A weird dream or nightmare??

"Don't say so Sona, if you want to leave someone should replace you. If there is anyone then I will talk to the lord or wait for some days I will make some arrangement" Q was acting quite good to Sona. He was even playing with her hair. If I had been able to see clearly then I would have seen lust in his eyes.

"About that…" 

"Let me replace you" A voice was heard clearly in the room.

The voice was of the new person who had arrived together with Mac and Zero. 

"Oh!! Han, before you were the one to reject the proposal so I was ordered by lord but now why suddenly change? Don't tell you fell for one of these men?" Sona laughed haughtily.

"Whatever you think. I don't also want Miss Sona to work against her wishes. If I replace you, maybe you won't have a problem. Let's do this in repay for your kindness." The voice sounded emotionless.