
The Devil and the Goddess II

"Hecate!~" Tearwyn flew forward into Hecate's embrace, who hugged her with a dazzling smile.

"Tearwyn! Sorry about my lapse in sanity. The heart overwhelmed my mind. Too much corruption melts the brain. Good thing you brought Rae" Hecate said while petting Tearwyn.

"What..? I thought you just said round two" Raven spoke up, picking up Omen.

"Well of course! We can't just end it here! This was just an appetizer" Hecate replied with an ethereal glow in her eyes.

"So you're not actually 'back' yet?" Raven asked, wiping the blood off her cheek.

Only to be met with an overwhelming, oppressing Darkness that began to choke her. All radiating off Hecate while she pet Tearwyn's ears. Though it abruptly stopped as Tearwyn gave Hecate a look.

~Certainly not. While it's not driving her feral, she's nowhere near sane~ Pride commented.

"Aw I wasn't going to kill her with it.. I just took a note from Artoria's page. When I first met her in New Vegas. Good times.." Hecate smiled before Tearwyn flew out of her hands and settled back on Raven's shoulder.

"While that's true, you're not really yourself yet. So right now I'm team Raven~" Tearwyn exclaimed.

"Hate to disappoint but after I clap Raven's cheeks, I'm going to go clap Artoria's.. then Mumei's.. Then I'll go look for Scrungo the Magnificent, see where that leads. Ooh.. I can transform him into a female Merlin. Good idea, me!" Hecate pat herself on the back with a scheming smile.

"Wait.. Do you mean fighting or..." Raven trailed off and looked at Hecate's cheshire grin.

"Yes" Was her only response.

~Don't lie, you found that kind of hot~ Pride chuckled, much to Raven's annoyance.

"At this point she might develop a 'Lewd' authority~" Tearwyn giggled into her hand.

"We'll talk about that later. For now, let's resume the fight." Raven quickly dashed forward.

"Spatial lock" Hecate said, suddenly freezing Raven in place a meter away.

"This place isn't suitable for our fight. Supernova's about to reach Mars too so it'll be annoying to see with that much light. Let's go somewhere with more.. space" Hecate slashed a rift open before snapping her fingers and resuming Raven's dash, only to sidestep away and kick her into the rift before looking back at the destroyed Earth.

Raven and Tearwyn found themselves floating in space again. This time, with no planets in sight. Hecate stepped through with a challenging smile as she spread out her arms and activated her magic authority.

"This time, we add our Authorites to our fight. Freedom, Darkness and Magic are my current main ones. Yours are pretty unique huh? Wrath, an attacking and empowering fire that can harm concepts and other Authorities. Gluttony, an energy devouring and storing Authority. Greed, a physical copying and stealing authority. Envy, the Authority that can utilize the energy stored within you and claim it as yours. Lust, a boosting Authority where your own desires push your physical and energy capabilities hìgher and higher depending on how badly you desire to. Sloth, an Authority that protects you and bends reality and the connections that bind you to suit your needs. And Pride, the most prominent one that arrogantly rules all other Authorities. Like a second, parallel mind able to attack and make decisions at the same time you do. Those are the Authorities you can use. It's funny.." Hecate smirked at Raven's confused expression.

"How did you know that? And what's funny?" Raven asked, raising Omen.

"Well you know what that combination makes you right? A Godkiller. Your Authorities evolve you as you fight. Hell, I saw it for myself when you started keeping up with feral me. But that's more than enough talking. It's time to enjoy the bloodbath" Hecate stretched before facing Raven again, Yamato raised.

"Reinforcement" Hecate's body lit up with light blue circuits before she moved forward.

Raven vomited blood as a tremendous impact hit her stomach, where the Witchblade armor was absent. She flew through the void of space at unimaginable speed until she hit a planet, smashing straight through and slowing down at a manageable level once she got out the other side, stopping herself using one of the moons in the planet's orbit. Raven panted and wiped the blood off her lips before a hoarse chuckle escaped her lips.

"That.. hurt. She's way stronger and faster than before" Raven said before spitting out a glob of blood.

"That's her Magic Authority. She has and can perform anything in the True Omniverse regarded as 'Magic'. And has access to the ambient 'Magic' across the True Omniverse. At least as far as her Divine senses can reach" Tearwyn informed while rubbing the top of Raven's head.

"And how far can her senses spread..?" Raven asked, only to quickly hold her armored arms in front of her chest to block an inconceivably fast slash of the Yamato.

"A Universe" Hecate replied before a zone was created around Raven, slashing her repeatedly before Hecate axe-kicked her head and made her smash back down into the planet. Where she landed in some strange temple with bipedal alien statues with split mouths and reverse jointed legs stood in a great hall.

It seems they interrupted some meeting, given how many of the split jaw aliens in advanced armor were storming the room Raven fell into. Along with smaller aliens with gas masks and strange backpacks, hyena-bird like aliens with glowing shields and bizarre heavy aliens made of worms that were covered in purple armor.

"Oooh! I know this world..! I think I played this with Hecate a while ago~" Tearwyn shouted before Raven scoffed and began deflecting plasma shots coming her way, courtesy of the aliens.

After the fifth shot, she detected Hecate incoming and braced for a heavy hit. Though she didn't expect it to be as heavy as an entire Supercarrier ramming the stone temple. Raven backflipped and quickly flew through the roof as soon as she felt the massive ship reach the temple. Raven flew hundreds of kilometers in the sky and watched the destructive impact as a massive plasma explosion rocked the surface of the world.

"Hahahaha! Like the surprise? I was so tempted to scream 'WORT WORT WORT' while directing that thing but it was too loud" Hecate asked while clashing blades with Raven, knocking her back with each blocked blow.

Greed was working overtime as Raven's body strengthened and adjusted to the speed and power Hecate was hitting her with. Blades sprouted out of the Witchblade, from the tips to her hair, to her heels, Raven began to go on the offensive.

"It would have been amazing, sis~" Tearwyn giggled to herself, earning a smirk from Hecate, who ducked four attempts to impale her from Raven's hair.

"Damn that's not fair~ You have living drip.." Hecate remarked before noticing Raven's attack speed picking up, feeling the Witchblade's blade scrape against her reinforced skin.

Though it didn't leave a substantial mark, Hecate grinned. Seizing another opportunity, she ducked a powerful swing from Omen and grabbed Raven by the face before turning herself into lightning and shooting across space once again, forcing Raven to join her as she tore through space at faster than light speed. Raven ignited herself in Wrath's flames as she tried to get loose, struggling against the magical lightning current frying her body. Raven grunted in pain before forcibly separating herself from Hecate. Though it seemed they already arrived at Hecate's intended destination. Raven crashed into a hard metallic surface, her body smashing through hard metals until it stopped. Cursing, she picked herself up and realized there was a breathable atmosphere here. Which of course meant more aliens. A lot more.

She landed straight into a massive alien space city. In the middle of some kind of trial. Unfortunately for whoever used to exist beneath her, they were dead. Some orange armored split jaw alien that was turned into a bloody paste.

The aliens around her started yelling in shock and terror.

"HUMAN!! IT'S A HUMAN!" Many of the small aliens with backpacks yelled in fear.

"S-Seize her!" A particularly wrinkly alien shouted in panic, stirring the guards to surround Raven.

As soon as they did, they were diced into pieces by Hecate, who gracefully landed in front of Raven. Though as soon as she saw who she landed on, her face soured.

"You killed Keith David...? Some lines we don't cross, Rae! Amazing voice actors is one of them!" Hecate stomped before waving the Yamato and decapitating the three wrinkly aliens who sat in the front.

"I have no idea what you're on about, you lunatic.." Raven replied while blocking another strike from Hecate and countering with her own.

This time, landing a cut as she infused Omen with Wrath's flames. Hecate returned with another, shooting Raven across the room with black lightning. Raven grit her teeth and glared at Hecate, who started casually walking over with her hands in her pockets.

"Stop screwing around.." Raven spat, clenching Omen's handle.

"Sure. I will when you will" Hecate replied with a snort.

"I'm taking this serious-" "𝕹𝖔, 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖓𝖔𝖙" Hecate cut her off, her voice dripping with contempt and hatred.

While she stood there, Hecate was hit repeatedly with Energy swords and plasma bolts. All breaking and deflecting off her skin as she stared Raven down.

"You're underestimating me. Just because I had my personality return. You think you can win without going all out? Like you'll pull me out with words and a half assed fight?" Hecate sheathed Yamato, instantly building up a colossal amount of magic within it before unleashing it as she did before but this time, far too fast for Raven to react to.

Raven felt a wave of pain before Hecate grabbed her by the hair. Her lower body falling, separated from the rest of her body. The aliens all around them suffering the same fate, being split in half. Along with the alien city, High Charity.

"You'll get one more chance. While you recover, think. You won't get another chance, Sister" Hecate softly whispered before dropping her and disappearing back out into space.

Tearwyn reached out and ran her hand down Raven's hair before saying, "I'm sorry Raven. But she's right. I know you've been holding back on account of being sisters but you really can't afford to not give it everything. She will kill you. The only reason she hasn't, is because you'd provide a good fight. Don't worry about possibly killing her. Big sis Lilith and I will take care of it~" Tearwyn's soothing words echoed in Raven's ears.

Raven lie there, pain wracking her body as Pride and sloth began to reattach her upper and lower body together. Gnashing her teeth, she came to accept Hecate's words. She was holding back.

~Attack to kill. Use everything, Raven. Sge was right earlier. You aren't a Goddess, like Tearwyn, Artoria and Hecate. All of your Authorities are meant to slay Gods. Use that power to beat Hecate into a bloody pulp. Destroy her until she's back to her normal self. Hold nothing back~ Pride whispered as Raven recovered, her Authorities slowly awakening within her and changing her.

Raven stood up again, this time with a far different aura. Unrestrained and murderous. With a Darkness similar to Hecate's yet differing in nature.

"Good! That's a way better look for you, Rae-Rae~" Tearwyn cheered as she witnessed the six snakes sprout out from Raven's back, flying her out of the ruins of High Charity and flying straight through Covenant ships like a hot knife through butter.

Raven stopped above a damaged Halo ring and felt Hecate fly toward her at absurd speeds.

As soon as she arrived, she was struck by six massive snakes made from Raven's Authorities. The hit being far heavier than any she had taken before. Hecate stopped herself after a lightyear. Wiping the blood off her lip, she smirked. A crimson star flew at her next, forcing her to quickly dodge, only to have it circle around and slam into her before going Supernova and throwing her across a quarter of the Galaxy.

"Hahaha... Hahahahahahahaha!!!! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, SIS!!" Hecate laughed out, seeing Raven approach.

Six snakes sprouted out from her back, ready to tear and destroy their target. Raven stood before Hecate, the tips of her hair bladed and on fire. The Witchblade coursing with the Authorities of Pride and Sloth.

"Sorry for my lacklustre performance, Sister. Let's enjoy this dance properly"