Entering Ishtar Brothel!

Chapter 127

The interior of the brothel is similar to that of the exterior, entirely in line with the far-eastern style.

The structure was connected by several adjacent buildings, with open paper partitions and floors made of high-quality logs. The spacious hallway was surrounded by sliding doors engraved with various floral patterns.

The boards separating the rooms were lined up, and one could slightly hear the noise inside. The wooden red pillars and railings were all colored brightly.

As a frequent visitor here, Hermes pulled Sirius left and right, quickly passed through the complex vestibule area, and stepped into the inner pavilion.

Walking through the inside veranda, they can see an elegant court decorated with clear ponds, and many fireflies flickered around with green lights, making the atmosphere beautiful.

After arriving at the most extensive annex, Hermes faced the amazoness guarding the door with a beautiful smile as usual.

But he didn't mean to take a step forward. He raised his elbow and touched Sirius's shoulder beside him, and spoke in a voice that only two people could hear.

"Quick, buddy Sirius, now it's your turn to play~" Hermes whispered.

"Huh? What does that mean?" For a time, Sirius was a bit confused.

Didn't Hermes say before that he would bring him to see a new world?

Why did he wither without even entering the door?

"Ahem, Sirius…you need to spend money in the entertainment district. Are you getting what I'm trying to say? Similarly, you also need to spend money to enter the interior of the highest-level pavilion. Do you understand?" Hermes coughed twice in embarrassment.

In fact, another reason he would find Sirius tonight besides being very interested in him was that he didn't bring any money.

To be precise, he was forced to bring no money.

Before going out in the evening, Hermes clearly remembered putting money and the potion in his bag.

But when he arrived at the red-light district, he discovered that the money in his carry-on bag was gone!

Not surprisingly, it should be that Asfi took out the money while he was not paying attention in order to destroy his desire to visit the entertainment district.

The effect was good since Hermes was ready to give up before.

But then Sirius appeared and brought new hope to Hermes.

"Huh…you didn't bring any money?" Sirius stared at Hermes with a questionable look, suspicious of the so-called gentleman.

After all, as a dignified deity, Sirius never thought Hermes would ask him to pay the entrance fee.

Is this so-called god's favor?

"Sorry, buddy Sirius! It's just this time, okay? This is a once-in-a-life request of mine! If we come again in the future, I will definitely make it up to you~" Hermes bowed his head, folded his hands, and bent slightly, with a sincere tone like prayer.

Once again, Sirius recognized the unreliability of the gods in this world.

In his past life, Sirius disliked bowing to anyone except his elders.

Now in this world, a god actually begged him to pay the entrance fee to a brothel?

Hermes's so-called once-in-a-lifetime request suddenly became so cheap.

There were thousands of thoughts in his mind, but Sirius still sighed, took out a bag of valis from behind, and handed it to Hermes.

"Alright. You can negotiate, and remember to return the rest of the money." Sirius didn't want to waste any time.

"Okay! You can leave it to me." Hermes patted his chest and nodded.

The entrance fee for a person was 20,000 valis. After paying the price, both Sirius and Hermes entered the most advanced annex.

"Are you wondering why women here usually don't go out and pick up guests? Although they go out and stay in the outside cubicle for a while at a fixed time every day, at night, they stay inside and wait for the customers to arrive."

After entering the annex, Hermes smiled again and introduced this place to Sirius, who came to this kind of place for the first time.

"Buddy Sirius, you see this annex has five floors, right? Generally speaking, prostitutes who are more expected to be visited by regular guests will stay on the first floor. So, the first floor is also the most popular place."

"Then there is the second floor. Because of the competition of customers on the first floor, some prostitutes will retreat and wait on the second floor. After all, for prostitutes, customers need to be snatched~" Hermes explained.

"But in fact, isn't that the same case for guests? After hearing this rule, you can guess what the third and fourth floors are like." Hermes talked eloquently, and he really knew too much useless knowledge.

"So, after hearing this, Sirius, which floor do you want to go to?" The god hooked on Sirius's shoulder and asked. Judging by what he meant, it was estimated that he wanted to hear the boy's opinion.

When the time comes, Sirius will visit several floors, and Hermes decides to tag along.

Not because of anything else, just because he has no money.

So, Hermes thought it was better for them to be in two adjoining rooms! After all, It's not enough to be on the same floor.

Otherwise, if he woke up the next day and found that Sirius had left him and ran away, Hermes would really want to cry without tears.

And when goddess Ishtar finds out that he came to her brothel without money, he will definitely have no good ending!

"Well…the fifth floor then…." Without overthinking, Sirius answered according to his gut feeling.

"Oya~the fifth floor, huh? Sirius has good vision~" Hermes was a little surprised.

"Why do you say that?" Sirius asked curiously.

"There are a lot of prostitutes who have no worries about having no customer, and they will quietly wait for tonight's lucky ones on the fifth floor. Do you understand? But most of them are pretty expensive~" Hermes explained.

"...I understand..." Sirius muttered

That is to say that those prostitutes are beautiful and have a small reputation in this area.

Should that be called fearless?


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