Battle 2!

After adjusting his posture, Sirius quickly focused on his enemy on the ground.

In the dust-raised environment, a behemoth visible to the naked eyes spread out its wings.

With a flap of its wings, it dispelled all the dust and smoke covering the area. Sirius was able to view the entire body of the black wyvern.

The monster turned around and fiercely looked at him. The previous attack damaged its scale, and blood gushed from the wound, dripping down to the ground.

Although it was only a minor injury, the black wyvern felt unprecedented humiliation. As a powerful irregular monster, it was actually injured by a weak human.

The anger and shame of being attacked by an inferior creature filled the monster's heart.

Therefore, the black wyvern spread its wings and gradually flew into the air. It watched Sirius with a predatory look after gaining some height.


While the monster was flying up, Sirius also moved extremely fast. He held his spear and rushed toward his enemy, trying to stab it.

The irregular monster looked at the incoming enemy with a murderous expression.

Sirius's fighting spirit also aroused it, so it didn't intend to dodge. Instead, it dived down to counterattack.


Swish! Swish!


If Sirius is compared to a storm, then the black wyvern is a thick cumulus cloud that shrouds the storm.

Sirius's aggression theoretically should not cause any damage to the monster.

The behemoth, of height more than 5 meters, collided with a human, which seems insignificant in comparison.

Typically, it will only take a glance to determine the result of this battle.

But that's just common sense.

Sirius's all five basic stats have exceeded the usual limit of level 1. He also has powerful skills and magic. These various factors have allowed him to stand a fair chance against the black wyvern in a battle.

After all, skills and magic can never be judged by common sense. They are essentially a tiny miracle.


The sharp end of his spear and the thick scale of the monster collided and made a harsh clicking sound.

Sirius tightly held his silvery-gray spear and pressed the tip of his spear against the monster's shoulder, trying to avoid the opponent's vain attempt to bite him.

"Go down where you belong, you monster!!"


With a scream, Sirius used all his strength to penetrate the wyvern's defense. The tip of his spear cracked open the scale and injured the wyvern.

The black wyvern fell to the ground due to the impact. After falling down, it entered a period of rigidity and needed some time to adjust.

Sirius retreated a few steps back due to the reaction force, quickly readjusted his postures, and sprinted toward the monster.

He wanted to seize this golden opportunity to injure the monster while it could not fly.

'What is the most effective way to prevent a monster from flying?' Sirius narrowed his eyes and quickly thought of a solution.


Sirius vigorously swung his spear, and the spear's tip easily penetrated the monster's wings, leaving behind a deep wound gushing out with blood.

The monster roared in agony and started attacking everywhere like a berserker.

Sirius quickly backed a few steps away from the enraged monster.

'After breaking a wing, it should be unable to fly. Then, I can use my magic to control the monster's movements.' Sirius planned his subsequent actions.

While playing games in his previous life, he often released some crowd control skills and added various debuffs to his enemies to increase the hit rate.

It is a commonly used method in various online games.

Therefore, Sirius took a deep breath and ignored the painful and angry roar of the black wyvern. He grabbed his weapon and resumed his attack on the monster.

Abdomen, back, limb joints, wings, etc. Sirius focused on attacking all of the monster's weak points.

The fight was intense and high-speed. The black wyvern won't allow Sirius to injure it so easily. Therefore, the battle was very fierce and exciting. Sirius had to make sure to avoid the monster's attack. Otherwise, a single attack would cripple him.

The spear cracked a scale every time a white light flashed, and blood gushed out from the injuries.

As time passed, more and more wounds appeared on the black wyvern's body, further stimulating its ferocity.


The black wyvern couldn't prevent the puny human from injuring its noble body. Its eyes started glowing red in anger.

After taking a step back, the monster started gathering flames in its mouth like crazy. It didn't care about the damage and began spurting flames out.

With the monster as the center, a wave of fiery hot flames erupted everywhere.

Sirius had no choice but to avoid such a large-scale offense. After all, he didn't want to get roasted by the flames.

'But, this is enough. It can't fly with injured wings….' Sirius quickly thought about his following actions.

"Astral Confine!" Sirius wasted no time in casting his new magic.

A blue halo appeared in his hand. At the same time, another similar halo appeared on the monster's side. Afterward, dozens of bright dots appeared out of thin air and started constructing a three-dimensional magic circle.

All the bright dots were connected, forming a virtual constellation.

When the last dot was connected, the magic was finally completed.

With the constellation as the center, everything within a ten-meter radius was shrouded in a starry brilliance.

Then, everything within the light began to retract.

Waves after waves of white light fluctuated, and everything touched by the lights started shrinking and squeezing towards the center.

The gravel, air, black wyvern, and undissipated flames were all restricted and imprisoned by the magic and pulled toward the center of the constellation.

After seeing the effect of his newly developed magic, he couldn't help smiling.

However, it's not over yet!

"Hah!" Sirius took a deep breath, and the mana inside his body started boiling in excitement. The silvery-blue starry flames responded to his will and wrapped his body.

'It's finally time to test this magic….' Sirius thought with a grin on his face.

The next moment, he shouted out loud and activated his killer move.

"Planet Befall!"

The dungeon cave made up of gray rocks suddenly lit up.

Responding to his voice, a huge magic circle appeared at the top of the cave, covering almost half of the ceiling.

The golden bright magic circle almost illuminated the entire cave. The outer ring materialized first, slowly and steadily completing the rest of the magic circle.

After a few seconds, when the magic circle was completed, surrounding geo elements started gathering toward it. A massive dark-gold meteorite emerged out of the magic circle.

While developing this magic, Sirius thought of using his mana as a catalyst to gather the surrounding geo elements. This would help reduce the mana cost and increase efficiency.

When the ten-meter-long meteorite appeared on the ceiling, it cast its shadow on the ground.

Without the slightest pause, the meteorite fell towards the black wyvern, trapped by his previous magic.

Looking at the battle from a distance, Ryuu twitched her mouth after witnessing this.

She looked at the majestic meteorite falling with colossal momentum and stepped back subconsciously. Although this attack was not enough to kill her, she didn't want to risk it.

Not far away, the scar-faced man who recovered after taking the elixir took a deep breath in silence. He never expected his benefactor to have such powerful magic.

He knew he was no match for Sirius with just a single observation.

'The masked woman and the boy with the spear are definitely high-level adventurers!' The scar-faced man immediately concluded.

He felt lucky to encounter them. Without them, he would undoubtedly die in the hands of the monster.

They were not the only ones present. Many adventurers have secretly arrived in this place and were watching the battle in silence. They were bewildered and amazed after witnessing Sirius's magic.

'That boy is definitely a higher-level adventurer. A rookie could never cast such powerful magic….' All of them thought so immediately.

The meteorite didn't give others any time to express their emotions. After just two seconds, it had already descended to the ground, hitting the black wyvern.



A dazzling light flashed, and a loud explosion sounded accompanied by a painful wailing of the monster.

Even bigger than the black wyvern, the meteorite engulfed it entirely and suppressed its struggles and wailing.

The ground where the explosion occurred cracked into multiple rifts. The scattered dust and gravel covered the explosion site.

After some time, the dust and debris subsided. Sirius looked at the place and found the black wyvern petrified with multiple wounds on its body. Even though it was near death, it still had a ferocious expression. If looks could kill him, Sirius would have long been dead.

"Just a little more…" Sirius muttered while trying to stand up. His face was ashen due to mental overdraft. He was also almost at his limits.

The last attack consumed almost all of his mana. Therefore, he doesn't have much mana in his body. It was difficult for him to sustain the magic "The Arrival of Silver Star barely!".

The previous meteorite was not genuine, only a collection of geo elements. Therefore, it can't maintain its shape for a long time.

After landing on the ground and hitting his enemy, the meteorite will explode, deal geo damage, and petrify his enemy for some time.

The petrification will restrict his enemy for quite some time, making them unable to move, achieving a crowd control effect.

Therefore, the current black wyvern is at its final breath. Sirius only needs to deal a final blow to eliminate it.

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