F-25. The Universe Restoration Plan


Everyone was in attendance. The Kids Next Door, the Seven Lights, the Dimension Rebels, the Card Captives, and Nebula had all the planets in attendance so her faithful operatives could listen. "Is…Is it really you?" asked Jessie Sidney, walking up to her, mouth agape. "Calliope?"

"QUite trUthfUlly!" Calliope stuck up two fingers. "'Tis I, the one and only Calliope!"

"WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN CHEREN'S/MY BODY?!?" everyone screamed so loud, they shook the whole base.

"Please, not so loUd!!" Calliope clapped her ears shut. "Allow me to start from the beginning…ish. After my host body, Jagar King was killed, Lord English absorbed my essence into his own body. That same essence was the part that was cUt oUt of him and placed into Cheren's body for his own nefarioUs scheme. UnfortUnately, my brother's will dominated mine at the moment, so I coUld do nothing bUt wait." She turned to Sheila and Fybi, smiling. "I knew I coUld coUnt on yoU two! I hope TypheUs didn't give yoU too mUch of a bother." ^u^

She then faced the Hivebent crew. "And yoU too, Chelan and Vriska! YoU have my thanks as well!"

"WHAT?!" shouted Karkat. "Don't pull that crap, Vriska betrayed us!"

"That was only an act to trick 8ill and English, dum8ass!" retorted Vriska from her card. "Sigh… Actually, Chelan was the one to tell me. Well, she didn't tell me, she gestured me to read her mind. She knew that 8ill would come to me and said that I should go along with his plan."

"♪♪♪" Chelan hummed.

"Chelan doth claim that her future self contacted her." Fybi translated. "Only she knows the patterns of her own notes."

"Which is exactly how I knew I coUld trUst her!" Calliope grinned. "My brother hates any form of dialogUe that isn't his native tongUe. Which is… English! Heheh! ^u^ Not to mention her tendency to hUm gives him a royal headache. Of all the people here, English woUld watch her the least. I'll contact her past self as soon as we get those Zoni bUilt."

Without warning, Cheren drew his Master Sword and held it at her neck. "You still haven't given me a reason to trust you!"

"What the hell are you doing?!" Jessie shouted. "We've known since the f**king beginning Calliope was on our side, otherwise we'd be f**king dead!"

"She was hiding in my body! I almost got everyone killed because of her! Was that part of your plan, Calliope, because I don't appreciate being used!"

"No, it wasn't!" cried Calliope. "It was my brother's plan to Use yoU, I jUst Used it to my advantage! I feel bad for what we did to yoU, bUt I had no choice! It was my only chance at escaping from him!"

"Cheren, move away." Panini stepped forth and pulled him aside. "Let me speak ta her." She stepped in front of Calliope. "Ahem…" And SOCKED her in the jaw. "BECAUSE OF YOU, Cheren lost his mind and turned us inta hideous MS PAINT FIGURES!!"

"I KNOW! I'm sorry!" UX

"Well, you better give us a VERY GOOD excuse, or I'll BEAT YA into green jelly!"

"I will, I will, jUst let me finish explaining!" Calliope got back to her feet. "In the ancient past, Lord English and I shared a body. OUr race of CherUbs all consist of two minds. However, only one mind can be active at a time. If I speak my brother's trUe name, I will fall into sleep. And if Lord English spoke my name, he woUld fall asleep. That was sUpposed to be the balance between Us… bUt my brother and I have always been good at sharing. Both of Us managed to stay awake. And all we loved to do… was create stories."

"Look, Sister! Look at these two idiots I made up!" Caliborn held up a picture of two atrociously-painted characters. "This dumbass stole this bitch's toy, so the bitch punched him in the face! The universe hails her as a hero for punching that prick!"

"Awww! How sweet, Brother!"

My brother's greatest trait was his creativity. Of coUrse, he was anything bUt brilliant.

"Look, Sister! This bitch loves this prick! Look at them holding hands! The Universe BATHES in their love!"

"Hee hee hee hee! How adorable!"

Despite this fact, he was an innocent child. And I jUst tried to be the sUpportive sister. The fUnny thing is, none of the worlds we created were anything like oUr sUper-dimensional existence. We knew nothing beyond where we lived, so we jUst made things Up.

"Sister, what do you love best about my universes?"

"UUUUUUhhh…" Calliope was stumped on what to say. Then, she gave a smile and answered, "I love the way they're so innocent!"

"YES! !" proclaimed Caliborn powerfully. "MY WORLDS ARE THE MOST INNOCENT… innocent?" He was confused. "What's that mean?"

"It means… sort of along the lines of…" Calliope scratched her head. Even she wasn't sure what she meant. "I mean, they're the kinds of Universes where, like, no harm coUld come from them."

"Why would my universes be able to harm? Do YOUR universes harm? ?"

"N-No, no! Sigh, what I mean is… the people and stories yoU create… they're jUst not powerful."

"…Are they… supposed to be powerful?"

"No, of coUrse not! YoU can make them however yoU want!"

"Er… okay…?"

At oUr core, we weren't any different from siblings in yoUr world. Still, it always seemed like my brother Understood less than I did. UnfortUnately, I wasn't that good of a teacher.

"YoU want to do what?" asked Calliope.

"I wish to show the other universes what I created! I want them to BASK in my DIVINE CREATIVITY! How can we let our greatness be known?!"

"I… don't think that's a good idea."


"The worlds beyond oUr own are… qUite different, to be honest. So different, that they may not Understand oUr style."

"Then let's teach them our style! The universes must know our creative invincibility!"

"We can't, Brother!"

"Why not? Is it because my visions are 'innocent'?"

"Well… yes! There are worlds oUt there that've existed mUch longer than any of oUrs. So long that they've had time to grow stronger. Next to those worlds… I'm afraid oUr tiny little creations don't stand a chance! Hehe." ^u^

"Then…Then let's combine our worlds! We'll combine all our worlds and be INVINCIBLE! !"

"Hm hm hm! Oh, Brother. YoUr ambition is sweet, bUt it's best to keep oUr worlds in here, where they'll be safe!"

There was a feeling inside me that really didn't want the oUtside worlds to see what my brother created. Now, looking back, I realize that feeling was… embarrassment. Lord English knew I woUldn't comply with his plan, so his next option was to do the Unthinkable: he tried to fUse oUr two minds into one.

"BROTHER, STOP! YOu CAN'T DO THIS, YOu SHOuLDN'T!" They looked like two amoebas trying to mold together.

"Why not, Sis?! Our combined worlds will be brilliant! They'll be unstoppable! Why wouldn't you want to bask in the combined fury of our creative-"


Suddenly, the amoebas stopped fighting. "…You're lying."


"You said my creations were brilliant. You referred to them as 'sweet' and 'adorable.' YOU WILL HOLD TRUE TO YOUR WORD, AND MERGE WITH MEEEE!"

"AAAAAAAHHHH!" Caliborn fought with greater power and fury.

"YoU probably remember the next part." Calliope said. "OUr bodies get destroyed, oUr essence corrUpts the First Dimension… and here we are."

"Yah, we know." Terry rolled his eyes. "Quit capitalizing your U's."

"Your backstory is worse than Lord Gnaa's love story." Cheren said. Calliope performed an anime comedy-drop. "You expect us to believe this all started because two siblings got in a fight about their dumb story ideas?!"

"Well, it's all true!!" Calliope jumped back up. "But fine, let me explain this in a different way." She went up to Kanaya's computer and gestured her to get out of her seat. "Say a writer gets an idea in their head, and they type it on their computer." She typed, A rabbit makes friends with a dog. "Even if there is no preconceived thought or fleshed-out characters, that writer has just created a universe. A very small universe, but a universe all the same. And if I were to delete it," which she did, "that universe will be wiped from the plains of existence. Since it barely expanded beyond the boundaries of the writer's mind, erasing it will do no damage to anything or anyone else. Even the slightest thought can drastically change a universe, while its very inhabitants remain completely unaware. Take you children, for example. Just last year, that Mako girl didn't even exist in your world. And three years ago, Wendy Marvell did not exist, yet when she appeared, she has existed for 11 years, to your knowledge."

"MY HEAD HURTS!!" Wendy cried.

"The reality is that all of you are a god's creation that he can do with as he pleases. However, in his own dimension, that 'god' may be as powerless as an everyday human, existing under the will of a real God."

"ENOUGH OF THIS CRAP!" Cheren punched Calliope. "Is that how you get us to trust you?! By telling us we're a god's playthings?! I thought that was the reason we were trying to STOP Lord English! Or is this one of those stories where the SIBLING wants all the power?!"

"No, that's not what I was saying at all! I only meant that every universe is run by a god, and they decide-"

"I don't care what they decide! If that same god is the one who let Lord English run amuck, then I have no reason to be grateful or even care about him! We're gonna take him down and go back to living happily, with or without some so-called god!"

"Darn right we ah!" Sheila fist-palmed. "And if 'e thinks of tellin' us otherwise, we'll all sock him together!"

"I lived my whole life letting people control me." Nagisa stated. "So, you can bet I'm with Cheren on this."

"I only believe in Arceus." Apis said. "And he wouldn't treat us as toys."

"I didn't see anyone else protecting these worlds." Nebula said. "And at the end of the day, all I want is to return them where they belong."

"…" Calliope smiled. "Your hearts are all very pure. And your passion is strong. I can tell you all feel the same way." She stood up. "I won't deny… I'm every bit as responsible as Lord English for the destruction of your worlds. It may have started as a petty squabble, but because of me, his heart has been corrupted by darkness. I have every intention of making up for what we've done… by wiping both of us from the face of existence."

"You can do that?" asked Jessie.

"Well… yes. As soon as everything goes according to plan. Which reminds me, I need to get to writing the prophecy."

"You haven't written it, yet?!" everyone chorused.

"Nope!" grinned the Cherub. "I have every intent to, but it all starts with you!"

"Whaddyou mean by that?" asked Cheren.

"The only written existence of the Twenty Keys Prophecy are the Poneglyphs and Pyrameglyphs. But the reason they exist in your world is, to put it simply, because of time-travel. And every other hint of the prophecy exists due to time-travel. Lord English already stole 13 pieces of Permanite from Planet Ore, and sent them to their respective locations in the distant past. 'Course, he needed Dimentio to send them across space. Before that, however, he needed to inscribe the messages for the Thirteen Darknesses. Wanna guess who wrote those messages? The Darknesses themselves!" Calliope grinned. "Because only they understood what they desired in life."

"Which means WE'RE the ones who write OUR Pone-thingies!" Zach realized.

"Uh… no." Maddy said. "They were written by the Dimension Rebels."

"Yeah! That Monkey boy wrote mine!" Sheila remembered.

"And Naruto hast written mine." Fybi said.

"We did?" they chorused.

"And if I recall, that fire-breathing idiot wrote mine." Jessie pointed at Natsu. "At least, I assume that because he's wearing the same scarf that went into the Poneglyph. Even though I have NO idea who he is or what the f**k he has to do with me."

"Ah, of course. In truth, I planned for them to write your Poneglyphs as a means of confusing Bill and Lord English further. To reiterate, Lord English used time-travel to accomplish his goals. So, we're going to do the same thing. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to enact our Universe Restoration Plan! Keep in mind, by the end of this plan, there will be so many time paradoxes, your heads will explode."

"I'm sure we can handle it." Nolan said.

"Then let us begin! Thankfully, those girls got started by bringing the equipment from Matter Space." She looked at Kanaya, Carol, and Vanellope. "I'll help them finish constructing the Zoni, which will no doubt be a big help to your past adventures!"

"More like a big annoyance." Vanellope eye-rolled.

"Hm hm hm! ^u^ But here is the important part: because of what just now happened, the 'Lord English' that exists in this time is incapacitated. That means neither of his selves throughout time will be able to see the 'yous' of right now, even if you traveled through time. Of course, if you were directly in front of him in those past times, he could see you, but that's not a big deal."

"MY HEAD HURTS!" screamed Anthony.

"Hee hee! The point is, we have a perfect time to act. As you know, I plan to send your Poneglyphs to their respective locations. But if we are to completely destroy Lord English, we must work to foil all of his plans of the past. This includes preventing the Thirteen Darknesses from becoming Darknesses. We must destroy all of the Pyrameglyphs before the Darknesses can read them."

"But the Pyrameglyphs are made of Permanite, aren't they?" Diancie asked. "I guess that job is up to you, Anthony."

"I don't mind breakin' a few rocks!" Anthony flexed his muscles.

"I'll write down a list of paradoxes we're going to make." Calliope continued. "I don't want to overwhelm you right now. But one of them is especially important. You still have the Universe Frog frozen in the refrigerator, right?"

"Sure do!" said Yuzu.

"Good. Because this part of the plan is very complicated. So complicated, that if even one part goes wrong, the multiverse is DOOMED. But don't worry, it'll be fine!"

"WILL IT?!" screamed everyone in worry.

"Hee hee hee! First, we need to design the New Universe you will be living in once it is over. I'm sure the lovely Miss April Goldenweek can make one in no time at all! Thus, I have chosen her to be The Creator! But she won't be using canvases: April is going to create worlds using planets from the Planet Tree!"

"Like decorating ornaments on Christmas!" April beamed.

"Indeed! And once she is finished, we'll feed those planets to the Universe Frog, where they will be able to grow and develop into true worlds with living inhabitants. But we will also feed him… those planets, too!" Calliope pointed at the shrunken worlds.

"You want the Universe Frog to swallow our worlds?!" Nebula shouted.

"For safe storage, of course! It won't hurt them, I promise! It's the only way for your current worlds to survive and have a place in the New Universe. Once the frog has consumed them, it will be replenished and no longer perish under heat. But it will take it thousands of years in order to finish developing the worlds. WENDY!" She threw her finger in the direction of the wind mage, who gasped. "You must use your magic to change the Universe Frog's form! He will assume the identity of Don Gero and live in the Gameverse until the appointed time!"

Cheren gasped, recognizing that name. "Wait a second, I know Don Gero! Majora transformed him into a monster called Gekko, and used him to attack me! Is that the same Don Gero? Won't that dangerously affect the planets?"

"Don't worry, it won't. Since he will be sent back in time successfully, even now, he should still be in the ruins of your dimension. By this time, he will be ripe, ready to burst with a brand new universe! In order to make that happen, Arceus, the Firstborn, and all the other gods must shrink down and enter the Universe Frog, and combine their chis to give birth to the universe. The explosion that will result will be as massive as the Big Bang! Unfortunately, if Lord English is still alive, then he'll just ruin that universe again. This part of the plan is the hard part: destroying Lord English."

"Tell us how!" Cheren demanded determinedly.

"After Anthony destroys the Pyrameglyphs, the Piece of English that is inside will be exposed. Suki must accompany Anthony to those locations and freeze the Piece of English, and use her Ice Shatter ability. Because Suki's body contains a piece of me, her chi will be able to do this."

"Well, Suki, are you up for it?" Miyuki asked.

"Of course I am, Sister-chan! I want that meanie to go away!"

"Excellent! With all those pieces destroyed, he will have no more Darknesses and his power will diminish. But even then, he will still have enough power to ruin the New Universe. Which is why… the New Universe must ruin him. As I mentioned, Lord English is currently incapacitated. We have roughly 120 hours before he fully recovers. So, before that happens, we must do everything I instructed, infiltrate his castle, and place the Universe Frog into his body! The gods will initiate the Big Bang from inside English, AND COMPLETELY DESTROY HIM! !"

The entire base rang with shocked gasps. "But we must wait until the time is right. Along with his 13 pieces, we must also destroy the Octogan, and his primary source of knowledge: Bill Cipher. We can handle those parts after inserting the Universe Frog. As you might expect, we cannot avoid a direct confrontation with my brother. We all must work together to weaken and defeat him! Of course, before we can even do that, the Protection Charm that Voldemort cast on him is still in affect. We must either kill the remaining Darknesses that hold the Keyblades or drag them to the Penance Chamber. Once that protection is gone, Lord English will be vulnerable to damage."

"But will he even be possible to damage, even without that protection?" Cheren asked.

"He will now!" Calliope smirked. "Because I'll be fighting beside you! And we will win the battle… WITH FRIENDSHIP!!"

". . . . . ." They were royally baffled.

"Hee hee hee! I'll explain that later. Right now, there are three Darknesses remaining, but Lord Gnaa should have wrapped up with Xehanort by now. We'll drag him to the Penance Chamber soon. That just leaves Ganondorf and Dimentio."

"Heh. I thought you'd never ask." Cheren smirked, clasping his sword tight. "I'm pretty pissed off right now… and I need somebody to take it out on. As for now… KIDS NEXT DOOR!" He raised his fist, which shone with the Triforce of Courage. "Commence Operation: Beat the Crud Out of Lord English!"


As everyone cheered, Cheren was already on his way to the hangar. "Cheren, wait!" Panini chased him and met him there. "Are you… sure you're okay? Ya seem a lot angrier…"

"Relax, Panini… I'm still me. I'm just a little mad at her for using me… even IF it was for a good cause. I don't think I've actually felt this angry in a long time… Somehow, it feels good. Heheh."

"…Are you angry that I'm now taller than ya?"

"Of course." He passed her a smirk.

"Hehe! Then I know it's ya for sure! …Well, okay. Punch Ganondorf extra hard for me!"

"Hold on a second there, bucko." Nebula said from behind them. "With all of us getting prepared HERE, how do you expect to fight through that Backup Army?"

"Uh… good point."

"Oh, Cheren." Nebula shook her head and approached the hangar's exit. "I just knew you would jump in willy-nilly, just like your father. That's why I brought help."

Cheren and Pan joined her. They gasped: "SHURORORORO!" cackled Caesar Clown. "We live in the universe TOO, you know!" Behind him was the entire Brotherhood of Evil.

"And WE'RE the only ones who can CONQUER it!" Jack Spicer declared.

"You guys think YOU were the only ones training for three years?!" exclaimed Control Freak, twirling a septuple lightsaber. "We needed to keep up with you, so we've been amping our skills! Consider us the NEO Brotherhood of Evil!"

"Django, dear… won't you stand by your granny?" Sartana de los Muertos extended a hand.

"Grandma? HELL YES!" Django jumped out of the base and landed on her ship.

"For the glory of Lord Genious, we will show these brats who rules the universe!" King Goobot declared. "Brotherhood brethren, let us teach those Brotherhood wannabes a lesson!"


Cheren and Pan's faces lit up like suns. They never thought hearing the roars of supervillains would give them courage. But they did. And they were going to kick some arse.


The Backup Army were all taking a break at picnic tables on the castle grounds. "So, fellas, what're you gonna do once the multiverse is ours?" asked the Joker. "Me, I plan on buying my own planet where everybody has to dress and act like me. I'll call it… JOKER LAND!"

"What a ridiculous name." Robotnik said.

"Indeed." Eggman X agreed.

"…Sigh." The main Dr. Eggman sighed.

"Shurorororo! I think Joker Land is a WONDERFUL idea!"

"Gee, thank you, Guy That Sounds Like Me!" Joker beamed. "…Hold on." He looked up.

"Mind if I STEAL IT?!" Caesar Clown shot him with a syringe gun, knocking Joker out. "GET THEM, FELLAS!" (Play "Shacktron Battle" from Gravity Falls!)

"YAAAAAAAAHHH!" The Brotherhood of Evil charged with fury in their hearts.

Control Freak was eager to have a lightsaber duel with Darth Vader. Despite it being seven sabers vs. one, the Sith Lord was very proficient in combatting him. "You're even more awesome than you were in the movies!" Control Freak exclaimed. "But we BOTH know your Achilles Heel! Or in this case, YOUR RIGHT ARM!" Control Freak dodged around Vader in that direction, rapidly twirling his septuple saber, and was successfully able to SLICE the Sith Lord's arm off.


The Eggmen blasted rapid missiles at Mumbo Jumbo, who used magic to morph them into beautiful flowers. Knightbrace was able to charge in and leap up to the first Egg Pod, blasting Super Sticky Toothpaste at the other pods to link and pull them together. With that, several drills and brushes extracted from Knightbrace's backpack. "W-Wait!" cried Eggman X. "I always wanted to be a dentist! MMMMMP!" Knightbrace didn't care as he made short work on all their teeth.

Mother Mae-Eye towered over Gruntilda, casting spells that the smaller witch countered. Gruntilda cast spells to bring nearby rubble to life and attack Mae-Eye, but the larger witch changed them into sweets. "It's pie time you were FRIED!" Mae-Eye made pies fly into the air and set on fire as they swarmed in on Grunty.

Vlad Plasmius shot down several of Killer Moth's killer moths, but the Halfa was caught in an ectoplasmic net. "What?! Skulker, why are you with them?!"

"Good to see you again, Vlad." Skulker smirked. "Even though you aren't the same one." He whipped out a Fenton Thermos and captured Vlad, then proceeded to trap X.A.N.A.'s ghost.

"Changing Chopsticks!" Jack Spicer shrunk down to rice size and infiltrated The Hacker's body. "Geez, this guy's parts are worse than my robots." Jack said as he began tearing apart Hacker's inside. "…I hope nobody heard that."

Dr. Light, Toiletnator, and Box Ghost surrounded Mr. Crocker, casting a beam of light, a wave, and a swarm of boxes from all directions. …Crocker just took a step back, let all the attacks pass him, and watched the villains strike each other. "Well, that was easy." Crocker shrugged.

Pottymouth ambushed the teacher and knocked him out. "YOU POOPIN' PEEHEADS, WHAT THE URINAL WAS THAT?!" he shouted at his comrades.

Sartana and Django strummed their Mystic Guitars with the music, commanding giant skeletons to pummel cartoon villains into the ground, like Elmer Fudd, Maximus, Mandark, and Eddy's Brother. Neither of them had signed up for this.

"RAAAAA-!" Darkseid performed a mighty leap, aiming to squash many members of the Brotherhood with a mighty-

"WAIT!" Artie jumped up in his path, and everyone froze. (Pause song.) "I just… have to ask this. Why isn't Darkseid one of the Backup Army officers? Heck, why isn't he a Darkness? He's at least as strong as Thanos."

"Hmm… yes." Darkseid said. "You make a point there, worm."

"Riiiight! You don't belong with these one-shotable losers! You deserve MUCH more power! And I think you need to make Lord English realize that, too! You should go beat the crud out of him, show him your power!"

"I shall! BENJAMIN!"

A small butler flew over with a jetpack. "Indubitably, Sir." He grabbed Darkseid and flew skyward.

"Phew. Okay, proceed." (Resume song.)

Adonis and Atlas engaged Bowser and K. Rool in fist fights, lifting both reptiles and slamming them into each other. Mammoth punched Dr. Nefarious so hard that the robot fell to pieces. Professor Calamitous grabbed Specter off his chair and reprogrammed his helmet, so Specter would be forgetful. Katnappé used the Golden Tiger Claws to warp inside the Maleficent Dragon's body and SLICE through her stomach. Stewie Griffin became a Hulk and KO'ed the Original Stewie in one hit.

"What a bunch of losers." Hades sighed in disappointment. "I guess it's up to us, boys." He, Aku, Nightmare, and Trigon marched toward the villains. The Brotherhood was intimidated by the imposing height of the Backup Army's powerful giants. Together, their power was great enough to conquer galaxies.


"Dragon King's…"



"KONG GUN/BLAZING FIST/RASENGAN/TENSHŌ!" Luffy, Natsu, Naruto, and Ichigo fell down from the sky like comets and DESTROYED the giants in a single fearsome strike.

Jack Spicer gulped. "Those guys are scary." (End song.)

Meanwhile, Cheren, Panini, Death the Kid, and Nerehc Onu were nearly at the doorsteps to Ganon's Castle. "Why even let the Brotherhood fight when we have those guys?" Nerehc asked.

"Give them a chance to feel like heroes, too!" Cheren smiled.

"I just wish they would make a better formation." Kid replied.

"You forgot somethiiiing!" Vriska Serket came crashing down from the sky. "These two!" She dropped a dizzy Harvey Harper and Emily Garley.

"My brain hurts…" Emily moaned.

"Vriska? Why'd you bring these two?"

"Well, as you might know, I haven't 8een very truthful as of l8. When I 8rought you to Alternia the first time, I did so without the intention of freeing Azelf. The truth is, Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie all share a single Egg Cham8er, so you'll need all three of their Guardians to free them. Good luck 8eating Ganon!" Vriska flew off.

"WHAT? Too proud to help us?!" Panini yelled.

"Hey, I have some people to find, YOU worry a8out Ganon!" With that, Vriska was gone over the horizon.

"…She's an odd character." Cheren said awkwardly.

"She's not the only one." Nerehc replied. "Well, Cheren, you know how this works by now. Have fun completing the dungeon, I'll get a headstart on Ganon!" He flew up and toward the highest point of the castle.

"I'll go and help manage the demon situation." Kid followed, flying to a different part of the castle.

"YOU JERKS, COME BACK HERE!" Panini screeched.

"Oh, leave them, Pan. It'll actually feel nice slaying monsters the old-fashioned away." Cheren flexed an arm. "Let's give Ganon his well-deserved stabbing!"

"Well, that sentence is gonna give me nightmares." Harvey said. (Play the Hyrule Castle Theme from Zelda: Breath of the Wild!)

Stage F-20: Land of Beginnings and Endings

Mission: Defeat Ganon once for all! …Until his next reincarnation.

Act 2: Ganon's Castle

Fortunately, with Emily Garley in the party, she could use metalbending to open the sealed gates to Ganon's Castle. (If she knew the vitality of how much they needed her, she would never stop gloating, so they kept it secret.) In the first courtyard, 10 Fatblin bared their metal shields like a wall and charged to push their enemies out. Panini flew above the demons and roped their heads with sticky Purple Fire. With the 10 ropes linked together, Panini raised the 10 demons in the air and whirled them around. "Nobody's getting past ME!"

Lizalfos charged up as Panini whammed the roped Fatblin into them. "Holy cow, when did she get so strong?" Emily shuddered.

"Wasn't she always?" Cheren remarked. "Panini, wrap it up 'cause we're heading upstairs! Harvey, use your yo-yos to carry Emily up those branches! Panini, you carry me."

"On it!" Harvey grabbed Emily's wrist and tossed a yo-yo up and around a branch where a Ganon banner was hanging. They swung up and onto it, and then they swung up to other branches while Panini used Rocket Boost to carry Cheren up. They landed on an upper walkway that Nejiron were rolling down, Panini shooting fire ahead to explode them. The walkway sloped up and led to a tower, and Bulblin archers shot them from windows. The entrance to the tower was guarded by an Eyegore, a single-eyed demon that shot lasers.

"I remember this thing!" Cheren said, blocking the lasers. "Emily, get behind it and shoot explosive pellets into its mouth!" Emily noticed platforms down under the left of the bridge, dropping down, going across, and using the Sky Flyer to float up behind the creature. Indeed, there was a mouth on the Eyegore's rear, and when Cheren shot the eye, the mouth opened. Emily shot an explosive slingshot pellet inside, and pop went the Eyegore.

"Come on!" The kids raced into the castle, and the first room was the library. A Wizzrobe with a graduate's hat and monocle used magic to make books fly overhead like a tornado, then hurdled them at the kids. Panini burst into flame and let every book that crossed her path burn. She then wrapped herself in flames and jumped toward the Wizzrobe to start whaling on him.

"So much education lost…" Emily wept.

The heroes followed a stairway to a second-floor walkway, which ended at a large gap. A tall bookshelf stood on the opposite side, with Bulblin shooting arrows from atop it. Cheren used the Hookshots to latch the top of the shelf and pull it down, making a bridge. They crossed to a very tall bookshelf and were able to climb it by grabbing areas with no books. A Bulblin archer on the ground shot a fire arrow to set the shelf aflame, starting from the bottom. It was enough persuasion to make them climb faster and reach a high platform.

From here, the four jumped chandeliers across the ceiling and to a hallway. Stairs led up higher, but they came into contact with two Silver Moblins. Cheren bravely ran and struck at one, but they easily thrusted him back with their spears. "OW! Dammit, that hurt!"

"Yer not invincible anymore, ya know!" Panini said as she and Harvey fought the demons with their bending.

Cheren tried to throw fire, but nothing came out. "My bending's gone, too?! Man, I just became the weakest operative in the KND!"

"Then we better free the Firstborn as soon as possible." Harvey stated, attacking the Moblin with Boiled Tears. "I still wonder why they're all sharing one Egg Chamber."

Upon exiting the passage, the heroes were outside, faced with another flight of stairs. "I think we're about to find out." Panini said as these stairs seemed to lead to the highest point in the castle.

"Bleeeeeehhhh…" A moan that could not be mistaken as anything but Ganon vomiting rang throughout the air. Down the stairs came a flowing river of the dark substance known as Gasma. Cheren took point with the Light Arrow and shot the edge of the Gasma, keeping it back. It continued to flow, so Cheren had to constantly shoot arrows on their ascent. Bulblins were launching Shock Arrows from windows, but Emily used metalbending to grab the metal on the arrows and throw them back.

"Errrgh!" Harvey clasped his forehead. "I can feel a huge amount of rage from that room up there. …I bet I know where it's coming from."

"Ganon." Cheren fired the last Light Arrow at the last bit of Gasma. At the top of the pathway, there was nothing obstructing them and the throne room. "It's time to face you!" (End song.)

There were sword clashes ringing from the throne room as Nerehc and Ghirahim were locked in a fast-pace duel. Nerehc looked back and saw them. "About time you showed up-" Ghirahim kicked him away.

"His Majesty wishes only to face the Hero!" stated the Demon Lord, leaping to attack him again. "I'll make sure to kill you at the same time as him!"

The heroes entered the room, leaving Nerehc to his fight. Behind the Dark Lord's throne sat an Egg Chamber, much larger than the rest, colored blue, pink, and yellow. "Heh heh heh heh… So, you were able to escape from him." Ganondorf smirked. "I was hoping you would… the esteemed Hero of Time deserves a more dignified way to die."

Cheren marched forward. "I promised everyone I would lead them to the New World. I can't very well do that if I'm dead."

"Indeed. I suppose the only reason you're here is to shatter the spell on my Keyblade." Ganon raised an arm and spawned his Keyblade. "Allow me to save you the trouble." With a burst of power, Ganon SHATTERED the weapon. "I'm killing you the right way!" He stood and drew his Devil's Sword. "With your blood on this sword!"

"Ganon, is it too much trouble to call a truce?" Cheren asked. "You clearly don't like Lord English, either. And if he gets his way, you won't get anything! You won't get to rule any world! And worst of all, you'll never be reincarnated. Is that what you want?"

"Heh heh heh heh hah hah hah! You don't understand, do you? Fool! No matter which universe or which era I exist in, I am the Demon King! And my one and only fate is to challenge the powers of good! To challenge those that would defend the light! To DESTROY you, Hero of Time! If the multiverse is to end by Lord English's power, then my final wish is to have one final battle with you."

"You'll never change, will you, Ganondorf?" Cheren shook his head. "At the end of the universe, that's all you want. …You're lame, man." He lied on the floor and faced away. "Come back with some new shtick."

"Don't mock me, boy!" Ganon fumed. "Besides, you came here to rescue your puny goddesses, haven't you? I have no intention of letting you pass, unless you kill me!"

Cheren jumped up and drew his sword. "Fine, if you're gonna be like that! I'll cut you to pieces, Ganon!"

"Thanatos, Pandora, don't interfere." Ganon stepped down from his throne. "I've waited an eon to fight Link again… I will not be disappointed."

"Actually, it's only been 23 years." Thanatos corrected.

"I SAID DON'T INTERFERE!" The gods zipped away in fright. "I will end this boy once and for all! And with his god powers out of the way… it will be even better." (Play "Ganondorf Battle" from Zelda: Wind Waker!)

Boss fight: Ganondorf Dragmire

Ganondorf flew toward Cheren and threw the first swings, which Cheren was quick to counter. They clashed swords for a few seconds before Cheren did a Shield Bash, the Mirror Shield's reflectability bouncing Ganon far back. Ganon flew up and charged a Dark Sphere, beginning a classic game of midair tennis. "I was looking forward to this!" Cheren remarked, batting the ball back with ease. But as an added twist, Ganon conjured a second ball and hit it over with the first one, forcing Cheren to use spin attacks to hit both back. Ganondorf was hit and fell to the ground, giving Cheren the chance to land some blows.

Ganondorf suddenly jumped up, grabbed Cheren by the collar, and shoved him against the floor while giving him a jolt of purple lightning. Ganon then leapt away and conjured a triangle-shaped energy field around his enemy. Panini quickly swooped in and rescued her friend before fire erupted in the triangle. "So, the Uno Royal Family's servants are still loyal. You'd best consider changing sides while I'm still merciful!"

"I'm nobody's servant, Pig Nose!"

"Thanks, Pan!" Cheren recovered from his shock and ran to clash with Ganon again. He did a Shield Bash to briefly drop Ganon's guard and leap behind the Dark Lord for a back strike. Ganondorf surged lightning into his sword, and Cheren ran when the demon pursued. He dodged Ganon's swings and blocked with the Mirror Shield, luckily absorbing the electric and shooting it back in a little burst. Ganondorf leapt in the air and spun as his body lit up like a firecracker, Cheren swiftly dodging when the demon swooped down in attempt to drill him. When Ganon landed, Cheren had a brief second to shoot him with a Light Arrow, followed by a flurry of sword strikes.

"It's a relief to see you haven't lost any of your strength! But do not forget, the power of Six Demons dwells inside me!" Dark Chi burst from his form as an illusion of Chernabog rose and roared. Ganon stroked the air with his other hand and formed a floating dark piano.

"Master, I do not mean to interrupt your battle, but I highly advise blocking your ears from the sounds of-"

"Neeeeuuuuhhh…" Cheren fell to his knees when Dark Notes flowed around the air. Fi leapt out of the sword and closed Cheren's ears, enabling him to focus and dodge Ganon's swing. He looked to see his friends falling weak under the dark tunes, so he grabbed the Ocarina of Time and performed the Song of Healing. He played the song several times as pink notes appeared around him, having to evade Ganon's attacks the whole time. Eventually, a swarm of pink notes swirled above the room and sucked away the darkness. Ganondorf's piano disappeared, and he had a brief moment of confusion that Cheren used to chop him up.

"Snaky little child. Perhaps Lucifer's magic will teach you some respect." Ganondorf whirled his finger above him and conjured a purple portal of magic. Black seeds dropped around the ground as rose bushes grew at a rapid rate, the thorns trying to bind Cheren's legs. He hurriedly sliced the roses, but was forced to defend from Ganon. Panini set the roses aflame, so Cheren would not be distracted. "So, it seems you're dying to die first! Thanatos, destroy that brat immediately!"

Panini gasped, whipping around when the God of Death flew at her in bat form. "Kee kee kee! You know better than to interrupt a fight between men! You'll learn that the HARD way!"

"I don't THINK SO!" Death the Kid arrived and SLICED the Death God.

"KOOOO!" Thanatos changed back to normal and hit the ground.

"It's the Grim Reaper's son!" Pandora exclaimed. "When did he get here?"

"I sensed Panini was about to die around this time." Kid replied. "I came to change her fate. Also, you STILL haven't fixed your ponytails?!" he shouted at Pan.

"What's wrong with my ponytails?!"

"One is slightly askew and they lean in the same direction! It's completely unsymmetrical!"


"Panini, thanks again!" Cheren parried around Ganon and dealt an upper slash. "Look, Ganon, you can treat this as a sport if you want, but I just care about beating you and saving the universe!"

Ganondorf lit himself aflame and spun around, scattering the violet embers. The embers grew limbs and leapt at Cheren, but they were easy to disperse with spin attacks. Ganon shot lightning bolts that Cheren absorbed in the Mirror Shield, and Ganon dodged when the boy shot them back. Bolt after bolt shot from his fingers, Cheren deflecting each one, until Ganon suddenly shot at Panini, and Cheren's attempt to save her ended with him getting shocked. Ganondorf leapt with a flaming fist and PUNCHED him away.

Ganondorf stretched his tongue, which took the form of Hannibal Bean and tried to go up Cheren's nose. Cheren threw his Bananarang at the middle of the tongue, but it dodged upward, and Cheren threw a slash at the tip, prompting it to dodge as well. Cheren ran up, slashing at the tongue that was forced to evade, and he believed he had the chance to strike him again, but Ganon's tongue suddenly wrapped around Cheren starting from the base. The tongue channeled lightning, zapping Cheren painfully, then it tossed him away.

The Dark Lord ran forth and leapt to impale him, but-

"MASTER GANON!" Ghirahim screamed. "The batteries on your Wii Remote are running low!"


Cheren recovered in time to lock onto his opponent and perform a Soul Surge. Ganon blocked him from the top, from the right, the top-left, and the bottom. Both swords collided with the other and pushed with equal strength. "I have nothing to fear, boy… If I am destroyed, I will be revived, again and again! I will continue to battle your descendants and destroy everything you know! You are cursed, Cheren. Cursed to fight me forever. Whether you survive and bare children, or die and be reincarnated, your kind will never be safe from me. Your kind will NEVER know PEACE!"

"You're the only one who's gonna suffer, Ganon!" Cheren quickly reached his right hand back, grabbed the Mirror Shield, and threw it at Ganon's leg, knocking him off balance and batting his Devil's Sword away. "Because even if I'm doomed to fight you forever!" With vigor in his heart, Cheren dealt ceaseless slashes against his human form. Ganon fell on his back, and Cheren dealt the final blow through his heart. "At least I'll always win…" (End song.)

Ganon didn't say anything after that. His jaw was dropped, and his dark blood soaked the Master Sword. "Need this back." Cheren said, removing the blade.

"M…Master…" Ghirahim gasped, having been brought to his knees by Nerehc.

The Negative knocked him out with one more hit. "I'm your master again, buddy. You have some kissing up to do."

"What a spectacular performance!" Emily clapped excitedly with Harvey beside the Egg Chamber. "It's just like my dad's old stories! Holy cow, I'm having such a fangasm!"

"I can feel it from here, and you… should probably get yourself checked." Harvey said.

Fi leapt out of the sword. "Master Cheren, I commend your fortitude in your battle with Ganondorf… However, chances of his death at this moment in time stands at 20%. 75% of those chances lean toward his assuming of a second form. I suggest you join your fellow Guardians at the Egg Chamber posthaste."

"Sigh… I was afraid of that." Cheren sheathed the sword and ran up to the chamber. "Okay, team: together!" He, Harvey, and Emily put their hands against the Egg Chamber.

With a flash brighter than any of the previous chambers, the Firstborn was free. Those in attendance gaped: she was not Azelf… she was not Mesprit… nor was she Uxie…

This entity bore flowing blue hair with golden eyes. With pink and silver armor, along with a golden headpiece baring a red emblem within a triangle, the three Firstborn had become one. "Thank you for finally freeing me. Allow me to introduce myself. I… am Goddess Hylia."

The children's jaws were as wide as Ganon's defeated form. "The…The Lake Trio… were one Firstborn…?" Harvey choked.

"Of course! Though I didn't know it at first. So, now the question is, which of you gets to keep me? I suppose you must fight to the death!" Hylia beamed.


"Kidding! That was Azelf's thinking! With a tad of Mesprit. Managing three minds isn't easy, you know. Especially when Uxie has such a big head. Nevertheless, all three of us were surprised. In Ancient Hyrule, Goddess Hylia was nothing more than a myth, and us three were only known as Din, Farore, and Nayru. Yet, according to legend, the Kingdom of Hyrule was bound to fall, and only when Goddess Hylia returned to the world would it be reborn. For a long time, we believed Palutena would fulfill the role of Hylia… but now we understand. It is our duty to revive Hyrule when the universe gets reborn."

There was a sudden burst, and they whipped in the direction of Ganondorf. Dark smog had risen out of his body, manifesting as Medusa, Hannibal Bean, Chernabog, Lucifer, Majora, and Demise himself. "Master Cheren, I feel Ganon's power rising by an astounding 500%. It appears that he is fully awakening the powers of the Five Demon Saints, plus the Demon King, within his being. It would be wise to GTFO ASAP."

"Impressive, you taught her to speak shorter sentences!" Hylia said. "But she's right. We must escape from here now!" The goddess used psychic to transport all operatives, including Death the Kid, out of there.

Castle Grounds

They landed in the middle of the two fighting villain armies, yet it seemed the Brotherhood was on the verge of victory. "You guys? Did you defeat Ganon?" Control Freak asked.

"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!" Jack Spicer panicked, pointing at the castle. (Play "Beast Ganon Phase 1" from Breath of the Wild!)

The darkness circling the castle, and the darkness spread across the planet, gathered and condensed together. The spiked pink hair of the beast burst from the castle and lit up the sky. Ganon had assumed his purest enraged form, a colossus of the filthy Gasma he had spewed. His head was that of a boar with burning eyes, and the Satan Sword glistened with a demonic red glow.

"You are correct, Hylia… the Kingdom of Hyrule will be reborn… for I shall rebuild it in my own image! An endless kingdom of darkness and HATRED!!"

"WAAAAAAHHHH!" The Brotherhood ran as fast as they could.

Cheren gulped. He had only seen Satandorf in virtual reality and thought what a stupid name that was… but seeing the real thing stirred all the fear in his heart. "…Sigh." He let these fears go. "Hylia… I spent way too long pretending to be a god… but do you think I can borrow just a little bit of power?"

Hylia smiled. Folding her hands in prayer, the goddess burst with holy light. The Mark of Courage on Cheren's hand shone a blinding yellow, as did the Mark of Power on Nerehc's hand, and the Mark of Wisdom on Death the Kid's hand. "Wait a second, KID has the Triforce of Wisdom?!" Cheren exclaimed. "Does that mean… you're actually MANDY'S son?!"

"No! Ergh, it's like this…"

23 years ago

"Here, Grim." Mandy casually tossed him the Triforce of Wisdom. "Give it to your kid or something. If I ever have to save the universe again, I'm gonna vomit."


"And because of that, my hands have never known pure symmetry. I'M A DISGRACE!" Kid broke down and cried.

"FOCUS, man!" yelled Cheren.

The triangles flew out of their hands and linked to become the one true Triforce. The three heroes laid hands on the sacred triangle, and through its glow coursed the powers of the gods. Cheren was once again encased in gold, as were his fellow Chosen Ones. They took to the sky, streaking the air like golden comets. "How pathetic." Cheren smirked. "In my mom's day, Ganon was just a warm-up for Arceus. NOW he's a warm-up for Lord English! I guess no matter how you look at it, Ganondorf Dragmire was NEVER bound to win!"

Phase 2: Calamity Ganon

The Demon King spewed a beam of darkness, the three heroes dividing around it. Ganon slashed waves of fire from his sword, which only pushed them back a little until they arrived at the colossus. "Master, you can use the Light Arrows to create rifts in Ganon's body, through which you can then strike his inner shell." Heeding Fi's advice, Cheren began to circle Ganon and shoot angled lines of Light Arrows. "AGH!" The demon swat him away as the Gasma reformed over the gaps. Nerehc slashed beams from his Deity Sword to distract Ganon, so Cheren could rupture another gap.

Ganon slashed the Satan Sword again, but Cheren used Soul Surge to counter with equally strong attacks. He was able to knock Ganon off guard, then Kid swooped in and sliced away at the golden gap. Ganon felt the pain to his core, blowing the trio back with a pulse. Summoning Chernabog's power, Ganon released dementors from his body. Cheren shot them down with Light Arrows, quickly defending his friends from the phantoms as well. When they neared Ganon, the Dark Beast erupted a wall of flames, and from those flames came living fireballs.

"Guys, get over here! I'll cut us an opening!" Nerehc called. Cheren and Kid quickly flew to his location and defended him from the fire demons. Nerehc vertically spun faster and faster, building energy in the Deity's Sword, and then slicing a massive blow through the wall of fire! The heroes flew into this opening as Cheren flew under Ganon's stomach, shooting open another gap. Ganon punched Cheren away and pulsed to banish the trio again. A shiny green eye opened on his forehead, originating from Medusa.

"CLOSE YOUR EYES!" Cheren screamed, knowing the eye would petrify them. They did so, and Cheren held up the Mirror Shield to reflect the eye's gaze. Ganon's head was petrified, and since the gap was still in his stomach, Kid flew up and brought the pain. Ganon warped away from the group and grew two extra arms, summoning Majora's power. Those arms formed whips and lashed at the heroes with rapid speed, and despite the boys slicing the whips with their own quick counters, the whips merely grew back.

"Enough of your cheap tricks!" Nerehc spun his blade like a fan and flew against a whip, sawing it shorter and shorter and then sawing the arm with it. Ganon snatched Nerehc in his free hand and grew the whip back.

"You must have known all along, Nerehc… you cannot destroy darkness. My link with darkness is stronger than that of Negatar Gnaa. I will exist forever, in physical form, and in the enraged hearts of all-"

No sooner was the Demon King smashed to the ground by a red giant whose body was all legs, arms, and a mouthless head. "Is that…?" Cheren gasped in recognition.

"I'm 8AAAAAAACK!" In the distance were five more Giants, and a tiny dot above them. That dot was Vriska. "Have I introduced my friends? Meet the Giants of Alternia! I can't 8elieve how long it took to gather them all, though… how long was it to you? Different times and all that?"

"RRRRRRRR!" The Giants dog-piled on Ganon, who squirmed and struggled in their grasp. "Hee hee!" Cheren shot a circle of Light Arrows around Ganon's head, exposing a golden gap in his form.

"Master, my analysis indicates the core of Ganon's being exists within the gap you have created. You, Not-Master, and Other Not-Master must combine your chi and destroy Ganon."

"You know what that means, gang? JOIN UP!" Cheren connected his Master Sword, Light Arrow, and Mirror Shield, and he, Nerehc, and Kid locked their weapons together. Still struggling, Ganon threw Hyper Beams up, diagonal, right, and left, with the trio evading each blast while remaining together. Slowly, the power began to rise in all their weapons. "Well, guys? Last chance to declare your lines."

"I am Nerehc EiznekCm Onu, leader of the Daring New Kids! I am the bringer of Light to the Negaverse who rescued the DNK from the brink of ruin!"

"I am Death the Kid, leader of the Spirit Kids Next Door! I bring dark spirits to justice and maintain balance between the Spirit and Mortal Worlds!"

"And I am Cheren Uno… leader of the Earth Kids Next Door. And I will lead my friends to the New Universe, and we will keep going on adventures 'til the end of time! And you, Ganondorf Dragmire… you will do nothing but suffer in your own hatred. SO, HAVE A NICE ETERNITY!!"

The Sealing Tri-Strike was fully ready, and putting all the strength in their blades, they flew and PIERCED Ganon's core. In that moment, the demon was consumed by light. And in that light, he saw a most marvelous figure clad in green. An eternity… of hatred… An eternity… of you… I'm looking forward to it… Link… (End song.)

Light cracks ruptured everywhere on Ganon's body. The Giants released and leapt away as he exploded with holy light. The light stretched into the heavens and cleared the red sky. A beautiful blue sky once again hovered over Alternia.

Cheren, Nerehc, and Kid set foot on the ground. The light around their bodies vanished. "Not as epic as when my mom did it, but it's okay."

"Rrrrrr…" The earth shook when the Giants gathered around them. "You made a good effort, 8oys!"

"Shouldn't we get a fraction of that power?" Emily questioned.

"Yeah, I never got why the Triforce holders didn't all get Firstborn." Harvey said.

"So, Vriska, how again do you know the Giants so well?" Cheren asked.

"Well, it's kind of a long story that I'd rather not get into. Not until we 8eat English, at least. 8ut I'll show you the basis. You six can change 8ack now!"

The Giants glowed and quickly shrunk down to a more human size. Their shapes changed, and when the light cleared, they had assumed the identities of trolls. "Meet the other half of the Paradox Crew! Aradia Megido!"

"Hell0." greeted a female troll with horns like a ram.

"Sollux Captor!"

"Iit ii2 niice two meet you." greeted a troll with 3-D oval-shaped glasses.

"Equius Zahhak!"

"D→ I will appreciate no 100dicrous language regarding my STRONG physique." stated a muscular troll with broken sunglasses, teeth, and a horn. "…Horse pun."

"Raw8erry Preserves!"

"Apple you gummy some food?" asked a troll with horns shaped like bat wings and bright-pink hair, also shaped like bat wings. "'Custard I might eat you up."

"Yeah, she does food puns. And this lovely lady is Yosafire Holior. You might remem8er her from my future self's story, Cheren."

"IDK what Vriska told you, but w/e it is, SHE'S LYING!!" Yosafire panicked. She had bright green hair and wore a red sweater with a Cross necklace. "IDN steal Rawberry's F."

"And finally, this legless little 8oy is Tavros." Vriska directed them at the long-horned troll lain on the ground.


"Th…The Termina Giants… they were all trolls?" Cheren asked.

"Look, how a8out we save explan8ion until we get 8ack? The IDA will pro8a8ly want to round up all these villains. …8est get started on that!" Vriska gathered the trolls and teleported.

"HELP US OUT!!" the kids shouted.

"Well, at least you boys finally defeated Ganon." Panini smiled. "That just leaves one more Darkness… before the big guy."

Only a few globs of Gasma remained after Ganon's explosion. A green-haired beauty trekked this marsh, using holy light to melt it away. And in the mess, she found someone most important to her. "Mmmm…" The dark-haired goddess awoke. "Palu…tena…"

The Goddess of Light had extended an arm for her sister. "Medusa…"

"…" Medusa took Palutena's hand and was helped to her feet. "What on earth has… been happening?"

"Another day in the life of Kids Next Door. …The universe will be born again soon, Medusa. You and I have a job to do as well. A Balance to keep."

"Sigh… I am about tired of this damn prophecy."

"MEDUSAAAAA!" The Dark Goddess was tackled to the ground by her faithful subjects. "OH, LORDY! You're not part of Ganon, anymore! !" Thanatos exclaimed.

"We missed you so much!" Pandora cried. "Ganon was such an ASS!"

"We'll never leave you agai-ai-ain!"

"Let's go on vacation after this, just the three of us!"

And the hench-gods cried. "Ugh… you hopeless morons." Medusa and Palutena chuckled.

Casino English

"NO FREAKING WAY!" Bill nearly tore his hair out once he saw what was onscreen. "How the fuck did all those worn-out supervillains one-shot the ENTIRE Backup Army?!"

"To be fair, not many of them were from anime dimensions." Dimentio shrugged. "At least we still have the officers."

"Make sure they stay at their posts, Dimentio! Those bratty Kids Next Door will be coming for us next. We CANNOT let them get close to Lord English while he's like this! See to it that NOTHING can penetrate this castle!"

"LORD ENGLISH!" Darkseid suddenly burst in. "I will prove my superiority once and for ALL!" He charged forth—Dimentio zapped him down to the size of an ant. Bill Cipher walked up and squashed him under his staff.

"Yeah… Too bad we rented you from the ScrewAttack Dimension." Bill said with spite. "The REAL Darkseid didn't wanna join us…"

God Production Chamber

Zanifr Mimchi snuck into the chamber under no one's knowledge. Holding a vial of Dark Chi, he injected all the unhatched eggs with it. This included a black egg with red lines, a pixel egg, a tiny egg, and a pirate skull egg (obvious foreshadows). "Well, Ganon… even though you are MMost likely dead by now, I've kept MMy end of the deal. When the New Universe is born, these Firstborn will hatch… and this Dark Chi will force them to spread chaos. I have MMy doubts that they will fully adapt to it, of course. …"

Zanifr thought back to three years ago, to his talk with Cheren on the beach. "And yet… I cannot believe how far these children have come. That boy… has astonished MMe in MMore ways than I can count. Perhaps they can destroy Lord English. …And if they do… hmm hmm hmmmm." He smirked, looking at all the Firstborn Eggs before him. "The New Universe is going to be quite entertaining. …I think I should personally MMake one MMy own." He approached a frosted egg with a glowing hand of darkness.