was priceless. You know how to tease the man" Jayer was the man to say this time.

"I could feel anger from him. It's like he didn't want me to be close to his daughter," Jason answered while sitting down.

"You will stay at home for the rest of the week. No going anywhere until we figure out what this thing wants from you" Jayer turned serious all of a sudden

"Okay." Surprisingly, Jason didn't argue with him. Miriam and Jayer looked at him and went to their room. Jason also walked to his room.

Max's mom had been transferred to DustVille Hospital, working as a nurse under a famous doctor Maxwell Martin. She was excited about her new job but didn't know she would face the worst horrors of her life.

Doctor Maxwell is known as the best doctor in the hospital with mysterious ways of treating patients. He was also new in town and had been there for three months.

Three months ago

In the underground parking lot of the hospital, a car pulled over and parked at number 7. A tall, handsome black man alighted from the car holding his coat. He took his glasses from the front car seat and wore them before locking the car. The dark-lit underground was normal, and he didn't notice anything different. He received a call and answered it. He stood for a while arguing over the phone. In the background, shadows were approaching him slowly without his knowledge.

He hung the phone and cursed whoever had called him. That's when he noticed something was behind him. He turned, but he could not see anything. What made him scared was the feeling that someone was next to him, but he could not see. He tried to run out of there, but something hit him, and he fainted.

The shadow appeared in its original form. It was a faceless shadow. The shadow then moved to the fallen body and entered it. Dr. Maxwell then stood and walked to the hospital. He looked energetic, but everything seemed new to him.

Sometimes people would call him, but he would ignore them. People didn't know that the identity was new to the shadow figure. Nobody knew Doctor Maxwell had been possessed. For the following three months, the doctors and patients were amazed at how he took care of patients magically. If there was any strange case in the hospital, it was handled by Doctor Maxwell. Max's mother, Mrs. Mapendo, was transferred to be his assistant nurse.

It was weird she was specially chosen from a small clinic to work with a very famous and remarkable doctor. To her, it was not odd but an opportunity that presented itself when she needed it. His son would be going to college in a year. The expenses were too much for her to be a widow.

"Hello, doctor," she greeted as soon as she got to the doctor's office. It was a small office with everything that he would need in there. Sometimes he would not even go home.

"Hello, nurse. What is it?" The doctor asked as soon as she entered the office

"A body was brought in, and the head morgue attendant has asked for your presence." Mrs. Mapendo said, smiling at the doctor

"Okay. I'll be there." The doctor answered, getting ready. He raised his head, looking at the nurse who still stood there. Mrs. Mapendo saw she wasn't needed and excused herself. As soon as she closed the door, the doctor opened a secret safe on the wall and took something out of it. It looked like a ball but shiny. He placed it in his pocket, and the safe closed, which hid in the wall. It was not different from the wall, no matter how you looked at it.

At the morgue, a body was placed on a table, the attendant trying to dissect it. Each time the knife touched it, it would sparkle. It was like electricity was coming from the body.

"Doctor, what can you tell me about this issue?" the attendant has been working with the doctor for a while and knew so much about the supernatural.

"He was electrocuted, but he is resistant to it" He looked further and frowned," he took the ball from his pocket and towards the man, and it lit blue. It was supernatural, and it was not dead.

"Get away from him. He is alive and dangerous," Maxwell shouted, but it was too late. The body exploded just when Mrs. Mapendo opened the morgue door. The lightning came from the body and hit her straight in her body. She stumbled for a moment before she turned into silver eyes looking at them. An evil smile was on her face when she ran from the morgue.

"What was that?" the morgue attendant was shocked. She had seen lots of strange bodies, which was the first time she had seen that.

"We have a dangerous being out in the open." He said, running after Mrs. Mapendo. He ran all over the hospital and could not find her. He called the security over and searched all over the hospital, but she was long gone. Dr. Maxwell was not doing fine. Whatever was released was very dangerous. It could be dangerous to him and all the others.

A woman in town appeared in a nurse's uniform in the theatre. There were hundreds of people watching. The innocent people didn't even know what happened to them when the lights went off. There were screams in the dark room. The room lit when it was all over, and lifeless bodies lay everywhere.