
"Mom. It's okay. I am not alone. We have knocked down the rest of them."

"Do you think they are stupid? They will never leave this place unprotected. They are somewhere watching." Jayer added. He was hanging up in the air, tied to a pole.

His clothes were bloodied. Jason was so angry. His eyes were golden yellow, his claws sharp.

"I will kill them," he greeted, his teeth, looking at his parents

"Hurry up and go. It's a trap," Miriam shouted. She looked at her son and her eyes became red wet in tears.

Jason had knocked the bar off, ripping it apart taking the ropes off her hand. She collapsed on him. Cary went o his father an dhelped him down. They were about to go out of the banker when blue light dropped on them from everywhere

" Don't inhale it. Its Monkshood. Hold your breath. Get out" Jason shouted but it was too late to some of them. The ones outside were fighting the hunters. Jason helped his mom out and went back for Carly. He had inhaled the powder in air.

He was coughing badly. His eyes turned yellow with traces of golden. The veins in his neck seemed to pop out any moment. He helped his dad out whom Damian picked up and dropped at the ground outside. There was no time for anything else. Their lives were in danger.

Jason picked Carly up and walked out of the bunker when they were surrounded by more hunters. The close up fight was more difficult for the hunters same for them.

Claws out, sharp teeth out, there was nothing to leaving to chance. Its either they died or the others died. Jason has never shown the hunters he can wield magic as well but Frank knew.

Steps could be heard from a different direction as Frank and his family came into view. Alicia was among them. Jason turned to look at them and his gaze landed on Alicia. He called her name in low tone. His heart beat faster whenever he saw her. But this time they were fighting from different sides," Kill them. Leave no one alive. I say no one" the other hunters looked at him in surprise. They knew he hated the wolves but why kill Jason's parents. Beside Jason had never done anything wrong to begin with. But the rules were rules.

Miriam stood on her feet struggling going to her husband. She felt deep hatred for those people. They didn't even have mercy on them. Her husband was severely injured and needed medical attention. She helped him up and hit behind a tree. She tried to heal him but her powers were limited. He injury was limiting her usage of magic." Its okay" Jayer looked at his wife and felt pained. If they had gone far away sooner all of that would not have happened.

" No. I have to try. I cant lose you" Miriam cried wiping her tears away. She took a deep breath tried to calm down. She closed her eyes and opened them again. It was green. She place both he rhands on his stomach channeling her healing energy inn them. Jayer felt a warm sensation as the energy invaded all over his boder. There were bullets flying all over them as well as arrows but non of that mattered at that particular moment. She felt her body was giving in buut she didn't want to stop. It would be for nothing. She persisted and eventually it worked. All the wounds closed up. The momentshe removed her hand from his stomach, she collapsed down on him

"Miriam. Wake up" Jayer pushed her but she had fainted. He checked her pulse and signed in relief. He looked at the werewolves and the hunters fighting and knitted his eyes.

So many people had died. Both side had suffered greatly but the young hunters were more. He took a sword lying on the ground next to them and joined the battle after making sure Miriam was safe. He walked t the hunters and fought them. They had subjected his family to humiliation. They have torture him for nothing.

What does his son becoming a werewolf have to do with him and his wife? They didn't go ask the wolf to turn him.

He fought his way towards Frank. Jason saw what his dad was doing and he shouted for him to go back

"Dad no. Let's go" he jumped up in the air and released release powerful vibrating energy from his hand throwing all the people on his way away. The hunters of course

There was a look of sock in Frank's eyes but it soon disappeared. He walked towards Jason with a determined steps. No matter what, he had to kill him. He was a monster.

Jayer came before him. He didn't think and took out his sword fighting him the knights way. With the clanking of the swords crossing each other they fought before he threw Jayer away. He was no match for him. He had been trained for over seventy years. He was strong but there was another secret with him. He looked at Alicia and instructed her to finish it

Jayer fell and was pierced in his hear by Alicia at that moment

Jason ran to his father," nooo. Dad" he didn't get to reach him when Frank ran to him. His sword came clashing on his body. He swung and dodged it but it did cut him on his arm.