Ch 231: Icicle Corpse [R-18]

[Viewer Discretion Is Advised]

"I don't know, Victoria," Billy grumbled. "She isn't really my type."

Tuesday, I was at the campus diner, begging Billy to go on a date with Nora.

"Oh, come!" I begged. "Just because she dresses differently doesn't mean you should judge her!"

Across the table, he claimed, chuckling. "I'm not judging her. Behind those big round glasses, I think she's preferably cute."

"If you think she's cute then what's the issue?" I pried and then took a sip of my coffee.

Billy chuckled, "Truth be told, I am not looking for anything serious."

"Yet you were flirting with Mia and Darlene?" I questioned him, suspiciously.

"Because I didn't see anything serious with them," Billy justified. "Nora is innocent and endearing. She doesn't deserve to be with me."

"Yet you thought Mia and Darlene would make a good fling?" I argued, nailing him good.

He laughed knowing well I got him cornered and he was busted. "Alright, fine! I'll take her on a date, and will see how it goes."

I finally had him right where I wanted.

"That's all I wanna hear," I chippered, getting out of the booth with him.

"If I break her heart, it's on you," he joked, helping me in my trench coat like a gentleman.

"You break her heart, I'll hunt you down and murder you," I teased, and he laughed with me.

"I'm too lazy to hide," Billy said, teasingly.

I giggled at his humor, and we both stepped outside after we threw the coffee cups away. Hardly anyone was around, and the more we kept strolling, the fewer people I saw. Classes ended for the day, so mostly everyone was clearing out to head home or to their dorms.

"I'm grateful that you'll at least take her on a date," I remarked, walking with him as I glimpsed around, but I didn't see Kai's guardians.

"Of course," Billy replies. "I'll be sure she'll have a nice time."

"Good, that's all I ask," I told him as we wandered between these buildings. And the air got colder than normal.

"Is it getting colder?" Billy asked while he glanced everywhere.

A bad feeling knotted in my gut as we neared the other side. The air only got more stale, and we both saw our breath.

"What's going on?" Billy asked, walking past me to a brick building.

Thin glistening ice was forming right on the brick. We both heard it cracking as it webbed much larger.

My memory jarred back to every time I felt the temperature drop to freezing degrees and ice formed in places when the weather was hotter.

"We need to leave!" I frantically expressed, pulling on Billy's hand to turn from where we came.

But he didn't budge and shielded me when I saw the same shirtless vampire that is always with Rex. He stood right there, maybe eight feet away, if that.

"Who are you?" Billy dauntlessly asked.

The vampire smirked without answering.

"Please, Billy, we have to go!" I panicked, gravely.

"Relax, I won't let him hurt you," Billy determined, being solicitous, yet he had no idea what he was up against. And he couldn't know, or else he's dead.

"Billy, please!" I tried again by yanking his hand, but it was too late when the vampire's eyes shone red.

"Are you sure you can protect Victoria and her unborn baby from me?" the vampire taunted, and I was terrified to hear he sensed my baby.

"What the heck are you?" Billy asked, bewildered.

"Something that you can't defeat," the shirtless vampire disparaged him.

"BILLY!" I yelled when the vampire raised his arm straight and ice blew out from his palm. Billy pushed me back so hard that I flattened on the ground. I looked over and saw that ice hit his chest as he merely screeched in agony. Spontaneously, he turned into a solid icicle.

"Billy!" I cried as that vampire strode his way toward me. A vast breeze blew into my hair. Then Glenn pounced in and shot fire from his palms. On spot, that vampire hissed from getting burnt before he retreated into the wind.

"Billy!" I stood and ran to him, but Glenn ceased me and pulled my waist into his muscular body.

"You can't touch him! You'll turn into ice like him," Glenn warned, keeping me from Billy.

"You have to help him!" I cried as

Kai, Ivan, Ace, Rome, Jack, and a few guardians showed up.

Kai took me from Glenn and held me in his arms while I kept screaming. "You have to help him! Please someone help him!"

I bawled non-stop and stared at Billy. His entire body was frosted into a white-blue tint icicle. All his features were perfectly intact like a flawless ice sculpture. His one arm was still bent back from pushing me out of the way. He was frozen in that protective stance.

Glenn stared at him and then shook his head lightly at me. "I'm sorry, he's gone," he empathized, and I bawled to my knees on the ground. Kai hovered over top of me, and hugged me while I was in hysterics.

"We need to call the sheriff to cover this up," Ace urged.

My whole mind went blurry. Before I knew it, the sheriff and these vampire cops were here on the scene. Same with Mr. Collin, his advisors, and his guardians. Countless times, Kai tried to take me home, but I refused to leave. Rather I kept listening to how they were going to cover this up. Billy's body was a solid piece of ice.

"We could dump him into the ocean," Ivan suggested.

"You can't do that!" I interjected, and Kai pulled me away. "He has a family!"

"Victoria, my dear, being here isn't helping your condition," Mr. Collin gently appraised. "You need to go home and let us handle this."

"Can't Glenn thaw him out?" I asked, looking between the group and Glenn.

Glenn frowned, "I don't know if I can. He could turn to ash if I tried."

"Victoria, this is getting ridiculous," Kai said, putting his foot down. "There is nothing that can be done. He's gone and there is nothing more we can do. You need to come home, and let us handle it."

"I don't want him to be marked as a missing person," I exclaimed, as tears poured from my eyelids. "He has a family. They need to bury him."

"Just go home, Victoria. I give you my word, that I'll return him to his family," the sheriff promised. "We first have to figure out what to do before we can inform his family."

I took his words for it and gazed at Billy's icy corpse one last time. Then Kai pulled me to his body, and we were gone that fast. He took me home where he stayed with me while I cried in his arms in bed.

[Next up is Ian's storyline.]