Ch 96: Horrifying Cry [R-18]

My neck arches back when I feel many soft kisses being planted on it, from several different angles and sensitive spots on my skin. I moan as he does it while I feel his underwater dragon stirring up my coral reef. I groaned sweetly when his dragon found my underwater sea cave as Kai's one hand pushed it in. Then his hands grip my bum cheeks and he starts bouncing my body up and down on his member. As our lips attack each other hungrily between our accelerating pants.

Gradually, the velocity of my hips thrusting his cock increased. I pinch his shoulders and start pumping my groin up and down to match his body flow. Our bodies danced against each other as his dragon explored my underwater lair, deeply penetrated.

"Ohhh... Kai..." My head flailed back as my upper body arched when he hit my g-spot. I become unloose while our bodies slam into one another. My torso waved into his naked flesh while we evenly thrust harder together.

The water in the jacuzzi splashed up in waves from our lascivious movements. Kai's face stooped downward to snatch my right boob as it bounced in and out of the water. To make this easier, he hoists me up some to perch my breasts above the water. Then he latched his mouth around my tit and started sucking on it. As our body flow became deeper and less rough so he could nurse off me.

I rolled my hips back and forth while his member rubbed my g-spot dead on. My grip tightened on his shoulder when I felt my first orgasm stirring to the surface.

Once it hit, I howled his name and squealed uncontrollably. As Kai released my nipple and took me harder in the middle of my peak. My vagina clenched around his cock when I felt him getting stiffer inside me. His breaths turned gushy and raw like he was trying to breathe. Then all of a sudden he growled and grabbed my bum tightly as he banged my groin up and down roughly.

"Ahhh... Victoria!" He cummed hard and gritted his teeth in my ear and then nibbled my earlobe.

Gradually, our thrusts depleted while our heavy breaths filled the bathroom. On cue, we both kissed each other after having a good round. Even though he was still hard inside me, I lifted my clumsy weak body off him before he'd want another go.

"I need a break," I weakly mumbled, taking a seat next to him, and then I leaned up against his body side resting.

Kai chuckled between his breaths and overlapped his one arm over the top of me. "I'll get you some more painkillers before we leave."

"Please do," I said merely out of breath but all he did was continue to chuckle before he kissed my temple.


After we bathed, we both got out to get ready for dinner. I stayed in the bathroom to put some curls in my hair. Then I redo my face with fresh makeup. I put on this light bronze lipstick that matches my real short-length spaghetti-strap dress. Underneath was a black silkie fabric and over top of it was this black and red sheer lace that had these red rose prints on it. Then at the seam around my thighs was this black netted lace for an extra sexy look.

Overall, the dress was extremely sexy. Yet the dress had a hint of class to it but it was mostly just sexy. Truthfully, I looked like a dressed-up Gothic Barbie doll but I guess it will do since Kai picked this dress for me. To top off the sexy yet classy look, I put on my high heels and matching jewelry for a finishing touch.

Then I leave the bathroom by opening the door. Suddenly, I stopped as the tiny hairs on my entire body stood upright. My eyes peered straight through this ghostly body of a 22-year-old young woman floating here. She was hollow at the same time she appeared in a more solid form. Her neck side was oozing trickles of blood from two bite marks that looked like fangs.

"Victoria..." She somehow knew my name.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing as it suddenly came back to me. Her clothing style was this linen Egyptian gown. Her wig was decorated in multicolored feathers and she wore golden jewelry.

"My gosh..." Before I could speak she moved her ghostly hand and held her belly. She was the pregnant girl that Pharaoh murdered!

"You've woken the blood-sucking monster!" She hauntingly shrieks just as Kai opened the bedroom door.

She screamed louder facing his direction and then she lunged at me. The cry she made screeched horrifying.

"Aaaaah!" I screamed and jumped as far back into the sink.

I shield my arms to cover my face as her ghostly body flew right into me. This coldness slammed straight through my body. And I am quivering out of control as her chilling cry diminishes away.

"Victoria!" Kai's voice rang in my ears as my body kept shaking.

"Aaah!" I yelped in fright when someone yanked my arms down.

"Victoria, it's ok!" My eyes opened and I saw Kai standing here with his palms grasp around my wrists. I looked aimlessly about and saw she was gone.

Failing to hold back tears, I dive into his arms for him to hold me. "It's alright." He cooed before he kissed my head. "I'm here."

I was in total shock from what had happened. Nobody would expect to see a ghost outside their bathroom door. Of course, my life has to torture me!

"What did you see?" Kai asked like he knew I saw something.

"Nothing..." I lied.

Kai sighed, cupping my face so I couldn't avoid him. "Victoria, I know what..." Suddenly, his words coiled beneath his throat. He stopped himself from saying something else. "I mean what did you see?" He rephrased when asking.

Since he didn't have on his shades. This time, I could see in his eyes that he is hiding something from me. It was like he knew what I saw.

Rethinking back to just a moment ago. I saw she looked at him coming into the room and it seemed like he could have looked at her. Before she screamed to attack me.

Previously, I had thought she was going to attack me after she blamed me for waking up a blood-sucking monster.

Now I am questioning what I saw from replaying what had happened in my head. Was she trying to attack me or was she afraid of Kai?