During the middle of the meal, Ashley said that she had to leave due to emergency and excused herself. Once they were done eating, it was time to settle the bills.
They were about to split the bills, when May apologetically expressed, "I am so sorry about this, Evelyn. It seems I forgot to bring cash."
Evelyn didn't mind it. After all, they were friends, and this was just a meal. She didn't mind paying for it, and when May mentioned about paying her back, Evelyn shrugged it off, saying that there was no need for it.
Following this, both of them took separate paths to their respective home. Once Evelyn was in her current room, she went through her phone, and her hand paused when she noticed the picture of May and Ashley hanging 9ut in the mall.
She comforted herself by saying either it shouldn't be from today or there should be a reason behind it. She ignored the obvious signs like a fool.
After that, May started to tell her more about Ashley's feelings towards Landon and included her in many matters as well. This made Evelyn feel more close to them, and she was happy.
However, on one day, when Ashley was away, May looked at her and voiced out, "Ash is little too annoying, isn't she?"
Evelyn was baffled to hear her talk in this manner. After all, the two of them had years worth of friendship between them. Although Evelyn wasn't experienced with matters of friendship, even she knew friends don't talk behind the other negatively.
Maybe she was looking too deeply into that statement of May's.
"She is fine," Evelyn slowly responded, not knowing exactly what to say.
At that, May nudged her and continued, "Come on, you can be honest. She is not here. Honestly, she can be so tiring. Like, if she has feelings for Landon, she should pursue him herself. What's with egging us on and acting so dramatic? Shy, huh? What kind of act does she think she is pulling?"
Evelyn was put off by May acting in this manner. She silently listened as May kept on badmouthing Ashley. Yeah, sure, certainly, there were times she disliked Ashley's behavior, and same went for May too. She was sure they felt about her the same too.
But wasn't the whole point of friendship is to support each other and look past those differences? No two person were same after all, and differences were bound to exist.
Of course, back then, Evelyn was unaware of how naïve her point of view was. It sounded too dreamy and unrealistic.
From then on, this had become a daily occurrence. May ranted on to her about Ashley regularly, and Evelyn silently listened. If she attempted to correct May, she only got glared at. Therefore, she remained quiet.
In the end, unable to tolerate it, Evelyn asked, "May, do you like Ashley?"
She also wanted to ask why she was continuing this friendship if she had so many complaints when it came to Ashley. If she treasured Ashley, maybe they should talk and settle these differences.
"Like her? Is there anything about her to be liked? That attention seeking bitch. If it wasn't for the fact that her father is loaded, I wouldn't even glance at her direction. It's so tiresome to be with her. And after all that I endure, she is a stingy bitch. Can't even buy me a cup of coffee."
This is when a question popped up in her mind.
What about her? What did May view her as? If she could have such malicious opinions towards Ashley, whom she had known for long, surely, she wouldn't view Evelyn in a positive manner.
But Evelyn didn't voice out her thoughts. Despite the chances of everything being fake, she still wanted to maintain this friendship. Once she tasted the sweetness, it was hard to go back to hardship.
On the same day, May and Ashley had her approach Landon. They wanted her to ask Landon for his number.
Certainly, this was a difficult task. Not only was she bad at social interactions, Landon made her especially nervous. Given that she stayed at his place currently, she didn't want him to get the wrong idea.
That's why, she did call him out of the class but then, stared at him for few minutes, not knowing how to phrase the entire thing out.
She admired Landon's patience. He didn't ignore her and walk off to the class.
He asked her, "What's the matter?"