Lefiya Joining!

Chapter 102

"Shut up! I don't want to talk to you now. Whose fault do you think it is for me to end up like this?"

Raul knocked off Sirius's hand in annoyance, wanting to cry without tears in his heart.

Writing an apology/review letter is hard work for the not-so-smart Raul. He has been an adventurer ever since he was a child. So, even if he had learned some writing skills, it's nowhere near enough to write a review letter effortlessly.

Raul was exhausted from writing a 20,000-word review, which almost fainted him.

And, what's more, it's handwritten!

Raul felt his hands were sore and about to come off his shoulder.

Therefore, Raul secretly decided not to invite Sirius to the entertainment district next time. He planned to go there on his own.

As for making Sirius unhappy because of this issue, Raul didn't think the blond boy would care about such a trivial matter.

At most, Sirius would complain and try to pit him down again. The blond boy would stop at the level of playfulness at most.

"Eh~what are you thinking so quietly? How about discussing something with me, Raul?" When the two greeted each other and walked side by side in the stairwell, Sirius suddenly asked Raul to come over.

"Eh? What discussion?" Raul looked at him suspiciously.

"I'll give you 500,000 valis, and let's pretend the previous matter never happened~" Sirius stretched out five fingers and looked like a capitalist plotting his following action.

"Heh? A mere 500,00 valis? If you want me to forget that, you must pay at least a million, right? You know what, I was locked into writing reviews for two days straight!" Raul complained.

"Well, I was initially planning to pay 1 million, but you also tried to pit me. So, deducting that, I can pay at most 500,000 valis. No more than that." Sirius tried to explain.

"Uh…" Raul turned his head sideways as if thinking about the pros and cons, and after a few seconds, he sighed and nodded.

"Alright, let's make a deal!" Raul compromised. He was still in debt and needed money.

"Ok! I was waiting for you to say this." Sirius smiled and replied.

Therefore, a dirty py transaction was completed between two guys in the middle of the night.

In the next day's early morning, Sirius came to the familia library to study his daily course.

In the library, mama-elf Riveria and Lefiya had already started their morning study.

As far as teaching is concerned, Riveria's guidance is rigorous, and it's not an exaggeration to say hell study.

Riveria would not have any omission in her teaching as an elven royalty.

But while facing Sirius, her strictness has no place to display because he does not need her to plan any courses. He has good discipline and a self-learning personality, which makes it difficult for her to complain.

Unlike a certain yuri-elf, who would take advantage of the study period to peek at Ais's training and then be caught by Riveria, who found her missing for a long time.

After promoting to level 2 and obtaining the skill "Astral Guidance", Sirius's learning efficiency has accelerated to a higher level,

Besides occasional errors due to lack of knowledge and experience, Riveria almost always answers his questions. Sirius treats Riveria like a magic encyclopedia.

Unlike Sirius, who can learn faster, Lefiya needs to spend a lot more time learning.

Now, she is not a capable mage able to act solo.

'Hmm, it's not good to keep Lefiya working behind closed doors like this. Her fear of powerful monsters will even interrupt her chant during a battle. Lefiya cannot overcome these fears by mere learning…' Mama-elf started thinking about her student.

So, Riveria brought Lefiya to Sirius, who was reading a book.

"Sirius, can you bring Lefiya with you when you explore the dungeon later?" Riveria touched Lefiya's head and asked Sirius.

"Bring Lefiya?" Sirius was confused.

"Well, to practice her skills." Riveria nodded.

Riveria wanted Lefiya to practice her 'Concurrent Chanting' skill.

Needless to say, activating 'magic' requires extreme concentration and correct chant.

The higher the output power, the longer the chant and the more precise mages have to control their mana.

Therefore, without exception, most mages will stand where they are and concentrate on chanting while preparing to unleash powerful magic.

On the other hand, Concurrent Chanting is a high-level technique that enables mages to activate their magic while moving or even in battle.

So, it's a compulsory course for every powerful mage to learn this skill.

Lefiya began to learn this technique very early under Riveria's teaching, but unfortunately, so far, she's still stuck on the basics.

Because Riveria could see that her mind and spirit were immature, she asked Lefiya to focus more on spiritual practices such as meditation.

But before that, Lefiya had to overcome her fears when facing powerful monsters.

If she couldn't move and unleash her magic in front of a powerful monster, then there's a high possibility of an accident.

But, not everyone can bear the oppressive feeling of facing their fears. It's tough for a person to overcome their fears.

So, it can be said there's still a long way for the heir appointed by the Nine Hell to go before she can be strong and mature.

"Please let me join you, Sirius-san." Lefiya slightly blushed and bowed her head in embarrassment.

The timid elf was slightly nervous in front of the opposite sex.

"Uh…well, no problem. Are you ready today?" After thinking for a while, Sirius agreed to this matter.

His current exploration area is between the 19th floor and 24th floor, and the monsters he faces are all stronger level 2 monsters with high attributes.

This area is also very suitable for Lefiya to exercise.

Although there's a certain sense of oppression, it's nowhere enough to kill the elven girl.

Besides, Raul will also accompany them as a supporter.

So even if Lefiya somehow messed things up, nothing bad will happen. Raul can easily prevent an accident just in case, thanks to his strength and experience.

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