Date With Artemis! (III)

Chapter 101

"Ahem, Lante, pay more attention to your words." Rethusa covered her cheeks and warned the half-elf.

Although she also has this kind of thought in her heart, thinking about it is one matter but saying it out loud is another matter.

It's inappropriate to slander the goddess in charge of their familia for such a trivial issue.

In addition to helplessness in her heart, Rethusa was also a bit surprised after hearing the half-elf's complaints.

'No way. Wouldn't Artemis-sama really not come back tonight? Isn't that…' Rethusa shook her head to get rid of some unhealthy thoughts.

The red-haired captain hoped that she was overthinking. But, the devil in her mind whispered to her: "What's wrong? Isn't it good if Sirius won Artemis-sama? Then, we can be truly liberated. Long live freedom! Long live romance!"

Miss captain slapped the devil in her heart and quickly pushed all dirty thoughts out of her mind. It was inappropriate for an unmanned girl like her to think about such a topic.

Additionally, she noticed something…

"Lante, stop complaining! Artemis-sama is…back?" Rethusa saw the familiar blue-haired deity on the street and was about to say some words to Lante but was stunned after seeing the whole picture.

Lante felt weird about Rethusa and turned around and was amazed looking at the beautiful moon goddess.

'So beautiful! Artemis-sama has learned to dress up!!' Both Rethusa and Lante thought at the same time.

Artemis looked gorgeous without her usual battle attire. Even Rethusa and Lante, who got along with her for a long time, were amazed by the sight.

'Am I hallucinating, or is Artemis-sama blushing!?' Rethusa almost dropped her chin in shock after watching their goddess with her head down and flushed cheeks walking hurriedly from the street toward the hotel they were located.

At the same time, the embarrassed goddess did not notice Rethusa and Lante and wanted to go straight back to her hotel room in a hurry.

It wasn't until when the elf clerk at the front desk greeted her that the moon goddess finally recovered her calm.

Lante also noticed this situation, and her expression was no different from that of her captain.

The two girls looked at each other as if they could feel each other's feelings.

'Really…this is amazing!' The two had similar thoughts.

Sirius chased after the goddess a few steps behind and noticed two suspicious girls near the hotel entrance.

After recognizing them, he couldn't help shaking his head and chuckling.

"Good afternoon, Rethusa, Lante. Oh, it should be good evening now~"


"What did you do to Artemis-sama!?"

After hearing his voice, the two girls suddenly looked like hungry wolves finding delicious prey, and they looked at him expectantly.

The fact is that their mind is full of gossip and curiosity. They wanted to hear first-hand information on such a juicy topic as soon as possible.

"Wait, don't pull my pants if you want to ask me something!" Sirius complained while preventing his pants from falling.

"Hurry up and tell us what happened to Artemis-sama!" Lante started to pester him. Rethusa also looked at him expectantly.

"Well, let's go inside first." Sirius didn't want to discuss such a topic outside.

The two girls nodded, and all of them entered the hotel.

Since returning to the hotel, Artemis has locked herself in the room and won't come out, no matter how he shouts.

When Sirius thinks of Artemis wrapping herself in a small quilt to try and hide her shy and cute expression, he feels happy and satisfied.

Of course, Sirius is not sure whether the moon goddess is doing so behind the door, or is it just his imagination?

Since he followed Rethusa and Lante inside, he was entangled by them, and with the actions of the two, the other girls of Artemis familia who were resting in their rooms were also disturbed.

After hearing about the situation from Rethusa and Lante, the other girls had similar expressions to them and started pestering Sirius like children asking their mother for treats. They want him to confess all the interesting and exciting news.

Under such a fierce offensive, Sirius had no choice but to recount and tell some interesting things to coax the girls. The hotel lobby was soon noisy and lively.

The elf boss, who was about to enter old age, didn't care about the noises and kindly looked at everyone just like a grandfather.

But other elves, demi-humans, and human assistants didn't think so.

They enviously looked at Sirius, surrounded by a group of girls, and almost didn't write the word 'jealous' on their faces.

Some passerby adventurers wanted to see what the fuss was about and had the same expression as the others before.

"Lucky guy! I hope he explodes!!!"

A group of people soon blessed Sirius. Of course, it was a negative blessing.

It was already late at night when Sirius got rid of the girls from Artemis familia and returned to Twilight Manor.

"By the way, why do I feel that I often go home late at night lately?"

After explaining to the night watchman, Sirius couldn't help but ponder after entering the courtyard.

Has he become a bad boy?

'No, it's definitely not my fault. Everything is force majeure!' After confirming this fact in his heart, Sirius began to return to his room.

On the way, he happened to meet Raul, who came out for food late at night.

"Oh, isn't this brother Raul!? Have you finished writing the review?" As soon as he saw Raul with dark circles under his eyes. Sirius smiled brightly and waved his hand in greetings.

"Hah, it's finally finished." After swallowing a warm piece of bread, Raul nodded expressionlessly.

"Oh, what are you doing with a bitter face? Raul, life is all about smiling, laughing, and playing~" Sirius stepped forward to pat Raul on the shoulder, experiencing schadenfreude.

'Hehe, this is your retribution for trying to cheat me, brother Raul.' Sirius maliciously thought with a warm smile. If not for his clever actions, he would undoubtedly fall into Raul's trap before.

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