Chapter 7, Reclaiming a City

Karl and his group located the town and asked the people of possible Bolshevik sympathizers however they denied and claimed they wish to remain out of the war.

The town was near a railroad track which lead to a large city which was smoking possibly under siege, it's unknown who held the city but whatever the case it's being attacked.

"Ludwig Sir!" One of the troops ran over as Karl finished eating some canned meat, "What is it?" He asked.

"Some of the locals said a train is coming, it's being used by the Reds and their coming for recruitment" Karl got up and ordered his squad with him.

"We have a train coming, we'll use the town to ambush them and commandeer the train and we'll use to reach that city" Karl pointed to the city as smoke continue to rise from it.

A few of the Townsfolk were able to offer some Volunteers to help fight the Bolshevik forces, Karl and his Squad went inside some of the houses awaiting for the Train.

Just as they wait, the Train arrived, luckily it wasn't armored but a normal train. It's breaks screeched when it came to a halt, the doors to the carriages open and groups of armed Bolsheviks stepped out.

Most of them were armed with Rifles and only a few had Submachine Guns mainly the German MP18.

Another carriage open and three heavily armored troops stepped out.

One was carrying a Maxim Gun, the other also carried a Maxim Gun and last one had a flamethrower attachment.

The Officer stepped out and approached the people of the town, speaking in their native tongue.

"What is he saying?" Karl whispered to one of his troops. "Uh he's saying that....The Germans that occupy Vybobey have put stiff resistance....but a few of their Mechs have weaken one of their defences and they require fellow Volunteers"

Suddenly the pop of a revolver was heard as Karl watched as one of the Townsfolk dropped and the Officer lowered his gun.

The people were scared then the Officer grew more hostile before things could get worse. Karl fired his Gewehr rifle scoring a hit into the Officer's chest sending him into the ground.

The unit lead by Karl begin firing as the most of the Townsfolk ran and only a few who formed a militia ran out and begin firing what weapons they have at the Bolsheviks.

One of the armored Bolsheviks armed with the Maxim gun begin spraying bullets at the Germans and Anti Bolshevik Militia.

A few Militia and Civilians were gunned down, Karl aimed his rifle and fired.

The bullet ripped through the eye of the mask of armored Soldier as he dropped to the ground. The other heavy armored maxim trooper noticed his partner falling as he begin firing at Karl who hide behind the wall of a house.

The Bolshevik Flametrooper begin to prepare the flamethrower til he was blasted by small arm fired by a few of the Militia.

The firefight continued on til the shooting begin to die down, the Bolshevik troops were dead as Karl and his group gathered around.

"Send a message to command about commandeer the train..." Karl ordered.

Half an hour as a more Prussian troops arrived and boarded the train with Karl and others.

The train had some Machine Guns stationed near the doors and plenty of crates filled with food, weapons and ammo.

Once the train begin moving, they started planning; The city was Vyboey which the Prussian and Saxony Volunteers along with a few remnants of the White Army took control however Bolsheviks have assaulted it relentlessly.

"Get those doors open and man those Machine Guns!" One of the Germans shouted, Karl opened one of the doors then the Vickers were moved into positioned.

Karl held the handles of one and once he saw Red soldiers he begin firing the machine gun.

The Vickers jerked back everytime he fired it, The Bolsheviks used any weapon wether it came from the former Imperial Russia, Italy, Germany, France or even United States.

The Bolsheviks in propaganda were seen as mere brutes with no Military training so it was assumed of a quick war but the Reds were more dangerous they used Imperial Russia Mechs due to numerous defections to the Bolsheviks from Russian Admirals to even a few Generals.

The train begin to halt but Karl continue firing while the Volunteers jumped out and ran to aid the trapped forces.

Once it looked that the Bolsheviks were force to halt their attack, Karl ran out with his rifle and joined the fray.

It was like the Eastern Front all over again, The Bolshevik troops charged while crying their battle cries some even engaged in close quarters combat.

Karl was firing his bolt action rifle killing two Bolshevik troops, which didn't look to be European but Asian, as for as he knows they could be from Mongolia.

Suddenly a mortar round went off near Karl sending dirt and rubble near him, he covered his head and continue to fire.

"Mech! Mech!" One of the White Army Soldiers screamed. Karl watched as three Mechs from the Bolsheviks came.

They were modeled after Bears, it was the size of some Armored vehicles with a one seat for the Pilot.

The Mech had two mounted machine guns upfront of it, the Pilot was almost inside the entire Mech a only their upper chest and head was visible.

"Iron Bear! They have Iron Bears!" Karl shouted to which a few Prussian and Saxony Volunteers ran over one of them carrying the Tankgewher M1918 Anti Tank Rifle.

Propping it onto some debris the Operator aimed then fired into the Iron Bear which shook the Pilot but continue to attack.

"Again!" The Operator aimed and fired the Anti Tank Rifle once more as the second round ripped into the Iron Bear hitting one of it's tanks causing it to erupt and burst into flames.

The Pilot only had a second to react before being roasted by the flames and the Iron Bear exploding.

The fighting continue as more Red Army tried to advance before the whistle was blown from their side forcing them pull back and retreat.

Karl sighed removing his helmet rubbing his eyes together, once again he survived another grueling battle.