Meeting Hermes!

Chapter 126

"Have I come to Ishtar Familia's brothel?"

If Sirius remembers correctly, this wandering area is the place where the blond-haired Renard's daily activities are. So, this should be the territory of Ishtar Familia.

According to his luck and the effect of his skill "Astral Guidance," Sirius thinks it shouldn't be difficult to find Sanjouno Haruhime.

It would be even better if he could take advantage of this situation. After all, he's very interested in that vixen.

But considering that she is the kind of prostitute who would foam at the mouth and collapse whenever she saw a naked man, it might not be a good idea to tease her.

Sirius decided to increase her favorability first to prepare for abducting her in the future. After all, she has rare level-boosting magic that temporarily allows her to promote any adventurer.

Such magic is very useful for Sirius and his familia.

With the help of this magic, the big three of Loki Familia also have a certain chance against level 7 Ottar.

Slowly, Sirius followed his instinct and came to the largest building in the area.

On the first floor of the red-painted brothel, in the sizeable lattice-shaped room facing the avenue, there were many prostitutes side by side.

A group of women dressed in skimpy kimonos greeted guests with a smile on the way.

Many men stopped in front of the store, perhaps to choose an attractive woman. Then, they chatted with their favorite prostitute through the windows before entering the store.

When Sirius was looking at the prostitutes of various races waiting for customers, suddenly, he was tapped on the shoulder.

He didn't feel any malicious intent, so Sirius didn't take any action for the first time but turned around to see who tapped him on the shoulder.

"Yo! Buddy, haven't you found a girl you like?"

Standing behind Sirius was a male god with blonde hair and orange eyes.

He was wearing a feathered hat and carried a bag on his shoulder. Through the gap in the zipper, Sirius can see some kind of pink potion in a glass bottle.

When the male god saw Sirius observing him, he couldn't help but reveal a smile.

'I'm so lucky…to meet him in such a place. It seems he has the same desires as 'common man'!"

During the day, this god was still thinking about how to meet Sirius without arousing Loki's hostility. But, he didn't expect to find the opportunity at night.

Since he guessed Sirius to have heroic potential, this god was highly interested in him and wanted to meet him.

"You are?"

Unlike the god's joyous expression, Sirius looked at the blond-haired diety with some scrutiny. After looking for a while, he can somewhat guess the other party's identity.

But what puzzled him was why this fellow appeared here and why he wanted to find him. After all, they should not have known each other.

And, talking to him in a place like the red-light district is a bit vulgar. The atmosphere here is not suitable for a serious conversation.

Sirius wondered if this god had no money and wanted to take a chance to tag along with him.

"Oh, sorry, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Hermes, and I am a god." The god called Hermes introduced himself.

"Well, I can see that." Sirius nodded and then questioned again.

"So?" Sirius wanted to know more. After all, according to his past life memories, Hermes is not a good person. All his actions in the story were a bit suspicious, so Sirius fully raised his guard against this god.

"Buddy, are you the famous [Silver Star]? You should be Sirius Starr, right? Because you look similar to that of the guild's description, I couldn't help but come up and talk~" Hermes asked expectantly.

Although Sirius wore glasses for disguise, it seemed to have played no role in front of Hermes.


Sirius responded without much interest. He felt that this squinty-eyed god must approach him with some other plans, so he didn't want to believe a single word of the other party. (Asfi gave a thumbs up in response.)

"Ahem, cough… Don't look at me like that, buddy. How about we become friends as normal people?" Hermes felt embarrassed by the boy's gaze and replied.

"Looking at how you're acting, it must be the first time for you to come to the entertainment district, right? After all, you must be curious about women at this age. So, why not let me guide you to this place? Let me tell you, the inside is more exciting than the outside~"

Hermes said while lowering the brim of his hat to cover his face and reveal a meaningful smile, showing his nature as a gentleman.

And he brought the relationship between Sirius and him closer by calling buddy directly as if he had known Sirius for a long time.

"How about it? Only tonight, let's be friends with each other. I'll guide you to a new world, so show some interest. After all, I'm a 'god' ~ you know…."

Seeing that Sirius seemed to be hesitating, Hermes continued to persuade while taking the chance.

He pointed out that he is a 'god' not for other reasons but to make Sirius think that gods are a group of creatures motivated by their interests.

Having fun in the lower realm is the spiritual satisfaction that most gods rely upon.

So, Hermes wanted Sirius to think that his intent was as simple as that.

As for the real purpose, Hermes hid it since he didn't want to worsen their relationship after all.

"Well, tonight only then…." Sirius thought for a while and agreed to Hermes's proposal.

Although Hermes may have his ideas, Sirius also wants someone to guide him inside. After all, it's too embarrassing for him to enter such a place for the first time.

Afterward, both of them entered the brothel operated by Ishtar Familia. Sirius looked around curiously while Hermes introduced this place.


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