Hostess of Fertility Again!

Chapter 38

What Sirius and Raul's encounter before was not really a 'monster party.' After all, only 20 killer ants barely qualified as a 'monster party.'

He thinks the dungeon made a mistake before because now more than 30 strong monsters surrounded him, which is undoubtedly a qualified 'monster party.'

Sirius was tensed and ready to fight after hearing roars from every direction.

The monsters were getting closer and closer.

He took a deep breath and glanced at the passageway where they blocked the way.

Then, with no other choice than fight…

"Center of Earth!"

First, he applied a shield to himself and summoned multiple rock pillars from the ground.

The road to the passageway was instantly cleared, and the monsters blocking his way were thrown off the ground by the pillars.

At the same time, a dark gold geo shield shimmering with faint light surrounded his body.

Reality is not a game. Therefore, it is naturally up to his decision how many rock pillars to summon.

The strength of his shield is also determined by the output of mana.

As for chant?

Well, it's only for the show. In fact, Sirius can instantly release his magic without any chant.

The reason why he chants is to look cool and handsome. After all, instant magic lacks a certain feeling of being a mage.

Also, if someone outside learned the special nature of his magic, there would be some trouble.

Therefore, Sirius always chants his magic to avoid such trouble.

Also, he can give his enemies a fatal strike in case of misinformation.

Now back to the battle…

Thankfully, Sirius didn't spend too much mana before. So, his body had more than enough supply of it.

Although he released multiple rock pillars before, he could still use other magic.

As for physical strength, Sirius had already drank a health potion and was in good condition.

Next, he only needs to reserve some energy for a retreat and go all-out in the battle!

"Illuminate the sky(Orionids)!"

A high-pitched chant came out of his mouth.

In the next moment, a virtual starry sky appeared above him.

His entire body was engulfed by stellar brilliance, and a cluster of faint blue flame arose from his body and started leaking out.



A loud explosion occurred, with the flames spreading out instantly. The flames showed their deadly nature by instantly devouring everything in their way.

The explosion also temporarily dispelled the surrounding fogs and revealed the devastating scene. All trees and vegetation on the explosion site were burnt and melted.

Even the shield on his body was flickering due to heavy damage and finally dissipated after the explosion subsided.

"Let's see how you can stop me!"

Sirius flexibly rotated the spear in his hand and took a stance. Then, he made a provocative gesture and dashed toward the remaining enemies.

In a dungeon, time always flies by…

Adventurers encounter monsters and fight them for hours without being aware of the duration.

When Sirius walked out of the dungeon with a backpack full of magic stones and dropped items, it was almost dusk, and half of the sky was red.

He exchanged his magic stones for valis at the same guild headquarter. Unfortunately, he didn't see Eina or Misha at the reception. So, he quickly left the building and headed home.

He made more valis than yesterday. After all, he explored deeper floors than before. There is also no need to split his earnings.

The magic stones of large monsters like orcs were more valuable than Sirius expected.

Excluding the drop items, Sirius made approximately 100,000 valis on his trip to the dungeon today.

'Do I need a supporter? I feel that I can have a lot less trouble with a supporter….' Sirius thought while walking on the streets.

But after seriously thinking for a while, he rejected this idea.

Not to mention the issue of trust, whether they can keep up with his rhythm is another matter.

If a supporter is not qualified enough, Sirius must waste more time taking care of them.

Usually, professionally hired supporters have some kind of bad things in their lives or are poor and weak.

'There's no need for an outside supporter at the moment.' Sirius concluded and headed toward his familia residence.

Before returning, Sirius didn't forget to buy a few sets of attire from various clothing stores.

Even if he becomes an adventurer, that doesn't mean he won't enrich his wardrobe.

After all, he can't just wear a single piece of clothing daily.

After earning some money, it was time for him to improve the standard of his life.

It was almost dark when Sirius arrived at Twilight Manor. He greeted the gatekeepers and returned to his room with newly bought clothes.

After a day of fighting, he was a bit dirty and sweaty. He decided to take a bath to clean himself.

After a comfortable bath, Sirius changed into new clothes and came out of the bathhouse. He ran into a few familia members who stayed out of the expedition. They were ready to go out for dinner.

They also invited him to have dinner together. But he politely refused when he heard that the place they were going to was 'Hostess of Fertility.'

He didn't forget Mama Mia's words in the morning. She would definitely give him a lot of alcohol.

He will never accept such an offer unless he wants to get drunk.

There's no doubt that when he arrived at that place, a certain black-hearted dwarf tavern owner would frantically give him bottles of wine with an irresistible smile on her face.

However, things don't always go as planned…

"What? You guys are going to Mama Mia's place? Why don't you call me on such an occasion?"

Loki instantly appeared behind him and joined their conversation.

At the same time, she also put her arms around his neck and patted his shoulder casually.

"Sirius, join us as well! Mama Mia's place is the best tavern in the whole of Orario! You will definitely regret not visiting them once." Loki exaggerated a little.

"Actually, I already went there this morning…." Sirius was about to refuse her when Loki intercepted.

"Yoshi! Our destination is the most popular pub on the west street! Loki Familia, let's go!" Loki raised her right hand and shouted, making everyone excited.

"Uh… I don't really want to go…." Sirius wanted to say something, but the others ignored his cry.

"OH!!!" They raised their voice in agreement.

"..." Sirius was very speechless at the moment.

In such a situation, there is no need for any explanation. He was sure that someone would drag him out of the manor on Loki's behalf if he refused any more.

The sky was already dark.

Orario West Street,

It was crowded with people returning home from work and adventurers coming out of the dungeon.

At the entrance of Hostess of Fertility,

"Mama Mia! I'm here for the drinks!" Loki shouted to the owner of the tavern.

Mia Grand, the one mentioned by Loki, heard this familia voice and smiled. After all, Loki Familia was one of their biggest customers.

However, when she turned around and found a familiar blond youth next to the red-haired goddess, her smile became even brighter.

Sirius was feeling very depressed at the moment.

'I want to go home….' Sirius doesn't want to get drunk.

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