New Clothes

"Where did you buy that ring?" Joseph asked Carter out of curiosity. He noticed that there was a ring on the man's finger when they arrived at his location.

Carter glanced over at his hand when he heard Joseph's question. "I just bought this in some random shop. It just costs 10 bronze coins," he answered, uncertain whether he should say or hide the thing that he discovered earlier.

Since it was a hidden rule in the game, then Carter decided, in the end, to not spoil the fun. He would wait until both Dandrik and Joseph find it in their own ways.

Nodding his head, "You decided to spend your money now, huh?" Joseph chuckled.

"Yup." Carter grinned. 'Because of spending, I have no hairs now.' he uttered in his mind.

Thinking about it, Carter already has a hint on who were the players that do not know that Hairs could be spent in the game. He recalled the time when he looked for what was the hair's use. He remembered a particular line that the more hair they have then the more advantage that they could get.

Carter's lips rose up to the side. 'Now, I'm curious what's inside the box.' He couldn't wait to go back to his room and open the thing that he bought.

"Bro, are we going directly to ILand tomorrow?"

Hearing Joseph's voice one more time, Carter's interest shifted. He looked over at Dandrik, waiting for the man to answer.

"Hmm, we'll see, but probably… yes?" Dandrik chuckled as uncertainness laced in his voice.

The three men proceed to walk around. They saw countless stores in the area. Joseph was the happiest person among the three. He happily looked around, surveying his eyes in every store.

However, the man didn't see the Hair Shop that Carter has been to earlier.

Carter kept glancing at the back as they walked further. 'The shop really couldn't be seen this far. The signs are not even visible' he tilted his head and sighed.

Joseph led their walk until they reached a shop selling a lot of clothes. The man turned around to meet both Carter's and Dandrik's eyes.

"Since we have had the same clothes for weeks now, I want to buy a new one," Joseph announced. "Let's go, Carter. Let's leave Dandrik alone. He has good clothes while we're stuck at these basic pants and shirt."

Pulling Carter, the man chuckled. They entered the shop and were greeted by countless clothes that were carefully hung on the wall.

Carter looked around. He saw clothes that looks just like Dandrik. The only difference was that Dandrik had bought it since last season using his own money.

Walking near the items, Carter took a piece of cloth from the side. It was a black top and a black pants with a hint of red on the sides that was made for fighting. He bought a new shoe as well that was colored black.

After trying on the clothes, Carter paid for their price. He was surprised at first by the total amount of money that he needs to pay.

"30 bronze coins for the top. 50 bronze coins for the pants and 20 bronze coins for the shoes," the shop's owner said.

Frowning, "a silver coin just for this?"

The shop owner irritatedly gazed at Carter. "Young man, if you can't afford it, then go to the next shop! Why do poor players come here? They should have died from the very start!"

Annoyed at it, Carter slammed the silver coin on the table. He forcefully took the clothes on top and glared at the man.

"Go to hell," he uttered before walking away.

Carter left the store, closing the door with force. He quietly walked closer to Dandrik, who was confused about why the man was acting that way.

"What happened?" Dandrik cautiously asked when he noticed that the atmosphere was not really great.

"Nothing," Carter answered simply.

He was annoyed at the store owner obviously. He didn't know that discrimination would also be seen here. 'Tsk. The game's creator must be a bunch of idiots.'

Well, accepting the offer from their so-called 'government' to make this game was already idiot enough. Who's in the right mind to do this, anyway?

Joseph quickly followed Carter. He saw what happened, and he's not happy about it as well.

"Let's go now. We should probably rest and just continue looking for monsters tomorrow. We already gained a lot of exp today." Joseph said. He tapped Carter's shoulder.

Carter just nodded quietly. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, calming himself down.

For someone who has been experiencing discrimination since a child, Carter already knows better. Those kinds of things have been already normal in the real world, and everyone thinks that it was just okay to make fun of others just because they have a different way of living.

That's why Carter has close to 0 friends and it was funny to think that he got a friend in this survival game.

'What an irony' he thought.

They walked for nearly 30 minutes before seeing the front of the inn. Carter opened up his inventory and took the keycard out of it. The staff bowed at them as they entered.

Going straight to their room, Carter laid down on his bed. He made a call towards the main desk to just bring him dinner later. Although the cost was quite high, he didn't hesitate since he felt burned out already.

Carter told the staff to deliver it around 7 in the evening. And now that he was alone, Carter planned to take a nap for a while.

But before he could totally rest, Carter remembered the box that he had bought earlier. With a grin on his face, the man took it out of the inventory. He placed it on top of his bed and smiled widely.

"Let's see what's inside…"