Confused Lefiya!

Chapter 105

While carrying his backpack, Raul still has a calm expression, but Lefiya raised her staff nervously after hearing about the Deadly Hornet.

Lefiya knew and had faced them before.

Deadly Hornet is a giant bee monster with a stinger powerful enough to pierce heavy armor and kill a level 2 adventurer in one thrust.

Even if immediate death is avoided, fatal injuries are inevitable. The deadly hornet's hard shell can also bounce off weak attacks like an evolved killer ant.

It is a powerful monster mainly responsible for preventing third-tier and second-tier adventurers from entering the Lower Floors.

Perhaps noticing Lefiya's nervousness, Sirius raised one hand to make a strange gesture.

Afterward, dark golden energy surged from the ground depths up to their feet.

A warm current swept across their entire body from the soles of their feet to the top of their head.

At the same time, the dimmed magic shield suspended beside the three of them was also recharged, brightened, and looked even more mysterious.

After a while, strange sounds grew louder and louder.

From the other end of the passageway, the monsters that made the sound showed their actual figure.

The monsters had hard black shells all over their body, just like armor, and their overall length was the size of an adult human. They have giant jaws with scary-looking pincers on their face and 'poison needles' that protrude from the front of their body.

Deadly Hornets flapped their wings and approached them in a group of at least thirty monsters.

"Ahhh, so many monsters!"

Suddenly seeing so many deadly hornets, Lefiya screamed like a frightened animal.

'Lefiya is so timid and useless…' Sirius wanted to say it but held back. After all, he can't say it directly to her.

Even though Sirius faced these monsters many times during his previous exploration, the swarm of deadly hornets is still extremely oppressive nonetheless.

Moreover, these monsters always appear in large numbers, which doesn't bring much confidence to a three-person team like them.

Moreover, Sirius also spotted some back figures on the ground far ahead. If there is no accident, then they are all monsters…

Crack! Crick!

An ominous cracking sound came from the tree bark in front. Afterward, similar sounds resounded through the entire passageway, numerous dark red cracks appeared on nearby tree barks, and a large number of monsters emerged from the gaps in the next moment.

"Monster…Monster Party!" Sirius twitched the corner of his mouth after looking at the scene.

He just wanted to say something to the dungeon.

There are only three people on their team. And it is roughly estimated that there are more than 60 monsters, and the deadly hornets alone account for more than half of the number, and it is still increasing.

It seems that the dungeon didn't want to give them any chance to rest.

After looking at the numerous ugly monsters swarming around, Sirius thought of something interesting.

"If I threw a meteorite down at this time, wouldn't it be—"


In his mind, Sirius couldn't help but imagine such a picture.

However, in the next moment, Lefiya's magic shield had some fluctuations.

It's the peculiar situation that arises when defending against an attack.

The elf girl was so scared that she tightly grasped her staff.

A dragonfly monster, excluding a metallic luster, shot a projectile out of its stomach toward the scared elf. These monsters are called Gun Libellula.

"Still playing sneak attack?"

The dragonfly monsters that can attack remotely are hidden in the dense group of monsters, making it impossible to tell their exact locations.

"This number of monsters…Sirius, do you want to retreat first?" Raul asked hesitantly. He's not sure if Sirius and Lefiya can handle so many monsters.

To make things worse, it's also a Monster Party.

Monster Party on the middle floors is incomparable to the upper floors, whether in terms of quantity or quality of monsters.

In terms of scale, there is a considerable difference between the two.

"Retreat? I don't think it's necessary…."

Sirius pulled his spear out, inserted it into the ground, and spoke in a determined tone.

He reached out and took out a High Magic Potion.

As a frontline striker, Sirius generally doesn't carry too many potions and elixirs, usually only two or three.

After all, he had to fight the monsters head-on. So it was inconvenient to carry too many items on his body, and they might be damaged during the battle.

"Speaking of which, I don't seem to have used this magic in front of you before, right? So, let's take this chance to show you." Sirius thought of something interesting.

"Hey, stop joking, Sirius. It's a monster party now! The number of monsters is dozens of times that of us, and you still want to test your new magic? If you want to cast your magic, first protect Lefiya! Let her sing her wide-area annihilation magic!" After hearing Sirius's words, Raul complained subconsciously.

Lefiya has wide-area attack magic, which is recognized as the second most powerful magic in all categories.

There are very few mages with such wide-area magic in all of Orario.

So, if they want to stay and break through the status quo, then protecting Lefiya while she casts her magic is the top priority.

At least, that's what Raul thinks.

"Well, before that, watch my performance!" Sirius waved his hand to signal the spiky-haired senior that he was at ease and was ready to put his ideas into practice.

Then, Sirius stepped out and took a few steps forward.

Lefiya looked at this situation and couldn't help blinking, "Uhm, Raul-san, why don't you stop him? Sirius-san didn't even hold his weapon…."

Raul's eyes twitched after hearing this, and he replied, "I don't know what that guy wants to do, but I know for certain that Sirius is not an idiot and won't do things he is unsure about."

Although Raul was confused by Sirius's actions, he still trusted the guy.

After spending so many days with him, he still knew more or less about the guy. Raul understands that Sirius will never do something he's not sure about.

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