Chapter 135: Counterpart

Tsunade finally arrived at Tanzaku Quarters after a few hours of travel, with her concealing her presence in an attempt to hide so that the other version of herself didn't find her and not the other way around.

She used her Mind's Eye of the Kagura to create a sensing zone around her as she navigated through the busy streets as the festival was going on.

The first place that she decided to check was the Casinos, with her feeling that would be the most likely place to find herself.

However, she was unable to find herself in any of the establishments, with her not understanding where else she could find her.

However, she was able to discover where their hotel room was, causing her to break into it as she decided to wait for her to return.

However, during her wait, she was able to notice a framed picture sitting on the bed, with it having an image of Nawaki inside of it.

Tsunade walked to the photo and stared at it, while many thoughts flashed in her head.

'I wonder if this is how my Nawaki will look once he gets older? I'm sure he would be just as handsome if not more so. Even just thinking about losing him makes my heart ache, so I can not even fathom how the other me feels at such a thing.'

Tsunade was so lost in the picture that she didn't notice someone coming until the door opened, with it revealing a young woman with black hair standing there with a small pig in her hand.

"Oh, Lady Tsunade! When did you make it here? I thought you wanted to go find a new casino to play at?" Shizune questioned as she remembered that she had just left her a few minutes prior.

"I had forgotten something, but now I'm just reminiscing." Tsunade answered while smiling at the photo.

Shizune grew a sad look on her face, with her deciding to give her teacher some space to handle her emotions.

"I'm going back to the festival, just call for me if you need me, Lady Tsunade. I'll always be here for you." Shizune told the woman who was like her Mother as she left the room.

Tsunade turned her attention back to the photo, with it drawing her back in as her emotions ran wild as she thought of losing everyone like the other version of her had lost.

However, after a bit more time had passed, Tsunade felt a cold metal object placed on her throat, making her immediately go into combat mode as she moved while allowing her throat to be slit.

Tsunade flipped onto her feet as the wound healed itself and closed before she stared at her attacker.

The attacker sported nice blonde hair and a grass-green haori with the kanji for "gamble" on the back inside a red circle. Underneath it, she wore a grey, kimono-style blouse with no sleeves, held closed by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matches her pants.

On her feet, she wore open-toed, strapped black sandals with high heels. She had red nail polish on both her fingernails and toenails and used soft pink lipstick. She wore the First Hokage's necklace around her neck as she stared down Tsunade.

The two mirror images stared at each other, one with confusion and sympathy, while the other with suspicion and apprehension.

"Who are you!" Tsunade asked, no demanded from the younger version of herself.

"I know this may sound strange, but believe it or not, I am you from the past." Tsuna responded, with her feeling that an in-depth conversation would be required for her to gain the trust of her counterpart.

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