Finishing the fight, Raven left the two stunned lovers be and quickly took flight back to the NSWF compound. All while suppressing her lust, until she returned to Salem that is. Upon landing, she saw the far more excited Yang and now pale women. Given they weren't too far from the now dried Tokyo bay, they saw the battle. Unknowing that Raven was holding back and giving the Witchblade the satisfaction of killing her parents. Yang ran over and embraced her Mother in a tight hug that made Raven smile.
"That was FREAKING COOL!! When can I do that? Wait will I be able to!?" Yang asked, looking at her Mom with hope in her eyes.
"I'm sure you'll get there, Little Dragon. You are my kid after all" Raven bragged to herself while rubbing the top of Yang's head, much to her dismay.
"Moooom..! Don't ruffle my 'do.." Yang swatted her hand away, seeing her Mom grin in response.
"Hehe. Sorry, you're just too cute not to mess with" Raven replied without a care to Yang's annoyance.
"Me? Cute!? No.. I'm cool as heck. Ruby's the cute one!" Yang responded indignantly, only hearing a chuckle in response.
"Excuse me.." Reina felt the need to cut in, drawing Raven's attention to her.
"Ah right. I'm offering a choice. I'm pretty much done here for now, so I'll be leaving with my daughter. I offer you come with me. I have a.. let's call her 'friend', that has a town set up. You can live there peacefully or fight as much as you may want. There are plenty of opportunities there you can take advantage of. I'll need your answers now, so what'll it be?" Raven asked, looking at the cloneblade women.
The women gathered around looked at each other with uncertainty. After a few quiet conversations, some left and some looked to Reina for her decision. Reina sighed, having suddenly become the new leader of the Neogenes. She turned to Raven and nodded.
"We will be going with you then. I have nothing left here I have any right to.. Not anymore" Reina looked out the broken wall with a difficult expression before shaking her head.
~I have no right to claim Rihoko anymore. And with all of us gone and those weapons destroyed, she'll be safe at least~ Reina turned back to Raven, having made her decision.
~She's definitely giving off 'tragic character' vibes but I guess we'll cross that bridge later~ Raven shrugged before tearing a portal open and watching the Neogenes get inside while she grabbed Yang under her arm.
"I finally get to explore the town!? Heck yeah! Let's go!" Yang excitedly yelled as she crossed over with Raven.
Though as soon as they did, they saw a rather irritated looking redhead in bronze armor near the hub they entered from. She stomped over, seeming to recognize Raven and singled her out amongst the large group of women.
"Raven... Why are you pulling more attractive women here? Are you trying to tempt Neo!? You know how hard it was to fight those lust crazed girls back on the beach!!" The redhead grabbed her arms and shook Raven with a very irritated expression.
"I.. Wait what?" Raven cried out in confusion.
"And... where'd you get that armor? Is this a tempt Neo plan I'm unaware of? I thought we shared everything on the council!" The redhead got more upset and started ranting.
Though upon hearing 'council', Yang started imagining something akin to warrior monks with plasma swords and robes all sitting in a room.
"And also.. Why is Yang a kid!? What did you go out to do!?" She asked, running her hand down her face and pointing at Yang.
"I think you're confusing me with someone else..?" Raven replied with a huff.
"Eh? Wait.. Now that I take a closer look... Oh! You look kinda different than the one I know. More defined in muscle.. longer hair, tattoo, eyes.. I think bigger bust..?" She muttered the last part, eyes narrowed as she glanced at Raven's chest.
"Sorry! I'm so sorry! Ugh.. I should have known. I'm Pyrrha.. haha.." Pyrrha nervously laughed and looked away in embarrassment.
"No problem, really. I'm essentially Neo's 'sister' in that we were both adopted by Lilith. She told me if I ever found anyone interesting, I could bring them here to the town. I hope you don't mind?" Raven asked, watching Pyrrha smile in relief.
"Oh, yeah! No problem. I'll get everyone sorted out here. I think Neo just returned too.. my 'trouble' senses started tingling a minute ago" Pyrrha laughed.
"I'll go see her then, since she wants some of the copies of this.. 'armor'" Raven replied, hearing an offended huff from the Witchblade.
"Oh.. Oh yes.. Uh..! I mean.. great! I'm sure they'll be useful!" Pyrrha corrected herself with a strained smile.
"Save me one too, Mom. I can wear it when I'm older, right? You said so" Yang chimed in, reminding her Mother what she told her earlier.
"Y..Yeah. When you're older" Raven's face darkened at the image that implanted itself in her head.
~Maybe I can make it cover up more..~ Raven thought before tearing open a rift to Neo and stepping through with Yang.
After she walked through, she saw not one Neo. But three. The one she knew as her new sister, a more normal looking one and a Grimmified one. As she stomped over, remembering her irritation toward the fox eared Goddess, she heard one of them mutter aloud.
"Step on me, Mommy..." The normal looking one said, though she can tell the Grimmified one likely held the same sentiment, having numbly nodded her head in response.
She had an interesting aura surrounding her that was currently a mix of orange and yellow. It seemed more potent than regular aura. Far stronger too. Raven inwardly shook her head, despite feeling oddly flattered and focused on the smirking fox Goddess.
"You never told me the Darkness and Angelus were in that universe" Raven huffed after tapping her knuckles against her sister's skull in annoyance.
"Oooh.. yeah.. forgot that was TopCow universe.. Whoops! Well hey, it was fun right?" Her sister replied, making Raven remember the fight and bonding time she had with Yang.
"Well... Yes.. Hm? Alternate selves?" Raven brought attention to the slackjawed girls that looked identical to her sister.
"Yup! Momma Lilith blessed this one here with a barrier" She replied, introducing the two via pointing her tail at the Grimmified Neo.
~"It's near impenetrable. How about that? I think Lilith and that other being could bypass it though"~ Pride chimed in, making Raven nod to herself.
"Ah well hello. Nice to meet you both. I'm Raven. This is my daughter, Yang" Raven replied, lifting Yang up, who was staring at the sister of the Grimmified Neo.
"Are you guys.. triplets?" Yang asked, rubbing her chin as if she were thinking something profound.
Thankfully for Raven, that seemed to snap the girl out of her lustful staring as she shook her head and said, "No, my only sister is Neopolitan here" She answered, looking at the Grimmified Neo before looking back.
As she was talking, her eyes kept drifting over Raven's body before the twins suddenly frowned and looked at her sister with the Non-Grimmified Neo asking, "What did you just say Hecate? We both just realized that we couldn't understand you for a few there..."
"Pfft.. Ah don't worry about it. If I explained everything now it wouldn't be fun seeing your reactions later" Her sister responded with a smirk and a shrug.
~Hecate? Is that what she's going by now? Not bad. Distinguishes her from the others~ Raven thought, a smile creeping its way on her face.
"Cool.. It's like.. Dark and Light twins!" Yang seemed excited though Raven cringed a little.
"Yang.. be a little more considerate, okay? Anyways.. I brought the Cloneblades for you. I'm saving two for Esdeath and Salem though" Raven sighed, handing Hecate a number of metallic bracelets.
"I want one too.." Yang muttered under her breath.
The twins both tilted their heads at the same time as Neo asked, "Salem? There are actually versions of her that don't deserve what you did to her Hecate?"
That earned a halfhearted glare from Raven, though Hecate gave her a look that made Raven nod in understanding as she glanced back at the Grimmified Neo.
Grimm Neo narrowed her eyes as she looked at her sister, who simply nodded and translated, "I agree with my sister. A good Salem must be very far and between."
"I don't know about the other Salems but mine happens to be a Reincarnate. She was my wife last life so I'll assume she's rather different. Though it sounds and looks like you had a rough go at it. You have my condolences. Feel free to visit my house and you can see the difference yourself. After you settle in, of course. I have to grab my stupid brother and settle my family in. A lot safer in here where no other Gods can intrude.." Raven said, looking back at Hecate.
"Oh he's.. Hanging out with female Qrow and Shizuka? Probably jealous of his alternate self" Hecate snickered as she spread her senses out and found Qrow in the pub nearby.
"Fema-You know what, nevermind.. I'll see for myself in a moment" Raven rubbed her crimson eyes and shook her head.
"Good to meet you all. Hope you enjoy the stay too" Raven smiled at the two before excusing herself, beginning to walk off when she heard them speak in a more hushed tone to Hecate.
The twins waved and the Non-Grimmified Neo said, "Was a pleasure meeting you!" Then both of the twins suddenly turned to Hecate with a serious look in their eyes while Neo said, "She was extremely sexy! What the hell?!"
"Pfft.. They're cute" Raven snickered as she walked off, giving them a little show as she went to the restaurant and pub.
"Yeah they're pretty small.. I like their hair" Yang complimented with a nod.
"With any luck you'll see them more, since we'll be moving here" Raven replied, opening the door to the pub and watching as the nearly all female staff and customers stared at her.
She may have felt some amount of shame showing this much skin so openly but the armor felt great to wear. On top of that, she had a good, muscular and curvy body she took pride in, so the stares didn't bother her. She saw a blonde girl with bigger breasts than her, along with what looked like an identical twin of herself, just with lighter hair. Then there was her brother. All seated at a table.
"Come on, let's sit your.. Uncles? Aunt..?" Raven said, setting Yang down as she ran over to the table.
"Hey, Uncle Qrow! .....Auuuuunt Qrow..! And.. uh...?" Yang looked at the blonde, friendly-looking woman questioningly as Raven took a seat next to her brother and gave a look to her new twin.
"Wait when did you get so young? I thought-Oh, your Yang?" The female Qrow asked her male counterpart, who simply nodded and took a drink from his flask.
"Yup this is-Why in the fu-..n.. are you dressed like that?" Qrow asked, looking away from Raven as he held his eyes.
"Because I look good in it. Man up, I had to see you in a dress back in Beacon" Raven replied.
"That was-No, THIS is different! It's like some kind of.. fetish wear!" Qrow sputtered, looking at his counterpart to back him up.
"Eh? Don't look at me.. I've been through worse. You aren't scarred until you see your sister getting spanked by another woman.." The female Qrow sighed bitterly.
"I like this Qrow.. Yeah, she's best Qrow now" Raven nodded her head at the female Qrow, prompting the blonde to giggle.
"Oh come on! Is it because she has better..- What's it called?" Qrow asked his counterpart.
"Rizz?" She answered with a toothy grin.
"That too. She has a girlfriend. A blonde bombshell even. If I remember correctly... you had a thing for Glynda back in second year?" Raven replied, getting a menu for herself and Yang.
Qrow stared at his sister, as if she had betrayed him as his female self snickered.
"Okay enough about me and questionable-looking armor.. Are we going back? I kinda like it here" Qrow admitted, watching the attractive female servers take orders.
"I'm moving the family here. Probably going to ask Kali if she wants to as well. Though she might try to convince me to allow the faunus of Menagerie a place to stay here. I'll have to talk with Hecate about that" Raven responded as Yang ordered her food.
"She wouldn't mind. Though we'd have to expand a loooooot~" The blonde, Shizuka chimed in with a smile.
"I'll talk to her after I get my family here. Nice to meet you, by the way. I suppose you know another version of me?" Raven asked.
"I sure have! I'm Shizuka. The local doctor and expert on health and fitness" Shizuka replied, flexing her powerful biceps.
"WOAH! That's freakin' awesome.." Yang exclaimed, eyes widened.
~Female Qrow's the bottom.. isn't she?~ Raven smirked and glanced at her female twin, who conveniently decided to look away.
"Damn..." Her brother gulped as he stared at her powerful arms.
"Try not to die of jealousy, Brother" Raven teased with a smirk.
"Oh shut up.." Qrow shot back with a sour expression.
-Several hours later-
After eating and conversing with her female twin and Shizuka, Raven returned to Remnant with Yang and started moving Summer, Tai, Ruby, Kurome and Akame back to the town. Though they all had to build the house there by hand, on Summer's insistence. It wasn't until later on when they finished did Raven get a hurried visit from Tearwyn.
"Sister Raven, we need your help" She said with a more serious tone in her voice.
Seeing the small kitsune suddenly pop in, Raven raised her brow and nodded for her to continue.
"It's Hecate" She simply said.
-Yokai Academy-
Raven tore a rift open and walked in. And something felt off immediately. Hecate, who previously felt neutral, was now anything but. An infinite amount of darkness was gradually being released from her body and she was just barely holding on. As soon as their eyes met, Raven drew Omen instinctually while hearing Pride speak up.
~"Raven. You must take this seriously. You'll die if you treat this trivially"~ Raven couldn't agree more as she watched her sister stand up and face her with a maddening smile.
"What a handful.."