Envious Lefiya!

Chapter 104

"Center Of Earth!"

Just when Lefiya was starting to get worried, she heard a calm and low voice.

The next moment, a golden wave of energy spread around with Sirius as the center.

Rock pillars with sharp edges abruptly emerged on the ground with interlaced tree roots in front of Sirius. The area around Sirius was soon turned into a gallows made of sharp stones.

The rock pillars penetrated monsters from bottom to top and brought devastating damage to them.

It was too late for Lefiya to be surprised when the energy wave spread over her location.

Lefiya subconsciously raised her arm to resist the impact.

As a result, the imaginary shockwave did not harm her, but a warm and comfortable feeling enveloped her.

The elf girl didn't even realize what had happened, and when she looked closely, she realized that she seemed trapped by some golden thingy.

It's not that she's hallucinating, but some yellowy-golden thing enveloped her.

In the four corners of the left and right sides, some dark golden gravel strips are floating, which looks kind of mysterious.

"This is one of the magic Sirius owns. It can also provide a long-lasting defensive shield while attacking. Let me tell you, this thing is tough~"

When Lefiya was at a loss, Raul stepped forward and pointed to the magical shield that he also had and answered.

"Magic that allows someone to attack and defend at the same time? Can there really be such useful magic!?" The elf girl, who had not seen much of the world, was surprised.

"Isn't one example right in front of you?" After eliminating the remaining monsters in one breath, Sirius put away his spear and joined their conversation.

"I can see that…but it's too faul!" Lefiya spoke hesitantly, expressing her envy.

"And, by the way, Sirius-san, I don't seem to have heard you chant?" Lefiya couldn't stop asking.

"Oh, about that…my magic doesn't need chanting." Sirius rubbed his nose while replying, trying not to sound boastful.

"What do you mean by 'my magic'? Does that mean…all, all magic?" Lefiya asked after being stunned.

"You can't say every magic, only the vast majority." Sirius thought for a while and replied.

There is one magic that still needs to be chanted, and that is 'The Arrival of Silver Star'. Although it is only one sentence, it's still a chant nonetheless.

When Sirius releases other magic, he only needs to construct a magic circle, operate it according to the tested method and condense the mana into the magic circle.

"Ehhh…" Lefiya let out a strange high-pitched cry.

In an instant, her face changed drastically with an excited expression, looking quite different from her usual self.

Lefiya was amazed to hear this kind of magic with both attack and defense, powerful and useful, and doesn't need to be chanted.

Although she was late to react, the elf girl was still amazed to hear such an outrageous thing.

Suddenly, the elf girl realized why Riveria praised Sirius's magic talent as the highest she had ever seen since ancient times. She also seemed to understand why Sirius was able to fight on the front lines while being a mage.

After all, if she can cast magic instantly, she can also become an invincible elven warrior.

There's no doubt about it at all! She can absolutely do it!

"Lefiya, do you know what is the most important thing to pay attention to as a mage?" Sirius asked while dealing with the monsters on the way.

"What is the most important thing to pay attention to as a mage?" The elf girl tilted her head after being puzzled by his words. But, after a bit of thinking, she tentatively gave a reply.

"Is it a faster chant?" According to the naive girl's thinking, if she can chant faster, she can solve her enemies faster.

"No, no…chant or something depends on the mage themselves. In fact, the most important thing for a mage in the back row is to survive. And only if they can survive will they have a chance to cast magic and provide support to their teammates. Do you understand what I mean?" Sirius asked after explaining.

"Uh…um, got it. So, Sirius-san wants me to learn how to evade monster attacks skillfully?" Lefiya didn't fully understand his words.

"No. Lefiya, I want you to learn how to escape skillfully." Sirius shook his head and answered seriously.

"..." After looking at Lefiya's speechless expression, Sirius laughed.

"Actually, there is another way besides running away." Sirius changed the topic.

"Huh!? Can you tell me about it?" The somehow complicated Lefiya was once again curious after hearing his words.

"Well, you can practice melee combat, Lefiya. When you have mastered your melee combat skills, you can simply raise your staff and deliver a fatal strike to any approaching enemies. Why do you need to waste time and mana chanting magic or something~"

It was not clear whether Sirius was joking or not.

"Ah, this…" Lefiya hesitated after hearing this.

It can be said that Sirius's short remarks directly shook the elf girl's firm belief as a mage for many years.

If Riveria knew about this, nobody knows whether she would want to kill Sirius for ruining her future heir.

(Riveria: Sirius, how dare you put some crooked ideas into the mind of my successor!)

"Ahem, stop talking you two. By the way, did you hear anything?" Raul coughed to interrupt their conversation.

"Sound?" Lefiya was confused.

"...I heard it. There is indeed a sound…." Sirius replied.

After a while, Lefiya also noticed something.

There was an unusual sound coming from somewhere.

It was some kind of strange and powerful sound wave, creating vibration from several channels and ringing simultaneously. Sirius, Raul, and Lefiya unknowingly started to sweat after hearing this.

Sirius narrowed his eyes and said: "It's the swarm of Deadly Hornet!"

Thanks to these days of exploration in the 'Large Tree Labyrinth', Sirius and Raul have dealt with these monsters many times, and they can be said to be familiar with them.

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