Level Up?

(A/N: I think there were somewhere around 480+ power stones yesterday. I don't know if we reached the goal of 500 milestones yesterday. Anyway, this is a bonus chapter. I will upload another chapter as usual at the usual time. Thank you!)

After a bit of waiting, a silver-haired girl walked down from the second floor. She looked a bit tired and exhausted.

After looking around, the girl found Sirius waiting for her in front of the counter.

"Hello, Sirius-san! Long time no see…." Amid greeted him with a shallow smile.

"We haven't seen each other for only a few days, right? Anyway, I'm glad to meet you. Amid-san!" Sirius also returned the greeting with a chuckle.

"A few days is still a long time for an adventurer… especially for someone like you who treats the dungeon as a place to exercise every day." Amid teased him with a meaningful smile.

"And, please show me the drop items you want to sell!" Amid didn't forget about her business.

"Ah, Here you go!" Sirius quickly gave her all the drop items in his backpack.

"Amid-san, I need to go to the dungeon for a living after all." Sirius didn't forget to justify himself.

Amid observed the items and gave him a meaningful glance, she knew a thing or two about his secrets.

"A new adventurer going to the sixth and seventh floor for a living? Sirius-san, your lifestyle is unique indeed…."

Sirius was feeling a bit embarrassed after being exposed by her. He felt that the silver-haired girl guessed some of his secrets.

After all, she was one of the few people in regular contact with him.

Before leaving for the expedition, Tiona also accidentally leaked something about a newcomer to the silver-haired healer. Amid clearly remembered everything Tiona said.

Coupled with his frequent visit to her pharmacy, it was easy for her to associate these two points.

After all, Sirius has only been an adventurer for half a month, but somehow he was able to go to the sixth and seventh floors and return safely.

This kind of behavior was akin to suicide in her previous cognition.

No matter how she thought, she couldn't understand how he could get some many drop items when the main force of the Loki familia was out on an expedition.

But as a qualified businesswoman, she doesn't want to get to the bottom of her customer's secrets. After all, that kind of behavior may worsen their relationship.

She only felt slightly surprised and quickly put this matter in the back of her head. After all, she still has some business to do.

"These drop items are of good quality. I can buy them at the market price. Do you want to use valis or potions as payment, Sirius-san?" Amid asked him for his opinion.

"Give me the potions, Amid-san. I don't have any shortage of money for the time being." Sirius didn't want to carry an extra bag of money. Besides, potions are relatively light and valuable stuff.

"I understand! Give me a second!" Amid nodded and turned around to rummage her drawers for some potions.

Soon, she handed him two boxes of potions.

"Here are ten High Potion and ten High Magic Potion. Are you okay with this deal?" She didn't forget to ask for his opinion.

"Also, the price of the former is 10,000 per vial whereas the latter is 20,000 per vial." Amid also mentioned their prices.

Their total worth is about 300,000 valis, about one-fourth of his harvest from Goibniu Familia.

Doctors and healers are indeed a very lucrative profession in this world!

With some reputation, they can quickly become rich!

'Speaking of which, is there a wild legal rich semi-loli girl standing in front of me right now???' Sirius suddenly realized something.

In terms of size and appearance, Amid is very petite. She is only 149 cm tall and can be qualified as a certified loli.

Fortunately, she is seventeen years old and considered to be an adult in this world.

Suddenly, Sirius thought of a bold idea as a joke.

"Sirius-san?" Amid felt some malicious intent and asked him.

"Huh, what's the matter, Amid-san?" Sirius quickly recovered his senses and replied subconsciously. He promptly threw the previous idea out of his mind.

"I feel like you were thinking something very rude just now…." Amid looked at him suspiciously.

"Really? It should just be your illusion, right?" Sirius gave her an innocent expression and answered seriously. He didn't want to be misunderstood by her after all.

Amid felt a bit confused. She definitely felt some kind of vague malicious intent toward her. She was pretty confident in her feelings.

But after looking at his expression, she hesitated for a while. She found no sign of lying on his face.

'Maybe I'm oversensitive….' The girl started having such thoughts.

"Well, never mind then. Do you have anything else?" Amid shook her head and tried to change the topic. Ultimately, she believed in him, thinking it was just an illusion.

Sirius collected the boxes of potions and answered her.

"Nope. Thank you, Amid-san! I will visit you again if I have something to sell." Sirius was ready to leave the store.

"Okay. Then I wish you a safe journey!" Amid replied with a smile. She looked forward to his next visit.

After leaving the pharmacy, Sirius returned to his room to put away the sack of money, packed up his backpack with some potions, and headed toward the Adventurer's Guild.

'If I want to level up my current stats, there are two optimal choices….' Sirius thought while walking toward his destination.

'I will either have to go to the middle floors to kill multiple monsters with the potential of level 2… or just defeat an irregular monster on the same floor. Any of these conditions are enough for me to level up.' Sirius thought about his options for an upgrade.

'Anyway, my next goal is the middle floors….' He soon came to this conclusion.

During this time, he didn't explore the middle floors because of his research and study. He wanted to develop some magic to make up for his shortcomings.

After finishing them, it was time for him to go to the middle floors.

The above conclusion is also the result of his and Loki's discussion about his upgrade.

With Loki's many years of experience as the main god of her familia, he can guarantee her credibility.

Next, he needs to collect enough information about the middle floors and make sufficient preparation for his upgrade.

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