"Do you like her?.."

Melissa smacked their heads simultaneously. "You both are becoming more and more sly with age."

"Ouch—what did I do?" Damon rubbed the sore spot vigorously.

"Things between Emma and Daniel have gone so far and you both didn't tell me." Melissa glared at Owen. "I am so disappointed."

“What did I do? Shouldn’t you be mad at Daniel for keeping things away from you?” Owen sighed. “I literally did nothing and yet you are blaming me."

"I am not blaming you." Melissa gently patted his head. "You know how Daniel is. I am worried he will scare the only woman he has ever shown interest in for years."

She placed her hand on Damon and Owen's shoulders. "You both must help your younger brother to settle down as quickly as possible. I don't think I will ever get the pleasure of playing with your kids. I can only rely on Daniel now."

"You want to play with your grandkids?" Damon shrugged. "That shouldn't be hard. I can bring one to you, but you have to give me at least ten months."