
After following the traces for a long time, Sirius and Ryuu walked to the end of the tunnel, and an intense light greeted them.

When they exited the tunnel, there were some cries for help.

"Help! Help!!!"

They saw a chaotic fighting scene between the black wyvern and an adventurer team. It looked like the adventurers were almost defeated. They were crying out for help.

There were many scorched places on the battlefield due to the monster's attack. The black wyvern hid inside the smoke and dust and attacked the adventurers.

One adventurer wanted to counterattack the monster with the blade in his hand but was immediately bounced back due to a lack of strength.

His blade even shattered due to the impact, unable to leave a scar on the monster's tough scales.

The adventurer was sent into the air and knocked against a pile of rubble, seriously injuring him.

Another scream was getting closer and closer to Sirius and Ryuu. After a few seconds, a scarred face man with many burn marks on his body approached them.

To increase the success rate of escape, the leader of the adventurer team, the scarred face man, ordered his teammates to escape in different directions.

When he saw a new group of adventurers in front of him, the man couldn't hide the joy on his face.

But when he saw only two people, all the joy disappeared and turned into despair. The cold hard reality slapped him hard in the face.


Although he was disappointed with their arrival, the man still warned Sirius and Ryuu of the incoming danger.

But immediately after he said this, a burst of flames appeared behind him.

The scarred face man was blown away by the attack and flew in a perfect parabola and landed beside Sirius and Ryuu.

"This uncle is unexpectedly a good person…." Sirius raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Initially, he thought that this person would 'Pass Parade.' After all, there are many incidents of an adventurer team transferring enemies to another group of adventurers and escaping.

But, Sirius never thought the scarred face uncle wanted them to run away.

'I should not judge a book by its cover….' Sirius warned himself internally.

"Sirius-san, are you sure you want to fight the black wyvern alone? This monster is completely incomparable to the previous minotaur. If a dozen minotaur gang up on this monster, they would stand no chance…." Ryuu watched the black wyvern from a distance and seriously warned him.

Even though dozens of minotaur may give some trouble to the black wyvern on the ground, it can fly…

Therefore, the minotaurs have no second result other than perishing in battle.

"Do you have any means to restrict its flight?" Ryuu asked him.

"Don't worry, Ryuu-san. It's a coincidence that I have two very powerful control magic to restrict its flight. You can assist me if I can't handle this black wyvern. I won't joke with my life after all." Sirius patted his chest and reassured Ryuu.

After hearing his words, Ryuu sighed and nodded.

"Please be more careful…." Ryuu could only pray for his safety.

"Don't worry; I will." After saying this, Sirius looked at the monster again and took a deep breath.

'Is this my adventure?' Sirius asked himself internally.

After a single look, Sirius knew that the black wyvern was very powerful. It was completely beyond him.

Even though he knew he had a little chance against it, Sirius couldn't stop his trembling hands. It was not because he was scared of the monster. The only thing he feels now is pure excitement.

When faced with a powerful enemy beyond himself, he wanted to defeat it with skills and courage. Sirius also had heroic dreams during his childhood in his previous life.

Although most of them were washed away by the current of time, some traces are still left in his heart.

Although he may not be a hero, he still wanted to try it.

He wanted to start his adventure!

Sirius took off his backpack, took out an expensive elixir worth 500,000 valis, and threw the bag toward Ryuu for safekeeping.

Sirius had been preparing for his level-up adventure for quite some time. He pestered Amid for a long time and finally managed to buy three elixirs at a discounted price of 1,200,000 valis.

He opened the vial and sprinkled the elixir on the scar-faced man in front of him.

"Remember, this elixir cost 500,000 valis. Don't forget to reimburse me…." Sirius reminded the man.

For high-level adventurers, half a million valis is still an acceptable amount.

The income from the middle floors is entirely above the upper floors. Therefore adventurers who explore them are way richer than those who only explore the upper floors.

Sirius was not worried that the scar-faced man would default on his debts. He can always ask his familia for help if push comes to shove.

Nobody in Orario would dare owe Loki Familia member and not pay it back.

They cannot afford the consequence.

The guy nodded in recognition, and Sirius walked past him.

He tightly held his spear and rushed toward the monster.


The black wyvern gave a harsh scream and dispelled all the smoke and dust covering the area.

After defeating and expelling the intruders, it wanted to scream in victory, although nobody was present.

Suddenly, it noticed something and looked at the new approaching enemy.

The monster narrowed its fierce eyes and fluttered its wings, looking like a lonely demon king waiting for its challenger.

As Sirius got closer and closer to the black wyvern, it finally saw the complete picture.

A puny human with a weapon?

Even though the monster had low wisdom, it was still offended by his enemy's behavior. Only a puny human was not enough for someone of its strength.

Therefore, the black wyvern opened its mouth full of numerous fangs and started gathering flames.

There was a raging flame in the depths of its mouth, and after accumulating for some time, it spits the fire out.


The cluster of flames flew toward Sirius.

Looking at the incoming attack, Sirius had no fear on his face. He had no intention of dodging this attack and kept accelerating.

The next moment, he softly recited his chant.

"Illuminate the sky(Orionids)!!!"

In an instant, a curtain of starry brilliance engulfed him.

It was only a short scene and the starlight dissipated in a blink of an eye.

A silvery-blue aura surrounded him, and some starlight flickered around his body.

A circle of silver halo emerged in the depths of his clear blue eyes, adding a sense of mystery to his eyes.


Just before the flames hit him, Sirius narrowed his eyes and increased his speed.


The dangerous cluster of flames hit the ground directly and caused an explosion.

The aftermath of the explosion spread dust and smoke around the area. Some flames were even spreading around the explosion site.

When the black wyvern saw the result of its attack, it roared in satisfaction. The monster thought its attack was so powerful that it didn't even leave behind the corpse of its enemy.

But a faint blue streamer was shot from behind it when it was about to turn around.

The attack maintained its pace and smashed the boulder in the middle into smithereens.

In an instant, a faint blue light flashed by the black wyvern.

The astonishing speed of attack sent the monster crashing to the ground. The nearby rocks and boulders were crushed into fragments, setting off a cloud of smoke.

On the other side, after the monster's hard scale blocked his attack, Sirius fell from the air, rolled over to the ground, and readjusted his postures.

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