Beautiful In White

It looked really luxurious when it came to the interior of the Narcissus and Milly was just right at the sofa, fixing some of the dresses.

"Ahh there she is, Milly!" He shouted while waving his hand.

Milly was expecting them to arrive early, so she had come prepared for their arrival. She even served them tea for today.

"The bride to be, leave us Greyson and come back in an hour or so." Milly told him with a serious look on her face as he just followed her order and left Cassandra in Milly's hands.

"Wa-Wait!" She wanted Greyson to accompany her, but he didn't turn back and just left the boutique shop.

Hours went by, the moment he came back to check on Cassandra and the progress Milly made, the dress had already been fitted to Cassandra's right body proportions.

While Cassandra did see the dress as well as Milly, Greyson didn't get a chance to see it because they hid it in the box before he could take a single glimpse at it, everyone knew that it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her dress before the wedding, but it was fine for Cassandra because she knew that everything was just fake.

"Are we all done here?" He asked Milly, to which she replied with a nod. "Okay, how much do I owe you?"

Milly put her hand up with four fingers up as well. "You owe this much."

When Cassandra knew how much the dress cost, she became a little hesitant unlike Greyson who looked like it was nothing to him, he was just writing a check to give to Milly.

"Pleasure doing business with you Milly, till next time." Greyson said with a smile on his face as he and Cassandra left the store with the dress.

She was guarding the box with the dress in it with her life since she knew exactly how much it cost, but she was smiling while holding it because she knew that in just a couple of days later, she will be wearing that dress in front of other people in a church.

"Thank you for today even though I would've been really fine with a dress from any of the display windows at that store earlier…" She was grateful with the dress Milly made for her, but she was mostly grateful that Greyson insisted on getting it in the first place.

"Next time I see you, you will be wearing that dress, I can't wait to see the look on my face when I see you in that dress, I'm sure it'll be a magnificent sight…" Greyson complimented her genuinely without any lie on his end which really flattered her as she had barely gotten any compliments from him that was actually genuine.

He finally took Cassandra back home as they had nothing else to do that day, all there was to do was wait for the wedding day and finally finish the contract once and for all.

"In just a couple of days, everything will be over… I guess things really do have to come to an end." Cassandra was reminiscing on the memories she made with Greyson on their way home as she suddenly felt saddened by the fact that the contract was near to its end.


Days had passed, Cassandra couldn't wait to fit the wedding gown that Milly made just for her. The wedding day had finally arrived… the moment of truth for the two – Greyson Avery and Cassandra Harper.

She couldn't sleep the night earlier because of the nervousness she had at the time. She was quite scared about how everything will move forward, but she was also afraid of ending things with Greyson as she had realised that she was actually having a fun time with him.

It was four o'clock in the morning, her alarm had just rang for the first time that day, she only had a couple of hours of sleep because she was having a hard time falling asleep at the time, Cassandra slowly opened her eyes as she stared into the ceiling for a couple of seconds before finally realising that it was her wedding day.

"Ah… The day of the wedding, the day I finally cut my ties with Greyson… Why do I feel sad, a hint of regret maybe? Why, though? I have been waiting for this day the moment I entered into a fake relationship with him, I should be happy, maybe even over the moon with joy over this but…" She was saying out loud in the air, as if she was talking to herself, but before she could finish what she was saying, her phone suddenly rang.

She quickly grabbed it and saw that Greyson was the one calling him, Cassandra immediately answered it as quickly as possible. "H-Hello? Greyson?" She asked with a tense voice, she felt quite awkward talking to him at that time of the day.

"Oh good, you're awake, I thought you were still sleeping. I'm sure you already know your schedule since you are the one that planned mostly everything, but to make sure that nothing goes wrong today because it is our wedding." Greyson was enthusiastic about the entire day as he sounded quite excited as well.

"Fake Wedding…" She replied with a sassy voice.

"Right, right… Fake wedding, sorry about that. Anyway, to make sure that nothing goes wrong with our fake wedding before it even starts, I already sent a limo to your house to pick you up, the driver will take you to literally anywhere where you need to, hair appointments, salon, and I will also leave you in charge with picking up your dress, I'm going to sort the things around here while you dress up, I'll see you later, yeah?" Greyson then hung up the moment he was finished talking about the plans.

"Limo?" She whispered as she let out a deep sigh and Greyson didn't respond so he might not have heard it.

Cassandra, on the other hand, felt like she was about to puke because of the nervousness that she was feeling at the time. She knew she had no time for thinking of such things, and so, she quickly got from her bed without fixing it since she was in a rush.

The limo Greyson sent out for her had just arrived in front of her house, the moment she knew this, she silently sneaked out of her house, making sure that her parents didn't wake up. She was even carrying the wedding gown into the limo.