
Chapter 39

Sirius didn't know when he lost his consciousness. When he awoke, he first saw the familiar ceiling of his room.

"I feel so sick…." Sirius gently rubbed his tired eyes and expressed his most genuine thoughts at the moment.

The playful goddess, who knew he was not good at drinking, along with the dwarf pub owner, ordered so many drinks for him.

There was no way for him to retain his consciousness after drinking so much alcohol.

The goddess of his familia is such a black-bellied woman!

'Loki is unreliable in such things….' Sirius sighed and started to wash up.

After having breakfast at a nearby restaurant, he had no intention to continue dungeon exploration for today.

The previous two expeditions made him aware of some problems.

He lacked sufficient means of attack.

The most fearful thing for an adventurer is to be surrounded by monsters and unable to escape.

Although with his ability, he can break through a monster siege forcibly.

But, that came with an increase in physical and mental consumption.

"The Arrival of Silver Star!" is very powerful. But it equally consumes his stamina and mana.

Unless as a last resort, when he is forced into a disadvantaged situation, Sirius thinks that using such powerful magic to clear the field is a bit overkill.

Because he could have handled the situation better with different abilities, like his other two magic…

If he had developed his 'Stellar Magic' properly, he would have many more options on the battlefield.

Also, his 'Earth Magic' needs more growth to add more of Zhongli's skills.

If he can develop powerful magic as 'Planet Befall,' it will become one of his killer moves.

It would also be cool if he could drop a virtual meteorite into his enemies during combat.

Also, the additional effect of petrification is very good crowd control. However, some monsters may resist the effect.

Anyway, he can easily defeat the petrified ones.

Now, back to the topic…

To develop his other two magic systems, Sirius decided to go to Loki Familia's library and spend some time reading.

Since he decided to base his 'Stellar Magic' on astrology, he needed to understand the topic well.

For current Sirius, astrology is a very familiar and unfamiliar topic.

He knows basic cosmic knowledge from his past life but doesn't understand them in detail. To properly develop his magic, he needs to delve deep into astrology.

Therefore, he came to the library hoping to find some suitable books on astrology.

Sirius lightly walked into the corridor and came before the library's entrance.

As a top faction of Orario, Loki Familia has a large collection of books and information.

The library in front is where a normal familia member can freely read anything inside.

After entering, Sirius found many bookshelves full of different books.

There was a scent of wood and ink in the library. Also, a large bookshelf was placed in the middle of the room.

The library consists mostly of various dungeon-related books and materials and is classified according to occupations, such as mages.

There are also many ancient stories and lores collected by the willful goddess or anyone else in the familia.

Everyone in Loki Familia thinks these books are the common property of the familia. There are also various magic-related books in the library.

Sirius searched the books one by one and looked for the ones he needed.

All books in the library are organized properly. Therefore, Sirius didn't have to rummage through every book to find the one he needed.

After coming to the place meant for miscellaneous books, Sirius resumed his search.

After a few minutes of searching, he finally stopped in front of a bookshelf.

He looked at the title of some books on the shelf and smiled.

Secrets of Astrology!

Stars and Magic!

XXX Cosmic Theory!

In fact, the title of these books is not like this, but the general translation is marked below each book.

Sirius picked all these books in one breath, walked to a wooden table, and placed them above it. He was ready to start his study session.

Before that, he quickly noted the previous locations of these books.

It won't be funny if he can't put them back in their right place after reading.

According to the classification, these books are strange and miscellaneous books that Loki bought from some passing merchants.

In addition to books on astrology, there are many collections of heroic tales circulating within the continent. But, Sirius ignored these stories and started reading.

Is this good luck? Or perhaps Loki has some foresight?

All of these books were genuine and contained very detailed astrological knowledge.

They are not the kind of useless garbage written by some unscrupulous author to make money.

Even some of the theories looked legit. They were the study notes of some famous astrologers and scholars in the past. These notes are genuinely helpful to him.

Sirius temporarily slowed down the pace of his dungeon raid to study and develop magic.

On the first day, he did nothing else but read books in the library. He even ate his meal in a hurry.

But on the second day, he decided to continue dungeon exploration.

After all, he needs some proper exercise.

Reading books can indeed help him develop his magic faster, but it can't increase his basic stats.

The only way to improve his five basic stats is to train hard and battle powerful monsters. There is no other way around it.

Without shedding enough sweat and blood, there is no way for him to become stronger.

Therefore, he resumed his dungeon exploration to level up faster.

At night, he would go to the library and study astrology and magic-related books.

And on the day, he would enter the dungeon and have a hearty battle. He would also try out some magic in development.

Such a combination of reading and exercising made his days very fulfilling. It was unlike his past life, where he had no clear view of his future.

Day after day and night after night rotated, and nearly half a month has passed like this.

It was early in the morning.

Sirius looked at the piles of 'drop items' that were almost half his height in the corner of his room and was lost in thought.

Needle Rabbit's Tusk, Killer Ant's Claws, Blue Papilio Wings (in a bottle), Purple Moth Wing (in a bottle), War Shadow's Finger Blades, Goblin Fangs, Kobold Nails, etc.

A lot of rare drop items were in there.

These were the accumulation of his dungeon raid after more than half a month.

"I have to sell them all… They take too much space in my room…." With one hand on his chin, Sirius determined the fate of these items.

Besides, these items are worth a lot of money. Not selling them would be a huge waste!

He would only be upset if he couldn't sell them for good prices.

Sirius never thought of hoarding these items. They are not very useful to him.

Therefore, whenever he came out of the dungeon, he had the idea to sell them but kept postponing.

Over and over, and it's been delayed until today.

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