70. All For Nothing

Enies Lobby

"You called me Joey just now." Number 4 of CP10 said to Sheila. "Who is that?"

"Don't change the subject, Drongo!" Sheila retorted, still holding her bitten shoulder. "What did you do to my mom?!"

"I gave her this." Joey held three blueberries between his fingers. "It's a plant called Night Howler. Very toxic and can bring the true beast out of animals. Even Mobians lose control and stay Primal indefinitely. I wonder how it would affect a half-Mobian like you."

Sheila jumped up and sent a Light Kick at Joey, knocking him out of the room. She said to her wristwatch, "Mates, I found Joey! He made my mom into a savage!"

"I got your location, I'm coming up there!" Miyuki yelled.

"RAARRR!" Marine bit Sheila's tail, forcing the daughter to spin a Light Fist and punch her off. "I'm only focusing on you!" Sheila said to Joey. "Ain't none of the animals you can turn into can match against me!"

"Or perhaps they can!" Joey transformed into Sheila herself. (Play "Metal Mario Fight" from Super Smash Bros.!)

Boss fight: Joey Beatles

Sheila threw punches and kicks at her double, but Joey countered with the same moves before Shaving behind Sheila and kicking the back of her head. Sheila lit her feet golden and ran around Joey at lightspeed, kicking him across the hall, but when she zipped up for another attack, Joey turned into a giant turtle and protected himself in the shell. "Being me ain't as easy as you THOUGHT, huh?!" Sheila retorted. Joey spun in the turtle shell and shot to her, but Sheila jumped and punched Light Spheres to ricochet the shell around the hall.

Joey turned into a cheetah and performed faster Shaves, confusing Sheila before pouncing her from behind. Joey turned into an eagle and picked her up in his talons, flying back around the halls and breaking through a window. "SHEILA!" Sector IC saw her, but they were unable to pursue. The kids heard a growl, and MaKayla fought back when Primal Marine attacked them. "Miyuki, try to look for Sheila, you need to examine Uncle Joey." Kayla ordered.

Joey dropped Sheila on the top of the Tower of Justice, then morphed into a gorilla to try and crush her, but Sheila jumped away and punched a Light Sphere at his face. Joey turned human and evaded Sheila's Light Spheres using Paper Art. "Tell me who Joey Beatles is!" he demanded.

"I don't even know!" Sheila jumped a Tempest Kick. "My friends told me he was Kirie's missing uncle, and that scientist guy said that he stole the Mammal Fruit. How else are you turning into all these animals?"

"I don't know." Joey lunged at her as a snake, but Sheila leapt and grabbed the back of his tail, only for Joey to become a chimp, flip back, and kick her off. "All I remember is fighting, killing, and being ordered to fight and kill." Joey became a rhino and charged at Sheila, who grabbed the horn and pushed him into halting using her Light Fists. Joey became an ant and skittered up to her foot, but when Sheila stomped, he became a crocodile and snapped her leg in his mouth. Sheila shook her Light Foot and swung him off as Joey changed back to human. "But if you know anything more, I want you to tell me!" He Shaved up and jabbed Finger Pistols.

"You know, I'd have an easier time tellin' you if you weren't trying to kill me!"

"I still have a mission. You're one of the Seven Lights, so I can't let you live!"

Sheila leapt above and swung a light strip from her tail, but Joey evaded. Sheila landed and said, "Well, I don't remember you appearing much in the Firstborn story, anyway." Sheila lit both fists gold and charged at Joey, but he became a hippo and used Iron Body to withstand the attacks. Joey turned into a kangaroo and threw rapid-punches at Sheila, then spun to whack her across the roof with his tail. Sheila used Light Feet to zip around the roof, but Joey became a fly to make her surprise attack fruitless.

When Sheila stopped to look for him, Joey landed on her head and attempted to crawl in her ear, forcing Sheila to desperately pound her head. This power always made assassination easy! Joey thought with malice. Crawl in the enemy's ear, expand, explode. I usually prefer less messy ways, but as long as I-

"Rewind!" Joey was caught in an unseen force and crawled out of Sheila's ear, reverting to a fly. Miyuki released her Rewind as Lola Stork flew up to snatch the fly in her batty mouth, spitting Joey out as he morphed back into human. "STOP!" Miyuki and Kayla combined their powers to freeze him in place.

"I hate to score such a cheap knock-out." Sheila spun twin Light Fists and leapt to smash Joey in the frozen head. "But we're busy." (End song.)

When the Stop wore off, the force of Sheila's attacks smashed Joey down two floors. The assassin lay defeated as Terry carried Miyuki down with Shadow Glide. "Let's see what happened to you." Miyuki touched Joey's head.

Five-year-old Joey was brought onto a boat by men in yellow protection suits. He was greeted by Caesar Clown on Punk Hazard. While sneaking around the facility, he found a green fruit and decided to eat it. He snuck around the base in the form of a spider, and when he learned of Caesar's true intentions, he became a bird and flew away.

Joey unwillingly changed back into a human partway over the sea. He struggled to swim and would drown, but a GUN vessel passed by and rescued him. "Where did you come from?" a soldier asked.

"I, um… I don't know!" Joey started crying. The soldiers gasped when he turned into a fish flopping on deck, then a lizard.

"He's some kind of metahuman…"

"Let's take him to base, maybe the doctors can find out what he is."

Miyuki fast-forwarded the vision, and from Joey's eyes a bald-headed brown-skinned doctor was studying him. "It is quite an interesting specimen…" his British voice said. "Perhaps we can use him for our benefit."

Miyuki quickly skimmed the memories as Joey was doing martial arts in a class of students wearing shock collars. "This one will be Agent 401." Dr. Strange said. "His code: 'I Cannot Wait To Get Home To My 50 Pound Mother.'"

Joey was put in the care of a government agent who assigned assassination missions. "Please let me goooo! I wanna go hoooome!" the child of seven years old pleaded.

"Pipe down or I'll leave you activated! Is that what you want, kid?! To lose your free will?!"


"THAT'S IT! I Cannot Wait To Get Home To My 50 Pound Mother! FOREVER!"

Joey was activated for seven days straight, completing his assassinations without fail using his powers. Unfortunately, his next target, assigned by his own uncontrollable urge, was his handler. So he snuck into the man's office as a snake and bit him in the neck. Joey turned back and got a powerful headache. He was no longer under anyone's control, yet he couldn't remember a time when he was in control. The Sleeper in his brain fried, and he was left for the other government agents to deal with. Soon, Joey was in a Rokushiki class, later to join his fellow assassins.

"So that's what happened." Miyuki deduced. "He was a Sleeper Agent that wasn't deactivated in time."

"Sheila!" The kids turned to find Mason and Haruka, alongside a familiar raccoon woman.

"MUM!" Sheila beamed. "Strewth, you don't look savage anymore!"

"There was some kind of poison inside her, so I used my poisonbending to extract it." Haruka explained.

"I wish those blokes bothered to bathe me." Marine said, sniffing her armpit. "Where are we, anyway?"

"We have to secure Joey and take him back to Moonbase." MaKayla said. "We might be able to use his powers to save Mew."

"What makes ya think that?" Sheila asked.

"It's just a theory. Mew contains the DNA of all animals and Joey can change into any animal… which Mew can do also. Let's store Joey inside an Infi-Cube." Kayla pulled out said cube and sucked Joey inside.

"Everybody, this is Haruka." she said in her communicator. "We've captured Uncle Joey."

"Nice job!" Aisa replied with a smirk. "We're just wrapping up here!" Morgiana caught Karin Uzumaki's head in a leg-lock, and Aisa proceeded to stomp her in the face and knock the teen out.

"We knocked out everyone in the tower!" Harry reported, standing on Rodrigo's body.

Shade grabbed Nya's arms and slammed the teen on her back, punching her until her armor broke under her strong fists. Nya angrily threw the shattered pieces off, charging Shade again, but the echidna jumped to kick her in the face, again knocking her unconscious. "The rest is up to Maddy." She looked to see Diwata and Crest holding Sector DR within a midair gravity field, which she compressed into a center before having it explode. Sugar slid by to punch her brother unconscious.

"It's not over, yet." Sapphire said. "There's still one more… Well, I guess two."

Poneglyph Chamber

Rob Lucci gazed at the setting sun beyond the holographic savannah. Hattori was fluttering in circles, cooing as his master spoke. "I've always pondered the force known as fate. Like the sun is destined to set beyond the west, I wonder if we are all bound by the fates the universe set for us. If it were true… I wondered if there was a way to break our fate."

Lucci pressed a remote, changing the hologram to that of a preschool yard. A young boy in a white shirt, blue shorts, and black hair was sitting under a tree eating his crackers. A bird flapped down and claimed one of his crackers. Lucci caught the bird and strangled it to death. "THAT BOY JUST KILLED A BIRD!" A blonde girl pointed.

"Stay away, he's a monster!" a fat boy shouted. The yard cleared of the screaming children in seconds. The boy scowled as he resumed eating.

"So from then, my fate was set." the adult Lucci said. "At the time, it seemed like I was a petty outcast… The children feared me and kept calling me a monster. I found myself… unable to argue… because deep down, I liked it when they did. I wanted to hear it some more. That girl who first pointed at me… I followed her to her house and killed her cat. My parents sent me to a private school… I followed all my classmates home and killed their pets. Eventually, I wound up in military school. I excelled in hand-to-hand. They realized their teaching methods were too small for me. So they brought me to him."

The hologram projected a dojo where a 12-year-old Lucci stood before a yellow alien with a round head, crescent grin, and tentacles. "Who the heck is that?" Maddy asked.

"Korosensei." Lucci answered. "I didn't know what he was or where he came from… but he was the greatest master of Rokushiki. Even greater than I to this day." They watched as Korosensei Shaved all around the room in milliseconds. When Young Lucci swung his blade at him, it snapped against the alien's Iron Body. "He trained me to become a perfect assassin. I served the Government in CP10, killing anyone on their behest. So I learned my true fate as a murderous predator… was to do just that.

"But how little I knew that my destiny was intertwined with many others. How many times has the perfect chance slipped." The projection showed Rob Lucci walk by Nolan York in the GUN base. It cut to Lucci training Sleeper Agents in martial arts, Kimaya among them. It then showed him and Marine building the Sunny Day. "Knowing today, they were people I would have to kill… I can't help but wonder if all people I met are guilty. But who isn't guilty of something? That was the question that made me wonder if what I did was just. So I turned to a higher power. And he had this to say."

The hologram showed Lucci standing before the throne of The King, surrounded by fire. "It is true that all life is sacred… but some individual lives can be a horrible factor for those around them. Only I can determine which lives those are. Trust in my words, Lucci… Do not kill mindlessly… Kill only those who are truly guilty."

"And there were no beings more guilty than the Twenty Keys, he said." The illusion turned back to a sunset savannah. "When I learned that this rock was in Mariejoa, I knew that destiny would one day lure you here. I swear within God's mountain… I will not let you read this Poneglyph."

"You just wanted a reason to kill people." Maddy stated. "People berated you for it, yet you enjoyed it… You're only loyal to The King because he made it sound like it was okay. I might not know much on destiny, but I do know that we decide it. And I choose to read the Poneglyph because I think it'll help me save the universe. A man that chose to be a killer wouldn't understand."

"There is more to it than being a killer. You see… King Andrew's wish was the same as mine." Lucci grinned with malice. "To defy the force known as fate… To prove that destiny is void! By putting an end… to this wretched prophecy. ROOOAAR!" Lucci morphed into a black-mane lion and got on all fours. (Play "The Encounter" from Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep! (The last time we're gonna hear this, so we're playing the remix.))

Boss fight: Rob Lucci

Power Levels: Maddy – 5005. Rob Lucci – 5500.

Maddy ran up to Lucci and threw a punch—the lion Shaved behind, but Maddy sensed this and ducked his claw before dealing an upper-cut, knocking the lion airborne and jumping to kick him against the invisible wall. Lucci pounced off and tackled Maddy, clawing at her face before she kicked him off with Armament legs. Lucci began pouncing left and right as Maddy braced for a surprise attack—as expected, he Shaved above and stabbed Finger Pistol, Maddy dodged and punched him in the eye. She sensed a combo of swift claw swipes coming up and began jumping away to dodge them. When Lucci was in the midst of one, Maddy ducked under to throw a punch up, but the lion Shaved and punched her from the side.

Lucci ran up to Maddy and placed his hands together for the Six King Gun. Maddy gasped when she saw his posture and quickly jumped up to run around, evading the powerful beam before jumping on the lion's back. Lucci roared and pounced around while trying to claw her off, but Maddy dodged his claws, and climbed up to punch him repeatedly in the head, her armored fist moving fast as a bullet. Lucci did a spin attack and threw her off, and when Maddy was getting up, Lucci zipped up to slash at her face numerous times, but Maddy blocked with crossed arms before doing an uppercut and kicking Lucci away.

Maddy whipped around and ran up the stairwell to the Poneglyph, its letters glowing- "ROAR!" She dodged Lucci's swipe and lit both fists iron to rapid-punch him, but Lucci used Paper Art and avoided before grabbing Maddy's head and chucking her toward the entrance, off the stone's platform. Lucci Shaved to multiple areas before appearing directly in front—Maddy punched his stomach, but Iron Body protected Lucci, then he stabbed both her hips with Finger Pistols. Maddy kicked his leg and seized the chance to roll away, and when Lucci turned, Maddy unleashed her Conqueror's Haki.

"You really think that's going to work on me?!" Lucci swiped his claws, but Maddy dodged and countered with armored punches. "The lion that was harvested to make this Devil Fruit was a fearsome king who bowed to no one! Only The King may command me."

Maddy locked hands with Lucci's as they engaged in shoving, and Maddy dodged her head left and right when Lucci snapped his teeth. Maddy kicked at his stomach, and still holding his claws, she leaped overhead and hauled him up and over. When Lucci was down, Maddy dealt rapid-punches to his face, then she leapt onto his mane and wrapped arms around his mouth before slamming his head against the wall. Lucci shook Maddy off, but the girl ran up for an Armament headbutt, then she dodged Lucci's swipes before grabbing his claw and holding it as she leapt and spun to kick his face.

"I don't know how you managed to get this stronger in a short time." Lucci said as he caught his breath. "But your strength will be your downfall. The easiest way to ensnare your prey is let it wear itself down. A child will exhaust herself dry."

"By the time I'm exhausted, you'll be ready for the vultures."

"How long do you think those meager punches will be effective?"

"I was just warming up, but I think I'm ready now." Maddy rolled her sleeves up. "So, congratulations, Lucci. You've won the honor of being the first enemy to see my secret power!"

"Growwwwl. Secret power?"

Maddy stretched her fingers and cracked her knuckles. "You're about to wish destiny was kinder!" She stomped a foot and sent a surge of power through her veins. Hattori was knocked out by an unseen force and hit the ground. Maddy's arms and legs covered in black iron, but they reflected red in the twilight. Her shoulders burst into black iron flames, her pupils expanded as her contacts popped out, and the Armament Haki shaped like specs around them. Finally, an iron heart appeared on her chest, encased in a circle, and the invisible force brimmed in the air.

Lucci gasped. "It can't be! Is that… Haki Fury?!"

"It sure is." Maddy replied. "My teacher taught it to me in secret before our last training day ended. We made sure no one else was spying, because it makes a Conqueror Haki force-field that knocks out anyone close by. Weaker people, at least."

"It's impossible! Haki Fury can only be entered by someone with full mastery of the three forms! You could barely dodge me on our last encounter… How could you have learned so much in one day?!"

"We are extremely fast learners."

Star Train

"But it's not the power I was hoping for." Nefarious commented. "Sigh… At least this should wrap things up quicker."

And back

Lucci growled and Shaved behind her—Maddy zipped behind and KICKED him against the wall, then zipped over to rapid-punch his whole body for five seconds. Lucci climbed up the wall and leapt down to tackle the Haki body, but Maddy grabbed his hands and kept him above before slamming him to the ground. Maddy jumped and stomped his belly, then Lucci grabbed and slammed her on her back before stabbing Finger Pistol at her chest. "ROOOAR!" His two nails broke, unable to pierce the iron chest, then Maddy socked him across the jaw.

"Then you give me no choice!" Lucci flexed his arms and surged with power as well. "Never in all my years did I think I would go Primal on somebody!" His fur spiked and his black mane bloomed like a flower. The two broken nails respawned as his claws grew sharper.

"Primal?! But you aren't a Mobian!"

"IRRELEVANT!" Maddy dodged his Shave attacks, but Lucci moved with double speed and scratched the Haki Body from behind. "If benders and martial artists can unlock Fury forms, why not us metahumans?! I have fully embraced and accepted my power as a predator! My bowels are the gateway to Hell!" Lucci leaped away and began prancing around Maddy in circles, repeatedly slashing his claws and sending Tempest Swipes that she evaded with Observation. "ROAR!" Lucci shot at her like a bullet and scratched her flaming shoulder, then he resumed prancing and slashing Tempest Swipes.

Maddy chased the lion with faster speed in her Fury form, but Lucci jumped and Moon Walked around the air with bullet-speed pulses. He slashed Tempest Swipes at Maddy still, then shot down with a Torpedo Spin and bashed her against the wall. Maddy kicked off and headbutted the lion, shooting him across the room. Lucci roared and lunged at Maddy, the two locking fists and showing their strength in another shove-off. Maddy looked Lucci in the eye and released Conqueror's Haki, but the fearsome lion stayed strong against the unsettling chill.

"ROOOAR!" Lucci's sudden bellow blew Maddy back, then he shot up to slash, but Maddy jumped, kicked off his head, and flew up to the Poneglyph platform. The letters glowed and became legible—Lucci grabbed Maddy from behind and chucked her across the room. She crashed in the opposite wall, looking to see Lucci pounce forth, bend his arms back, and slash them in a Tempest X.

The outside of Mt. Mariejoa exploded. "Everybody, look!" Dillon called. The operatives had all gathered around the back of the island, looking from either the tower or the shore. The side of Mariejoa crumbled, exposing the inside for all to see. "IT'S MADDY! She's fighting… Scar from Lion King?"

"No, it isn't Scar!" Shade yelled. "It's Lucci!"

Maddy was wobbling on the edge of the room, her Haki Fury extinguished and her body exhausted. Lucci grabbed her by the arm and raised her to his face. "Oh, my… It seems you've overcooked yourself. You mastered the Haki, but not the Haki Fury. As expected, you wore yourself dry. All that's left is to eat-"

"WAAAAH!" Suigetsu Hozuki was blown out of the water, crashing in the room as a dizzy Logia puddle. "Owwww…"

"MADDY!" Lucci jumped back when Melody Jackson appeared on a water cyclone.

"MELODY, HEAL HER!" Chris shouted.

"ROAR!" Lucci Tempest Kicked and cut the cyclone, but Melody landed in the room and threw rapid Water Whips using her Water Fury. Lucci dropped Maddy and lunged at her, but a giant Water Whip from Manaphy slammed him against the wall. The prince kept Lucci pinned while Melody ran to heal Melody's wounds.

"Cough… I'm too exhausted to get up…"

"Mana Mana!" Manaphy dropped his hold on Lucci. "PHYYYY!" His antennas shone red and sent a beam to connect Maddy's heart, and one other beam across the sea to connect Chris's heart.

"Whoa! Are they trading bodies?!" Dillon exclaimed.

"It's not Heart Swap." Midna gaped. "It's Health Swap! Manaphy's switching their HP! (As it were in videogame terms.)"

"OWWW!" Chris felt pain surge through him, so he collapsed.

"Why couldn't he do it with Lucci?!" Dillon questioned.

"Because the two people have to be close with each other." Midna answered.

"Urg… It's okay." Chris forced a smile. "Chosen One takes priority, I reckon."

"I take it back, Firstborn are useful!" Artie yelped.

By the time the Health Swap was complete, Lucci recovered to bash Melody and Manaphy over the edge. He saw Suigetsu reforming and decided to throw the Logia over as well. "ROAR?" Lucci looked up and was too late to dodge Maddy's Haki punch, then she dodged the lion's swipe. Currently, Sparky and the recovered Hattori were sitting on the edge of the Poneglyph platform. The puppy glanced at him. "What're you looking at, coo-kachoo?"

Lucci slashed Tempest Swipes that Maddy evaded, and when she ran up to punch his belly, Lucci used Iron Body, then slashed, but Maddy rolled behind him and bit his tail. The lion hollered and swung his arm around, but Maddy kept behind and jumped on Lucci's head to rapid-punch his face. Gonna wait at least 3 minutes before going Fury again. Maddy thought. Lucci shook off and Torpedo Spun, but Maddy dodged right and evaded his following swipes using keen Observation. The dodging game kept up for half a minute, at least.

"Running out of options, I see." Lucci snarled. "You want to play keep-away so badly, then keep away from this!" Lucci Moon Walked near the ceiling and unleashed a storm of Tempest Kicks around the room. Maddy kept Observation active and dodged every one by a heartbeat. Still airborne, Lucci channeled power for a Six King Gun, burning it along the ground in Maddy's direction as she kept away. Lucci landed and Shaved around her, but Maddy scored a kick when sensing one of his warp points.

"Goombella, can you sense their HP from here?" Nagisa asked.

"I'll try." Goombella narrowed her eyes on Lucci and used her Tattle. "Rob Lucci has 150 HP left. Maddy has… 95. It's going to be a close shave."

Maddy dodged a round of Finger Pistols and punched one away with Armament, then rolled to Lucci's right to kick in the leg. "Has it been three minutes? Ugh, I'm going for it." Maddy stomped and burned into Haki Fury for the second time (excluding her demonstration to Sparky). Lucci reentered Primal Fury and did a spin attack, but Maddy ducked underneath and did an uppercut. She hopped up and kicked Lucci against the wall, then ran for a round of rapid-punches around his body.

Lucci kicked Maddy away, and they both recomposed to face each other, catching breath. They both charged and locked fists again. Maddy dodged Lucci's bites, then she bashed his teeth with her head. Lucci leapt and let Maddy slide under—she whipped around to catch him preparing a Six King Gun. Despite the power brimming in his hands, Maddy leaped forth and punched her Haki fist against the center of the energy. The concentrated chi burst everywhere, but the strain against Maddy's fist was unbearable. Both opponents stood their ground using willpower alone, the energy was making it too bright for the others to see. Maddy felt Lucci's hold weakening, she was determined to see it—Lucci abruptly stopped the attack and snapped Maddy in the waist. (End song.)

The light faded so everyone could see. They were distraught by the result. Lucci's teeth lodged into Maddy's flesh and leaked blood. Her Haki Fury gone, Lucci chucked his fallen opponent across the room. The lion rasped, relishing in the taste he worked so hard for. He saw the operatives watching from the distant shore. Lucci stood to full height and let the entire island hear him: "ROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRR!"

The kids felt their excitement dying, Shade was on the verge of tears. Everything they worked for, all their effort, was for nothing. Lucci continued breathing so his exhaust would settle. Then he prepared to Moon Walk across the sea.

Plant. Lucci whipped around. Maddy pushed up from the floor with her own hands. She was back on her feet against all odds. "How can you still be alive after that?!" Lucci hissed. Maddy faced him, but her dull blue eyes showed no sense of conscious. "You're…You're not even awake. But how are… Are you being kept alive by your own Haki?!" (Play "Allen Walker" from D.Gray-Man!)

Goombella scanned the two again. "Rob Lucci's HP is down to 15. Maddy stands at… 1."

The sleepless Maddy burned into Haki Fury again. Lucci lunged over and swiped claws viciously, but without a waking mind, Maddy had nothing to distract her from dodging. She socked Lucci in the jaw, costing him 5 HP. She dodged his tackle and bit him in the neck, dealing 2 HP. Lucci rolled to shake her off, Shaving all around to stab Finger Pistols, but Maddy evaded with the quickest motion and kicked 3 HP out of Lucci. The lion leapt, and the two locked hands for another shove-off. Lucci tried to peer his sharp green eyes into her dull blue ones, but it was a futile effort.

! ! ! !

An invisible force erupted in the air and Lucci lost his senses. Maddy channeled power into her fist for the final uppercut. Everybody gaped as the lion rocketed all the way to the sky, higher and higher and higher.

Sunni Chariton was in the midst of flying up Mariejoa. She looked down and- "Whoa!" dodged the lion that mysteriously flew up.

The people on God's Domain viewed up at the sky when the lion soared over their boundaries. There he flew to God's Castle, and smashed through the roof with gathered momentum. King Andrew studied the fallen lion before his throne and crushed a soda can in his hand.

Maddy's Haki Fury faded as she faced up at the Poneglyph. "YOU'RE NOT DONE, YET!" She looked to see Eldwin fly down in Teen Ninja armor, clutching a huge supersonic death ray. "I, Eldwin Savinsky, am the TRUE boss of this level! I'll destroy you once and for all! It's just you and me, Maddy! The match of the century!"

Boss fight: Eldwin Savinsky

Power Levels: Maddy – 5050. Eldwin – 9.

The Teen Leader blasted the powerful ray gun in second-long intervals, but Maddy effortlessly dodged each blast on her way toward him. She kicked the gun into the sea, grabbed the bully's collared neck, and punched him in the face countless times for five seconds. Then, without using Haki, she punched him in the neck and flew him across the room as his cast broke. Eldwin lay in a puddle of his own saliva. (End song.)

Chimney positioned her R.O.C.K.E.T.-T.R.A.I.N. to create a bridge between Enies Lobby's shore and Mariejoa. Dozens of operatives, along with Shade, came up to witness the crowning moment. Melody gave Maddy one last heal, waking the girl up. She spared a smile to Shade, who looked relieved beyond compare. With that, she faced up at the Poneglyph. Sparky punched Hattori and knocked the pigeon out.

"Oh look, it's 1:00!" Miyuki checked. "We're right on time." (Play "The First Mask" from Rayman 2!)

The holographic illusion of the setting sun made this moment all the more beautiful. Maddy began her walk up the stairs, to the rock that had inscribed her destiny. Enies Lobby was left in ruin. The agents of CP10 lay defeated, the Teen Ninjas had no motivation to try anymore. The ruins of the island were a symbol of the Kids Next Door's hard work. Their passion to save the universe outweighed their pain and strife. At last, the fruits of their labor would dawn. The Seventh Light.

Sparky got the front row seat to watch his master step before the rock. Dr. Nefarious had his eyes glued to the screen. Lawrence silently prayed for his master, in more ways than you would think. Maddy stopped and faced the Gibberish Stone. Its letters glowed. It was legible to her eyes. And she read it aloud for everyone to hear.

Er… hello? This is my first time writing on one of these things, I'm not very good. This is just a practice one. In any case, there's been a misunderstanding. Maddy's not really the Light. It's actually Zach. You just witnessed my Fake Prophecy Attack. Sorry if I wasted your time.

-Love Bo-bobo

It was a time for confusion and a time for dropped mouths. Enies Lobby had never known greater silence. Maddy outright collapsed on her back in defeat. Shade wanted to die. The Teen Ninjas didn't know what life meant, anymore. The Zoni were going to explode—even they were taken by surprise. On God's Domain, King Andrew's eye twitched. It was at this moment, things such as theories and speculations became meaningless. There was absolutely no guessing this universe. Destiny is, and always will be, a troll.

"What a twist!" said M. Night Shyamalan.

White House

Kimaya Heartly gasped when the Keyblade Ring levitated in the air. One of the keys, which had a golden crown for teeth, glowed as it transformed. It was now a white key with a jester's hat, and its keychain had a red clown nose.

Gnik's Basement

Lesser Lord Gnik fell on his knees, clasping his head in agony. "I-I was wrong. . . b-but I spoke for Master. . . M-Master is wrong. . . Master is wrong! . . M-Master is never wrong! Master is never wrong! MASTER, WHAT IS HAPPENING?!"

Star Train

But none of it compared to what Dr. Nefarious was feeling. He watched it all firsthand from Sparky's vision. His robotic brain failed to process… and so, it went into meltdown. "Grrrrrrr!" All the videos he had of Maddy, all the notes he took, he smashed and burned all of it, made completely and utterly certain her existence was gone from his life. "I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THIS STUPID QUEST!!!"

The doctor smashed a button with the full force of his anger. A bomb launched out of his ship, directly down to Quahog. The entire city was destroyed in a great atomic blast. One could almost hear the moans of despair from its wayward souls. Nefarious's brain was steaming. "I am going to destroy EVERY OUNCE OF THIS WRETCHED PLANET!!"