
Hunt! -1

Maverick was filling his backpack up with supplies he got from the store. He purchased a crossbow and 10 arrows in case he had to shoot a boar or defend himself from god knows who. His money was quickly shrinking. He needed to make some money from hunting after he purchased a license. But before he left he read a bit into the man-eating bug trap. The trap wasn't all that difficult. You just have to put the same bug all in a container and cast some verbal ritual. It was a trap for newbie shamans, which was perfect for him. The problem is that he needed a lot of bugs for it to be effective in the first place.

Well, even with his money running out, he could buy some bugs in bulk. Luckily, he had an idea. He thought of buying something called a large-stinger-bee. They are black bees with a long stinger contrary to their name. They hurt like hell. So before heading over to meet Daniel. He decided to enter a store, that sold plenty of bugs for food or scientific reasons.

"Hello, how may I help you." A tall woman who seemed like an employee approached him.

"Uh yeah, I'm doing a study on poisonous bugs that heavily affect humans. Do you some by chance?"

"Sure, right this way."

She led him past many insects, but one caught his eye. It was just like the large stinger bee. But it was blood red and flew incredibly fast.

"Miss, may I purchase these, in bulk please."

"Sure! How much would you like."

"Since they are small, I'll take about 200 now, and come back for more later. Is that alright?"

"Certainly is sir. cash or card"

Maverick came home with a box full of bees that could even paralyze an ability holder. Now it was time to make a trap, but he wanted to try something. Instead of a trap, what if he held them in some sort of container like a glass jar? But first, the ritual must be done to control them so they won't harm him or his friends. he had to draw out a circular symbol with all manner of shapes in it with chalk. After that, he had to just sit in the box in the middle of it. Now, It was time to imbue it with spiritual power. He filled it up to the brim instantly with his overwhelming spirit. The circle turned bright red and burned out into nothingness. It seemed that it was finished.

Now it was time for him to transfer them to a glass bottle, which was easy because a tube was attached to the box. Even if some escape it will be safe since the ritual is already complete.

He was now waiting outside with a large gate in the distance. In front of him was a line with people with all different gear ranging from swords, bows staffs, or just unarmed with pure confidence in their powers. Approaching Maverick was daniel. He had a sword on his side along with a bag.

They exchange pleasantries while waiting in line. Maverick paid for both licenses after they did a background check and they were out of the gate.

Before they left out of the gate, Maverick paid for both of their licenses after the background check.

"So where are we going?" said Danel walking beside him.

"Uh, We are just going to go straight for now."

While walking in the forest, he decided he was ready to use his spirit vision. What he saw was everything he normally would, but with added life! It could be said to be a whole other world, even the trees, ground, and rocks had some sort of life to them. Tiny bugs and insects flying and crawling throughout the forest that looked like nothing he has ever seen before. The trees, rocks, basically everything had a spirit with dazzling colors. Maverick looked at Daniel. It was white and incredibly small. He thought maybe only shamans get to have large spirits.

After walking half a mile and gazing at everything in sight, Daniel stopped.

Maverick looked back, concerned "What is it."

Daniel placed his hand on his sword."I sense something is closing in fast. step back!"

Running through the brush was a fire-boar with a blazing mane charging straight for Maverick. He lost concentration and didn't catch what its spirit looked like. Luckily Daniel jumped in front of him and blocked its tusk with his sword.

Maverick took a couple of steps back and pulled out a glass bottle filled with red bees and tossed them on the ground near the boar.

"What the fuck are you doing!" screamed Daniel sweating from the boar's heat.

"Don't worry the bees only bite my targets."

"Well it seems like it doesent matter."

Upon closer inspection, the bees were popping from the flames of the boar's mane.

"Shit then how do we kill it?" Said maverick concerned over the current circumstances.

"Well you could start by running away so I dont have to protect you."

Maverick nodded and ran away, which gave Daniel the ability to fight without considering someone else.

Immediately he pivoted to the right, leading the bull to charge a few feet. Afterward, the bull turned and charged once more. Daniel smirked. His sword raised high, his feet shoulder-width apart, stance changed completely.

"Splitting verticle slash!"

As his sword came down, the wind made way for it. Unironically, the bull flesh did as well. even when the bull was split into two, the two halves still charged forward without the help of its legs. Just in time, Daniel jumped over the two halves. Both halves crashed into a tree, setting it partially ablaze.

"You can come out now!" screamed daniel.

Stepping over a bush was Maverick covered in leaves."Are you ok?"

"Yeah im fine." said Daniel sheathing his sword.

Maverick approached the boar. The boar's blood had been burnt onto the ground and tree as its body lay face-first onto it.

Maverick leaned in closer with his hand resting on his chin. "Yeah its dead alright. You have the power to split it into two as well? Martial artists sure do have some power."

"Just get what you need so we can go home."

"Of course!" maverick leaned down and brought out a knife and got to cutting, but the boar's flesh was very combatant. Daniel saw this grabbed the knife from him and skinned the meat himself. Maverick could only smile and scratch the back of his head.