
No one in the room included the woman in a nurse uniform. By the time the police came, it was too late. The bodies were electrocuted. There were no signs of blood or struggle.

"What really happened here" one of the officers was shocked, looking at the lifeless bodies lying all over.

"It looks like an electric shock. How much power would cause this incident? It's weird," another officer.

"Did the cameras catch any of it?"

"No. It went all out. But a woman in a nurse uniform was last seen coming in here, but no one saw her among the bodies. Also, she didn't go out through the front door" the officer analyzed the situation for the head office.

"It's really weird. Well, let's get all the bodies away before it's analyzed by the professionals," the head officer said, taking his phone out

"Hello. Frank. There is a case you should take a look at?"

"What is it, chief?' Frank answered on the other side. The guy never called him unless there was a special case

"There is a case you should see."

"Okay. Ill is there," Frank answered before looking at his granddaughter in the office. He called her for a private call. He didn't want to involve the parents, but something secret he and her could know about

"As I was asking. How close are you to the boy Jason?" Frank asked, looking straight at his granddaughter. He could see confusion and curiosity on her face.

"Not too close. We just met, and he seems to like me," Alicia answered honestly. She wondered what her grandpa was unto

"That's a start. I want you to be close to him. Get all the information about him, his friends, what he likes, where he goes, and his behavior." He talked to his grandchild like one of his men. At that moment, he wasn't talking about family but work.

"Why?" curiously, Alicia asked. It was unlike his grandpa to send her to missions.

"It's because only you can achieve this?"

"Is there something I should know about Jason that you are worried about?" Something was going on.

"Nothing special. I just want to get to know the boy better. I'll tell you if there is something," Frank answered divergently. Excused, Alicia went to her room, pondering. There was something about Jason that was special. Since her grandfather gave her a job, she had to do it.

Frank went to the morgue and looked over the pile of bodies. The morgue was too crowded for all of those bodies. They had to hurry up with the investigation and have family members take the bodies.

"What do you think?" The chief asked, looking at the frowning Frank.

"Do you remember a case we had twenty years ago? Of a man that would take charges out of people's bodies to be stronger?" Frank tried to make the chief remember

"Of course. How could I forget? I was almost a victim of the same. Don't mention it. It became a nightmare for years," the chief answered, his face distorting. He could remember the feeling he had that day vividly. He felt like the blood in his body was being drained alive. Were it not for Frank and the other hunters coming up with a way to save him; he would've been long dead.

"wait, do you think it's the same thing?" the chief asked in doubt.

"It could, but I am not sure. I will have to look into it for a while." Frank answered, his mind troubled. It seems like something huge is going to happen in town. For the last three months, weird things have been happening as well as more supernatural appearing at the same time.

"Okay. You better do. My men are not trained to handle this. And if the people get to know the kind of thing we are dealing with, they will leave town." Chief said

Nothing was found on the bodies that could help determine what happened, so they declared circuit shot caused shock in the room, killing everyone. The families complained and sued the police for not doing their work well, but nothing could be done. Eventually, they had to bury the bodies. Several incidents happened in town, resulting in more bodies being found. All these started a rumor that wild animals were on the loose. Since people needed something to believe, they got one. Armed with weapons, every household in town got ready to fight in case they were attacked. There was no more peace in the town. Everyone was scared, including the supernatural. If the humans could find out what they were, it would definitely be death.

Frank and the team tried to track down the culprit, but it was like it never existed. Returning to the drawing table, Frank traced the lightning man's cases and found several recordings of how they came about and how they could be killed. Alicia was helping with the research as well as with the hunting. She was not just an eighteen years old teenager but a skilled killer. She could kill a werewolf without going to war with her eyes. It was like she was born to be a killer.

She was very skilled in tracking and identifying hideouts.

The following days were super busy with the students returning to school but were allowed to go home early. There was also a curfew in place. No one should be out by 7 pm. It is relatively not easy for Max. His mom had been missing for days. He went to her workplace and found no answer. She was not there; no one saw her the entire time.

"Jason, I can't find her at the hospital. She is not here," Max called his friend nervously. He wracked his brain trying to find his mom.

"Don't worry; nothing is going to happen to her. We will find her. I am heading where you are. Wait for me?" Jason answered, running to his new car. Soon he arrived at the hospital and sneaked into areas they were not allowed. Since Max's mom was working with doctor Maxwell, he was the only one who could help them.

They knocked on the door and entered without waiting for his response," Hello, doctor?" Jason asked, looking at the handsome black doctor. He really was handsome.

Even he could see that. But there was something dark about him.