End of Battle!

"Hah…" Sirius panted and felt fatigued all over his body. Even with such conditions, he still slowly approached the petrified black wyvern.


The virtual constellation disappeared, and its effect was taken over by petrification.

The monster felt restrictions in its movement and let out a terrifying roar, warning him not to get closer.

It looked like an enraged beast trying to defend its territory. It would attack him crazily if he ignored the warning.

Unfortunately, Sirius was aware of the situation, completely ignored its roar, and moved closer to it step by step.

He dragged his spear to the ground. There were still some traces of starry-blue fame around the spear's tip which burnt the ground.

"It's time to say goodbye…." After saying this, Sirius squeezed out all his remaining strength and stabbed the wyvern's chest with his spear.


When the black wyvern faced Sirius's final attack, it began to whimper and struggle wildly.

Every living creature is instinctively afraid of death.

Although the monster has low intelligence, they can still burst out great power under the threat of death.

The black wyvern stimulated all of its potentials to turn around to escape the attack. The tip of his spear didn't hit the target and submerged into the ground.

Then the black wyvern swept its scaly tail toward the exhausted Sirius the next moment.


His mental exhaustion caused this negligence, and the staggered Sirius instantly regained his composure.

When he felt the incoming danger, he instinctively lowered his body to dodge the attack.

However, he lost his weapon in this process. There was no time for him to pick it up.

The distance between Sirius and the black wyvern was unprecedentedly close.

The monster gave a vicious grin and gathered flames into its mouth, trying to die with him.

"F@ck! Can't you just die easily!!"

Sirius, who thought the battle was almost over, shouted in anger. He wanted to end this fight as soon as possible.

He gathered all the remaining starry-blue flames in his hand. A silver-blue halo emerged in his hand, and he pressed it toward the throat of the black wyvern.

An eight-pointed magic circle was completed within a few seconds.



A loud sound of explosion occurred, and the ground shook violently.

A starry brilliance engulfed the monster. The faint blue flames devoured the injured wyvern and instantly disintegrated it into black ashes.

With Sirius as the center, the explosion's aftermath spread dust and flames toward the surrounding.

As the caster, Sirius was not affected by the aftermath of his attack. Countless subtle light spots gathered around him to protect him from the explosion.

But the explosion's shockwave still blew him away, and he fell to the ground, gasping for breath. The previous attack drained him all of his strength.

"Are you hurt, Sirius-san?" As soon as he fell, the masked Ryuu came to him, squatted down, and asked with concern.

"Hah… I feel like I'm dying." Sirius gave out a weak reply.

"Since you are well enough to reply, it's good…." When Ryuu heard his reply, she rolled her eyes.

Actually, there was some truth in his answer.

Sirius was mentally exhausted at this moment. Even with his skills, it would take some time to fully recover from this state. He felt like staying up for several days and nights without sleeping.

Therefore, he lacked focus and concentration. All he could do was vaguely sense his surrounding.

Although he was sitting on the ground, he couldn't feel the weight of his feet.

Ryuu observed his situation for a while and found no noticeable trauma in his body. But, his face was abnormally pale.

'It must be mind zero.' Ryuu quickly determined his condition.

Mind Zero/Down is a condition when an adventurer empties out their mental energy/mana.

Then, she rummaged through his backpack and picked up the elixirs.

There is a cost to using magic. Activating and using magic requires mana or mental energy compared to stamina.

But just like how physical strengths have limits, mental capacity also has its own limitations.

The consequence of exhausting one's mental energy is, at minimum, dizziness and, at worst, losing consciousness.

It is very dangerous for adventurers to faint inside the dungeon. Therefore, they make sure to not bottom out their mana supply.

But, Sirius's situation is rather forced or inevitable.

After all, fighting against a monster stronger than him is not without any cost.

Using such powerful and wide-ranged magic cost him a lot of mana and drained his mental energy.

Ryuu uncapped the vial and handed the elixirs to Sirius.

"Thanks, Ryuu-san." Sirius raised his head and gulped down the content inside.

After taking two elixirs, Sirius finally managed to recover some strength. His pale and bloodless face started becoming better.

'Sure enough, elixirs are life-saving consumables….' Sirius couldn't agree more with this fact.

He felt relaxed and comfortable all over his body after taking the elixirs. Elixirs are really worth 500,000 valis.

"The fight is over…."

"Yeah, I can see that."

"Do you know which Familia that guy with the spear belongs to? His magic is awesome..."

"Don't look at me. I don't know either."

"I bet he must be from some big familia, I wonder what his alias is."

"I agree with you."

Many adventurers witnessed the battle from a safe distance. Therefore, they started discussing after the fight ended with Sirius's victory.

Although they wanted to be the ones to battle the black wyvern, none of them disturbed the fight. They were amazed to see the previous battle.

"Damn, it looks like we wasted our time for nothing."

"Haha, do you think you can take down the black wyvern like that blond guy? If you are not convinced, why don't you fight against the guy?"

"Hey, you bastard, do you want me to die? I was just complaining. Please give me some face."

"Heh, is your face worth anything?"

Many adventurers felt fortunate to witness the battle. After seeing it, they recognized that they were no match for the black wyvern. It could quickly kill them all.

The black wyvern was way stronger than a regular level 2 monster, but it was amazing it was still defeated by Sirius alone.

Words are not enough to describe their amazement and complexity of mind.

In fact, many adventurers could intervene during the battle before.

But none of them chose to do so because there is an unwritten rule among adventurers.

When a monster is born in the dungeon, whoever discovers it first gets to crusade against it.

Of course, if the first person cannot defeat the monster, the others can intervene.

Most adventurers follow this rule and hate those who don't.

After all, nobody likes their prey to get robbed.

Although the black wyvern was not discovered by Sirius first, the first discoverer couldn't defeat it. Therefore, he can legitimately take over the battle.

The other adventurers were one step behind Sirius, so they chose not to intervene and patiently waited for their turn just in case.

But, when they saw such a giant meteorite fall from the ceiling, it scared them quite a bit.

Therefore, they kept their distance and watched the battle from far away.

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