Discovering Black Wyvern!

Chapter 51

In the face of an enemy whose overall strength was above him, Sirius had no hesitation in using all means necessary to take it down.

In one go, he launched violent offenses against the monster at a fast speed. The spear in his hand was swinging non-stop the entire time.

During the battle, Sirius didn't notice that his spear started to emit faint light from the handle, slowly spreading to the tip.

He only felt that his weapon was getting lighter and easier to use, just like an extension of his arm.

When the monster tried to punch him again, Sirius swiftly dodged its attack.

The scarred and wounded minotaur was full of flaws in Sirius's eyes. It was only one step away from death.

Therefore, Sirius didn't hesitate to give a final blow to the bull-headed monster. He took a deep breath and took a stance with his weapon.

"Goodbye, monster. It was a good fight!" With a loud bang, Sirius sprinted toward the monster and penetrated its chest with his spear.

"GRR…" A few seconds later, the minotaur disintegrated into black ashes, leaving behind its magic stone.

"Phew, I guess I can manage a minotaur without using my trump cards…." Sirius stepped forward to pick up the dropped magic stone. A faint blue halo appeared in his hand, and the magic stone swayed a little and automatically flew in his hand.

Thanks to his stellar magic, he is somehow able to use basic attraction and repulsion ability. But, he can only pick up smaller items like magic stones currently.

"Sirius-san, If other adventurers heard what you said, they would probably curse at you in anger." Ryuu heard his mutter when she approached him.

After getting surprised so many times in a single day, she was already numb to his abilities. Therefore, the fact that Sirius could leapfrog a monster much higher level than him brought no surprise to her face.

"Let's continue searching, Sirius-san. It's only been a single day, our target should not have gone far away. It must be somewhere nearby." Ryuu at her surroundings and commented.

They were already at the depths of the fifteenth floor, and if they went further in, they would reach the entrance to the sixteenth floor.

Their primary purpose is still to find the black wyvern and crusade against it.

As an irregular monster, although the black wyvern can move to other floors, it will not leave its birthplace for quite some time. It needs some time to hunt other monsters and devour their magic stones.

After all, the frequency of monster spawn on the middle floors is already quite impressive. The greedy irregular monster will definitely not resist such temptations to improve its strength.

"Okay. Let's do like you said." Sirius put the magic stone in his backpack and nodded in agreement.

Then, they resumed their search for the irregular monster. Sirius and Ryuu walked deeper into the dungeon floor.


After some time, a roar resounded throughout the passageway, making the dungeon wall tremble due to the vibrations.

After hearing such a roar inside the dungeon, many adventurers shuddered instinctively. A bad premonition emerged in their hearts, followed by the excitement of finally finding their goal.

"That must be the irregular monster!"

"Quickly, let's go and kill it. I don't want others to discover it first…."

Therefore, many adventurers ignored their survival instinct and ran toward the sound.

"Sirius-san, this is…." Ryuu could feel the monster's power just after hearing the roar. It was definitely a powerful monster.

"Ah, we can't be wrong this time. It's definitely the roar of the black wyvern. The sound is not too far away from our location. Someone must have discovered its traces. No matter what, let's go and check it out." Sirius nodded and expressed his opinions.

Even if others successfully crusaded against the monster, he had to check it out.

"Um…" Ryuu nodded because she had the same opinion.

Therefore, they didn't waste any more time and started running toward a dark tunnel. The roar of the monster was coming from inside it.

At the end of the long passageway, there was a vast cave.

The entire cave was spacious and made up of gray-white rocks, and the ceiling consisted of bedrock.

Some lucky or possible unlucky adventurer team might have found the black wyvern first because there were obvious traces of battle in the cave.

Sirius and Ryuu were a bit late to arrive. Nonetheless, they examined this place and followed the black wyvern's traces.

After their battle, the two different giant and ferocious monsters left behind some potholes. There might have been some infighting among the monsters.

There were also some scorched places in the cave due to the monster's attack. With no further hesitation, they walked deeper into the cave.


As Sirius guessed, an adventurer team arrived before them and followed the traces of black wyvern.

The adventurers searched everywhere and finally found their target at the top of a pile of boulders.

The monster had red eyes and black skin, covered in tough scales. It also had wings made of deformed membranes.

It looked similar to a dragon in appearance.

A wyvern is an elite dragon-type monster that measures 5 meters, including the tail. Their numbers are small and only occasionally discovered by some adventurers.

"We found the black wyvern!"

Their sounds disturbed the monster, and it turned around and looked at the team of adventurers with fierce eyes.

"ROAR!!!" After seeing the humans, it spread its wings and roared angrily.

The momentum of its roar scattered many smaller rock fragments and almost burst the eardrums of the adventurers.

Therefore, the adventurers quieted down and started preparing for battle. But, they had an ominous premonition in their heart.

The black wyvern was above 5 meters and had black skin instead of the usual pink. It had vicious red eyes, which indicated that it was irregular with potential far above ordinary monsters.

"Gulp… is this an irregular monster?" The leader of the adventurer team was a man with a scar on his face. He suppressed his fears and murmured.

He had never seen an irregular monster before and only heard some rumors about them. Therefore, he had no clue that it was so powerful.

They thought an irregular monster was just some large version of a monster, not too difficult compared to a 'monster party.'

This group of adventurers had previously encountered a regular wyvern and killed it quickly. Therefore, they underestimated the black wyvern, thinking that it was nothing dangerous.

But now, the team leader instinctively believed that the monster in front of them was powerful enough to wipe out their group.

Their team was composed of High-Class Adventurers of level 2 who had undergone sublimation. Hence, they have no problem dealing with a regular wyvern.

Due to this experience, they underestimated the difficulty of this task, fully knowing that it involved an irregular monster.

Their underestimation led to this situation.

The black wyvern spotted them, and they had no choice but to battle.

'We are definitely not a match for this monster… We miscalculated its strength….' The leader felt suffocated after seeing the irregular monster with his own eyes.

The black wyvern definitely has strength above level 2. Even if it is not a level 3 yet, it is infinitely closer.

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