A man wearing black tactical uniform with full military equipment on his body was running in the middle of street and theres a wolf patch on his right arm.

His face was covered by a black mask made of iron, and a sword on his back.

He was running followed by a woman wearing a white dress with a bulletproof vest on top of it not far behind, as if they were running away from something.

'Huh hah huh.' He was breathless.

They stopped running and stood in the middle of road, the woman sticking herself to that man for fear that something might harm her.

He felt there was something odd about his surroundings, and saw that his surrounding area was very quiet even though the sun was still setting up. "Stop!" said John breathlessly.

"What is it?!" asked Jane in bewilderment.

"There's something strange, no one is following us," replied John looking around.

"Isn't that great?!"

Then a bullet scratch John's arm and hit the asphalt.

'Sriiiiing… BRAK!' The sound of bullet hitting asphalt.

John immediately grabbed Jane's hand and ran towards a shop not far from where they were standing, they went inside to take cover from other flying bullets aiming for their lives.

They both sat on the floor and took cover behind a wall.

"Fuck fuck fuck! I'm getting older!" John cursed while holding his injured arm.

His uniform was drenched in fresh blood from the wound.

Jane's face turned pale. "Yoo-oour hand, your hand is bleeding!!" said Jane frantically sat down on the floor.

John's right arm grabbed a bandage from small pocket on his stomach. "Calm down, wrap it up with this," John ordered as he handed it to Jane.

Jane took the bandage from John's hand.

"Your english was good, even though it's not your native language, hahaha," said John with a laugh.

"For fuck sake! Don't you dare joking around in a time like this!" cursed Jane, who was annoyed that John could still laugh in the midst of such a situation.

Jane's hands were shaking violently because she couldn't see blood flowing out, she closed her eyes while groping for the wound on John's arm using the bandage.

"So it was a waste to learn your language," said John, who has studied Indonesian for about three months.

"Not really, because I'm not very fluent in English."

The shopkeeper who was scared, ran to the toilet to save himself and ignored all the things that were there.

A few meters from where they took shelter, a teenager stood watching the two of them with three loaves of bread in his hands.

"Get down kid!" shouted John.

Jane crawled over to the boy and holding his head by pressing him down so that he ducked down, she pulled the boy closer to the wall for cover.

"Sedang berkelahi dengan orang jahat pak? Aku sering melihatnya di dalam film, (Are you fighting with bad guys sir? I often see it in movies,)" asked the boy.

The boy looked at John with a look of amazement because he usually saw it only in movies, and now it was happening in real world.

"What are you talking about?!" asked John.

"Pergi dari sini bocah, (Get out of here boy,)" said Jane to the boy.

"No! Keep your head down, or you want to see your fucking head blown up?" John asked again.

"Aku tidak takut, karena biasanya orang baik selalu menang pada akhirnya. (I'm not afraid, because good people always win in the end.)"

The boy is very brave or maybe stupid because he could die, whereas what happens in the film is just acting.

"Hei bocah, apakah ada jalan keluar belakang disini? (Hey kid, is there a back door here?)" asked Jane.

"Ya, ada. (Yes, there is.)"

She informs John if there is a back exit in the building.

He tell the plan to escape from that place. "Imma count till three, and you move there to take cover, I'll distract them," John ordered while pointing to a corner.

"One… two… three, run run run!" John shouted to them both.

John got up and ran to the side to distract the sniper, while Jane ran into the corner holding the boy's hand.

John, who saw that they were both in a safe position, ran after the two of them.

He ordered Jane to fix the bandage on her arm because he felt that the knot was loosening, after fixing the bandage, the two of them exited the building using the back door.

"We're safe now, thanks kid," John said to the boy earlier. "Keep this, I'll take it back later," while giving his Dog Tag.

The boy accepted the gift from John and turned his gaze to Jane with a confused expression.

Huff…. Jane sighed.

"Dia bilang 'Simpan ini dan aku akan mengambilnya nanti', jadi simpan itu baik-baik, (He said 'keep this, I'll take it back someday', so keep it well,)" said Jane translating what John said to the boy.

"Terimakasih pak, (Thank you sir,)" said the boy with a big smile.

"Now get inside and hide," John ordered him.

The boy went back into the building and hid among the shelves in the shop.

He looked at the gift from John that was in his hand.

"Ksatria, tiga empat tujuh, garis, first legion, satu, (Knight, three four seven, stripes, first legion, one,)" said the boy reading what was written on the necklace.

Meanwhile John walks down the alley with Jane.

Jane, who was exhausted, tried to give him advice. "We have to go to the police station and report this incident, they will definitely help us," Jane told him whats on her mind.

"Didn't I told you to keep your mouth shut? Its useless!" John snapped at Jane who continued to talk to her annoyance. "Damn, my hand keeps bleeding," John cursed.

From the first day until now, Jane kept on blabbering non-stop and it annoyed him because he couldn't concentrate.

"Why? Why can't we report this?!" asked Jane pulling his hand furiously.

John stopped in his tracks and turned to face Jane. "Shit! How can they help you when your fucking head have one billion dollars on it, make fucking sense?" he snapped with a very close face. "The elites has prepared everything, and the government of this country is one of them!" John snapped again as he grabbed Jane's arm.

John looked into her eyes intensely.

Glek. Jane swallowed.

"Then, how can they kill civilians? Doesnt make any sense!" shouted Jane looking at John.

"Listen here motherfucker, there's three things you need to know!" John told him. "First, bring you alive will got one hundred billion dollars, and if you die they will got ten percent of it, that," said John telling the first rule. "Second, killing civilians is forbidden, unless it was necessary, and if they did, they need to pay for a penalty," he continued. "The last one is … shut your fucking mouth and follow my fucking order's!" shouted John warn her to keep quiet.