
He sniffed two auras coming from the guy. In a moment, his eyes turned green, just like his mother's, and he could see a shadow attacking the doctor. He gasped in shock, taking a step back. Doctor Maxwell as well saw him and was shocked. He could see the guy was a wolf, but he had an aura of a witch. That was new to him unless… he didn't get to continue thinking and stopped. Only one person could have that power. It happens once in a million years.

"Hello." He composed himself and answered

"We are looking for my mom' Mas asked

"Are you Mrs. Mapendo's son?" he asked, looking at Max and then at Jason. He hesitated for a moment before he went to them and closed the door behind him.

"Since you two are friends, then you must know about each other's secrets," He said, looking at Jason to ensure he understood what he was talking about. Jason nodded, and he proceeded.

"Then you know about supernatural," he said this and took the shiny bowl from his hands. He took it towards Jason, and it lit blue. He then stood before max, and it slightly lit and disappeared. He looked at Max knowingly before looking at them.

"Just now, I looked at his supernatural abilities. It seems you are a werewolf and a special one." Hr said, pointing at Jason, which stunned both of them. If he could tell he is one, then how many people know he is one.

"But you, my dear, are strange. You have super abilities, but they are not activated. I don't know what you are yet, but it's going to be interesting' Dr. Maxwell smiled

"Please, we are not here for all this nonsense. Where is my mom? What happened to her. She came to work but had not returned since then? He was nervous and worried, and the guy was bickering about powers

"That's where I was heading. Your mom was unfortunate to be chosen by the lightning shadow." He said, looking at them

"What's that.?" Both Max and Jason asked at the same time.

"There was a body in the morgue. We went to take a look, and it came back to life. The body it chose was too weak for him, so he intended to take either the attendant or me, but your mom opened the door at that moment, and the shadow took her body

"Is she dead? Or her conscious is still in there?" Jason asked, looking at the man. He wanted to know if the doctor Maxwell was dead or if his consciousness was still there

"She may still be there if she is strong." He said casually.

"And him? Is he still there?" he asked, pointing at him. He was stunned for a moment and nodded his head.

"You are going to help us take back her body. You know how to do it." Jason said all of a sudden, and Max looked at him, not understanding what the two were talking about. His smart mind was not working as fast in panic

"Okay. But nobody should know about me not being me." The doctor said, looking meaningfully at him

"Sure. The same goes here," Jason answered and walked out with Max. The

doctor looked at the two teenagers and laughed out in joy. He had found what he was looking for. There was no need to continue looking. He left his office and went with them.

For several houses, they went to different places where she may have been hiding.

"Where else would a shadow go to hide?" Jason asked the doctor. He seemed to be thinking of different places.

"Well, there is this one last place. I am not sure, but he may be there

"He?" Jason asked curiously

"Mmmmh. The shadow that possessed her body was a male, a powerful one at that. But the problem is power. He needs to feed himself to his previous self. Everyone is in danger, especially the supernatural. They have too much energy, and the whole town is in danger of its hungry self.

"What are we waiting for. Let's go" Max was in so much hurry. He hardly digested the information he got. He was acting on impulse. Who would blame him? His mother is missing, and a human killing shadow seems to possess her. He was afraid it would be too late when they got to her.

"Let's go." Doctor Max took them to an old house deep in the woods. It seems it had been years since the house was used. Some half of the house was damaged and fell down.

"Are you soon anyone lives here?" Jason asked him, full of doubt

"Of course," the doctor answered, looking worried. Be prepared; he may attack" he barely finished when lightning came to form the other side striking straight at him.

"Hey. It's me. It's me. Don't. Stop" doctor max tried to talk to them; lightning man, but he could not hear him. He kept on throwing lightning at him.

"Okay. I am sorry. I should not have tried to absorb you" Jason and Max were stunned, looking at the two.

"And I should not have left you back then. Come on, brother, I am sorry. I have been sorry for a long time." Doctor Maxwell said, looking really remorseful

"That's not all. You have to get me his powers." The lightning man appeared, but it was Mrs. Mapendo. The body was hers, but the voice was different.

"No, I cant." Doctor Maxwell said coldly

"Then you are not sincere enough" Mrs. Mapendo smiled and shot out the lighting at him at full force. A wall appeared before the doctor, and it bounced back the powers that hit him. Mrs. Mapendo fell down to the ground from the sky. She looked at the man before him in mockery.

'You think you can kill me again. Sorry, I am too powerful for you to stop me." The lightning shadow said before disappearing from Mrs. Mapendo's body. It vanished into thin air.

"That's more like it," the doctor said, turning to the two, pointing at Mrs. Mapendo on the ground.

"Take her away before he comes back. She is only weak. She will be okay after enough rest," the doctor said to them, intending to go after the shadow.