Visiting Eina Again!

Chapter 43

Guild Headquarters, Adventurer Streets,

The guild was full of people in the morning.

Many adventurers went in and out of the guild from morning to noon because of dungeon activities.

Some people come here to discuss plans with their team and advisors.

And others come to take a look at the massive noticeboard in the reception. After all, it contains all sorts of dungeon-related information.

For example, some advertisements for new adventurer-related products, purchase requests for specific drop items or dungeon material, and various helpful rumors about the unconfirmed sightings of some powerful monsters in the dungeon.

The noticeboard also has some warnings about some abnormalities found in the dungeon.

These pieces of information are essential to the adventurers. After all, these details often determine whether someone can get out of the dungeon alive.

Thus, most adventurers do not slack off while gathering information.

Therefore, there were many people of different species in the guild headquarters. The atmosphere was a bit noisy and crowdy.

Sirius also arrived here but did not go to his advisor immediately. He walked towards the bulletin board and looked at it.

[Missing Person Notice!...]

The most conspicuous notice at the top was a search request for a missing adventurer.

Sirius sighed and shook his head. He knew there was little chance of survival for the adventurer listed above.

The reason for issuing such a request was probably to leave some memory behind or deceive themselves into believing their friend was still alive.

Sirius skipped past many useless advertisements and read some important announcements.

There were purchase requests from various large families for different rare and risky items found on some particular dungeon floors.

There were also many inquiries about some abnormal situations in the dungeon.

All in one, the notice board covered every aspect of the dungeon.

At the bottom, there were also some rumors.

Due to a lack of verification, the guild often puts them at the bottom of the board.

Whether an adventurer believes it or not depends entirely on their choices.

[Many adventurers heard some beautiful singing coming from the lower floors. There may be some rare demi-human monster in there.]

[Some adventurers found an unexplored area in the middle floors. Interested people can follow the route below.]

[There are some bizarre sights on the upper floors. A star-like radiance engulfs the floor, accompanied by a strong tremor. Please pay attention!]

'Well, something strange seems to be at the end….' Sirius thought while touching the tip of his nose in embarrassment.

'Why do I feel like I'm the cause of this incident?' Sirius didn't know what to say.

He often tinkered with his magic on the upper floors during this time.

During his test, he used various magic such as 'Starfall,' 'Planet Befall,' and 'Heavenly Body Magic.'

'Ahem, let's forget this one. But, a song coming out of the lower floors, huh….' Sirius could more or less guess the reason.

It must be one of those Xenos in the dungeon.

In this period, these wise monsters should be hidden and covered up by the higher-ups in the guild, especially the main god Ouranos and sage Fels.

Almost every adventurer who saw such a strange rumor would laugh it off.

He slowly scanned the entire bulletin board from left to right and excluded some useless information.

Finally, he managed to find something worthwhile.

[Some adventurers found a rare black wyvern on the middle floors. It is suspected to be an irregular monster, so only adventurers above level 3 are advised to crusade against it.]

The 13th-24th Floors are known as the Middle Floors.

Irregular monsters are one of the abnormalities in the dungeon.

Inside the dungeon, some unusual monsters are occasionally born with unique talents.

They can devour magic stones to become stronger!

That's right! Some monsters can devour the same magic stones collected by the adventurers and used as a core of life by other monsters.

Because of this extraordinary talent, these monsters will attack not only the adventurers but also their kind.

Hence, they are called irregular monsters.

They do not have any preferred species of monster. Therefore, the only criteria for determining their identity is whether or not they have the unique ability to devour magic stones.

But, there is one thing to confirm without exception.

On the same floor, irregular monsters all have unrivaled strength.

And the longer they survive, the more terrifying their strength becomes.

"It's actually an irregular wyvern? I'm so lucky…." Sirius muttered with some chuckle. He was thinking of some suitable opponent for level-up and didn't expect to find one so soon.

According to the notice, the black wyvern should have been born recently, and its strength has not grown to its full potential.

Otherwise, there won't be any witnesses left to report the scene.

After all, irregular monsters are not a joke. They can easily wipe out a part of low-level adventurers.

Sirius carefully ready the whole notice and quickly determined his next goal.

He left the notice board and started looking for his advisor.

After some time, he found her in the office room accompanied by a pink-haired girl. The door was wide open, and he could look at their figure from the outside.

When Sirius was hesitating whether to enter or not, he heard their conversation.

"Ahhh, Eina! Today's work is so tiring!! Why do these adventurers always come and ask me some useless questions… It's so annoying!!!" Misha, the pink-haired human, started complaining. She looked very annoyed.

"Misha, don't say such things! Also, we are still at work, so don't waste your time complaining!" The half-elf Eina adjusted her glasses and reprimanded her pink-haired friend. However, she didn't deny her friend's words.

After all, many adventurers often linger in the guild hall to talk to the beautiful staff in broad daylight. It was hard for them to maintain a polite expression in such situations.

But, one must not say certain things out in public. After all, sometimes words are stronger than the sword.

They should discuss this topic privately.

Or else they will have a bad reputation in the guild.

Eina didn't want someone to hear their discussion and spread some nasty rumors.

Therefore, she wanted to shut her friend's mouth just in case she spoke something outrageous.

"Hey, Eina! Don't be so serious. You won't be able to find a boyfriend like this in the future…." Misha vaguely felt her friend's care and teased her with a smile.

After speaking this, she sighed and acted like she was doing this for Eina's sake.

In this regard, Eina adjusted her glasses and gently looked at her with a motherly gaze.

"So that's why you are so lazy at work? Beware of your salary being deducted…." Eina didn't forget to threaten her pink-haired friend.

"..." With just one sentence, Misa was rendered speechless.

Eina watched the sullen Misha obediently return to work and regain her focus.

'It's okay, I still have some time. After all, I'm only seventeen years old. I can find a suitable boyfriend in the future~' Eina sighed and comforted herself internally.

'It's best to find a handsome younger partner so I can take proper care of him.' Eina couldn't help but have some fantasies.

However, as time passed, her ideal partner's image soon overlapped with a familiar blond-haired youth.

'Why the hell am I thinking about Sirius….' Eina blushed and shook her head to get rid of some unhealthy thoughts.

Even though Eina tries her best to maintain a serious demeanor, she is also an inexperienced young girl. She is also interested in topics related to love and romance.

Suddenly, Misha interrupted her thoughts.

"Hey, Eina! There is a handsome boy outside…." Misha quickly found Sirius outside the room and notified her friend. She knew her friend was his advisor.

Eina turned around and found a familiar blond-haired youth standing outside.

Isn't he the boy she was thinking about?

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